Cloud Native Computing Foundation welcomes new members during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU – Virtual
17 new companies join over 570 other members and supporters to further advance cloud native technologies SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU Virtual – August 18, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds…
Falco Update: What's new in Falco?
Guest post from Falco project maintainers Kris Nóva (Sysdig), Lorenzo Fontana (Sysdig), Spencer Krum (IBM), Kaizhe Huang (Sysdig), Leonardo Di Donato (Sysdig) A lot has happened in the world since the Falco maintainers were face to face at…
OpenTelemetry: Future-Proofing Your Instrumentation
Guest post originally published on the New Relic blog by John Watson, lead engineer, and Lavanya Chockalingam, senior product marketing manager at New Relic As a developer, you care about the performance of your applications, and you know just how…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Continues Steady Growth with 30 New Members
From Open Source Summit North America, CNCF welcomes 30 new members, including A10 Networks, Futurewei, and Toyota Motor Corporation SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – June 29, 2020 – Open Source Summit North America – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation®…
OpenTelemetry best practices (overview part 2/2)
Guest post originally published on the Espagon blog by Ran Ribenzaft, co-founder and CEO at Epsagon In the second article of our OpenTelemetry series, we’ll focus on best practices for using OpenTelemetry, after covering the OpenTelemetry ecosystem and its components in…
The Indian stock brokerage Zerodha handles 8 million trades a day, making it the largest retail stock investment platform in the world. “Our mission is to make trading and investing easy and accessible to the masses,” says CTO…
How cloud native is driving Zerodha, the world’s largest retail stock investment platform
The Indian stock brokerage Zerodha handles 8 million trades a day, making it the largest retail stock investment platform in the world. “Our mission is to make trading and investing easy and accessible to the masses,” says CTO…
Introduction to OpenTelemetry (Overview Part 1/2)
Guest post originally published on the Epsagon blog by Ran Ribenzaft, co-founder and CEO at Epsagon OpenTelemetry is an exciting new observability ecosystem with a number of leading monitoring companies behind it. It is a provider-agnostic observability solution supported by…
Join the vendor-neutral community of cloud native practitioners. The CNCF end user community is a vendor-neutral group of more than 150 organizations using cloud native technologies to build their products and services. These experienced practitioners help power CNCF’s…
Originally published on the Sensu blog by Todd Campbell, Developer Advocate at Sensu The reasons to move to Kubernetes are many and compelling. This post doesn’t make the case that you should migrate, but assumes you have already decided that…