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Ambassadors are an extension of CNCF, furthering the mission of “making cloud native ubiquitous” through community leadership and mentorship.
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Demo an Automated Canary Deployment on Kubernetes with Argo Rollouts, Istio, and Prometheus
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What is GitLab Runner?
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Observing and monitoring Large Language Model workloads with Ray
January 16, 2025CNCF Ambassadors
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Showing 42 of 272 Ambassadors
Forrester Research

Aditya Soni
Forrester Research
- Location: Jaipur, India
- Languages: English, Hindi
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, ContainerSSH, CRI-O, DevSpace, DevStream, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Flux, gRPC, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, Knative, Kubeflow, Kuberhealthy, Kubernetes, Kubescape, Linkerd, Litmus, Open Cluster Management, OpenGitOps, OpenTelemetry, Operator Framework, Serverless Workflow, Service Mesh Interface (SMI), Service Mesh Performance
DevOps & Cloud Engineer, Public Speaker, Tech Mentor, Lead Organizer CNCG Jaipur, OpenSource & Community Contributor, AWS Community Builder, AWS Community Leader, 1 x (AWS, GCP, Azure), 6 x RedHat, CKA, KCNA certified.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: It’s been more than three years, I am being part of CNCF programs actively contributing via blogs, and public speaking on different open source DevOps/Cloud technologies at virtual and in-person events, I want to expand my learning and contribution with a wide area of peoples and uplift them with like-minded folks I can grow at the same time can share & help with my ideas to build better community bonding & culture.
Freelance - Crossover Engineering B.V.

Andrea Giardini
Freelance - Crossover Engineering B.V.
- Location: Paris, France
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, cert-manager, containerd, CoreDNS, CRI-O, etcd, external-secrets, Fluentd, Flux, Harbor, Helm, Istio, k3s, KEDA, Knative, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, Linkerd, Prometheus
I am a freelance cloud-native engineer and trainer based in Amsterdam. When I am not coding, I enjoy helping the community by organizing meetups, Kubernetes community days, and workshops on cloud technologies.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Ambassadors are a point of reference in the cloud native community and help many initiatives come to life. I want to empower talented individuals to realize their ambitions and help the CNCF to reach a wider community through events, meetups, and mentoring. I want to make a difference by empowering others.

Anurag Kumar
- Location: Kolkata, India
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, Carvel, cert-manager, Cilium, containerd, Emissary-ingress, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, Harbor, Helm, Istio, k3s, KEDA, ko, KubeArmor, Kubernetes, Kubescape, Kubewarden, Kyverno, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenCost, ORAS, Pixie, Prometheus, Telepresence, zot
I’m contributor and maintainer of KubeArmor (A CNCF runtime security project). I’m interested in Kubernetes Security. You can read my blogs here
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I’m excited to be a CNCF ambassador because I’ll try to bring and educate more people towards CNCF ecosystem. CNCF is one of the most welcoming community. I also want to share my knowledge when it comes to Kubernetes and other CNCF projects to new peoples who’re getting started. Finally, I would love to meet and connect with fellow CNCF ambassadors.

Arthur Berezin
- Location: Tel-Aviv
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, Backstage, Buildpacks, Dapr, Fluentd, Helm, k3s, KEDA, Knative, Kubernetes, OpenEBS, Prometheus, Thanos
Arthur Berezin is a product leader and Kubernetes expert with extensive experience in cloud-native solutions. As a co-organizer of the CNCF Tel Aviv Chapter and Kubernetes Community Days Tel Aviv, Arthur is committed to fostering the DevOps and Kubernetes communities.

Aryat Khayretdinov
- Location: Montreal, Canada
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, containerd, CoreDNS, Crossplane, Emissary-ingress, Envoy, etcd, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, KEDA, Kubernetes, Kyverno, Lima, Linkerd, NATS, OpenCost, OpenEBS, OpenMetrics, OpenTelemetry, ORAS, Pixie, Prometheus, Rook, SPIFFE, SPIRE, Thanos, The Update Framework (TUF), Vitess, WasmEdge Runtime
Ayrat (Archy) is a CNCF Ambassador, Cloud Native Tech Professor at Mcgill University and Cloud Native Architect at Google Cloud. As a CNCF Ambassador he has an opportunity to educate people and share knowledge about benefits of Cloud Native ecosystem via CNCF and Kubernetes Meetups, workshops or by helping customers to build modern cloud native applications that can run seamlessly on-prem or any cloud provider. Archy is passionate about community, he is a Founder and lead organizer of Canadian CNCF Meetups (Virtual, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, Waterloo, Halifax) and frequent speaker GDG, CNCF Meetups and CNCF related conferences. He is an organizer of Canadian Kubernetes Community Days (KCDs), Cloud Native Days Canada 2019 and GDG Cloud & AI DevFest 2019.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: To be part of amazing team of Ambassadors provides you opportunity to learn from other experts and meet new friends across the world who is passionate about same technology. Being Ambassador also gives you a life time opportunity to meet and learn with Cloud Native Community at Kubecons. Give back to community by organizing K8s Meetups, KCDs and sharing the knowledge with wider community.
InfraCloud Technologies

Atulpriya Sharma
InfraCloud Technologies
- Location: Hyderabad, India
- Project Experience: Argo, Fluentd, Istio, Kubernetes, OpenTelemetry
I’m a tester turned developer advocate. I work on & talk about Cloud native, Kubernetes & DevOps. I also create content – blog posts, Twitter threads – & host Twitter spaces. In addition, I’m one of the organiser of CNCF Hyderabad and strongly believe in collaborative learning and growth. When I am not working, I’m a food & travel blogger & love exploring eateries & going on road trips. You can find me at @TheTechMaharaj on Twitter.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I am absolutely stoked to be a CNCF ambassador! Being a part of this community means I get to geek out with a group of like-minded individuals who are passionate about Cloud native technologies, Kubernetes, and DevOps. It’s an opportunity to keep learning and growing, while also sharing my knowledge and enthusiasm with people in Hyderabad. I’m excited to dive headfirst into the latest trends and developments, all while having a blast! I can’t wait to host fun events, share cool content, and help spread the word about CNCF and related technologies. Overall, this is not just a chance to contribute to a thriving ecosystem, but to also make connections, learn new things, and have a ton of fun along the way!
Shopify Inc.

Cailyn Edwards
Shopify Inc.
- Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Project Experience: cert-manager, Cilium, containerd, CoreDNS, Crossplane, etcd, Falco, Fluentd, gRPC, Helm, Kubernetes, Kyverno, Linkerd, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Prometheus, Vitess
Cailyn is a Senior Infrastructure Security Engineer, with a passion for Kubernetes and the open source world. She is an active contributor to Kubernetes SIG-Security, SIG-CLI and a 2022 Kubernetes Contributor Award recipient. Her current focus is on network, and Kubernetes multi-tenancy security and she gets to spend her working hours contributing up stream. It brings her great joy to spend time with the CNCF community and empower folks to become involved. Outside of work Cailyn can be found running, playing squash, walking her dogs or working in the garden.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I am *so* excited to be a CNCF ambassador because this community has been incredibly impactful to my growth in the industry and I want to give back. I cannot wait to help share all the wonderful things happening at CNCF and organize events for members new and old. One of my favourite parts of my job is mentoring, and I look forward to being able to do this in the Cloud Native community! I want to ensure that each new member has the same welcoming and positive experience that I did!

Daiki Hayakawa
- Location: Tokyo, Japan
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, cert-manager, Chaos Mesh, Cilium, CloudEvents, Container Network Interface (CNI), CoreDNS, etcd, external-secrets, Fluentd, gRPC, Harbor, Helm, k3s, KEDA, ko, Kubernetes, Kuma, Kyverno, Lima, Litmus, Longhorn, NATS, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenEBS, OpenTelemetry, Operator Framework, Prometheus, Telepresence, Vitess
I contribute to Kubernetes SIG Docs as the Japanese localization owner within the CNCF community, and I am also an individual contributor to Kubernetes, Kubernetes CSI, and various Kubernetes SIGs. I serve as an organizer for study groups targeted at beginners, mainly covering cloud-native technologies centered around Kubernetes ( Additionally, I co-host broadcasts with friends on YouTube, where we share updates and news about cloud-native tools ( When I give presentations, I often share findings from my research into the internal implementations of Kubernetes and its related repositories (

David Auffray
- Location: Calan, France
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, Backstage, cert-manager, Cilium, Confidential Containers, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CRI-O, Crossplane, Dex, Envoy, etcd, external-secrets, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, Harbor, Helm, k3s, KEDA, Krustlet, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, Kubescape, KubeVirt, Kyverno, Longhorn, Notary Project, OpenFeature, OpenGitOps, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Thanos, Virtual Kubelet, zot
I am passionate about cloud-native technologies and all open-source technologies. I am very curious and I like to share everything I discover. I test some cloud-native technologies to help my city community expand its skills. If I discover and/or do not understand something, I do not hesitate to create issues on open-source technologies to improve the documentation or features. I co-organize a Cloud-Native community with partners to highlight cloud-native and surrounding technologies, such as generative AI.

Di Xu
- Location: Shanghai, China
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Cilium, CoreDNS, CRI-O, Crossplane, CubeFS, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Flux, gRPC, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, Karmada, KEDA, Kubernetes, KubeVela, KubeVirt, Lima, Open Cluster Management, OpenKruise, OpenTelemetry, Pixie, Thanos, TiKV, Vineyard, Virtual Kubelet, Volcano
Di Xu is passionate about open source projects and get involved in. He is a top-60 code contributor in Kubernetes community and founds CNCF Sandbox project Clusternet. He is also an avid speaker and has spoken many times at open source conferences and meetups, including KubeCon, Open Source Summit, etc. Nowadays he is specialized in cloud native, Kubernetes and infrastructure.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I’ve been an active member of the Kubernetes community since 2016. I am eager to become a CNCF Ambassador to give back to the open source community and help drive cloud native adoption. My practical experience with CNCF technologies can provide valuable insights to users. As an ambassador, I look forward to mentoring new contributors, staying connected to the latest developments, speaking at events, creating tutorials, and connecting with the cloud native community. This role aligns well with my passion for open source software and interest in emerging cloud native technologies. I am excited by the opportunity to contribute meaningfully as an ambassador, share my knowledge with others and help advance the CNCF ecosystem.

Eduardo Miguel Spotti
- Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Project Experience: Argo, Backstage, CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s), Chaos Mesh, Chaosblade, Cilium, Cloud Custodian, Confidential Containers, Container Network Interface (CNI), CoreDNS, Crossplane, Envoy, etcd, external-secrets, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, Helm, in-toto, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, Karmada, KEDA, Keptn, Knative, Konveyor, KubeArmor, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, Kubescape, KubeVela, KubeVirt, Kubewarden, Kyverno, Linkerd, Litmus, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenCost, OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing, Paralus, Prometheus, Rook, SPIFFE, Strimzi, Submariner, Thanos
Passionate about business, technology and sports. Teacher and eternal learner. With a background in multiple technologies, I decided to start my own business to provide the best technical advisor services possible. Currently leading multiple communities in Latin America and their events such as KCD Argentina.

Eric D Schabell
- Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Project Experience: Argo, containerd, CRI-O, Fluentd, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing, Operator Framework, Prometheus
Eric is Chronosphere’s Director Evangelism. He’s renowned in the development community as a speaker, lecturer, author, baseball expert, and CNCF Ambassador. His current role allows him to help the world understand the challenges they are facing with observability. He brings a unique perspective to the stage with a professional life dedicated to sharing his deep expertise of open source technologies and organizations. More on
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I’m excited to officially have the title of ambassador as I’ve been actively promoting a lot of the work they do for over a decade now.

Frederico Muñoz
- Location: Lisbon, Portugal
- Project Experience: Argo, Confidential Containers, Fluentd, Helm, Istio, k3s, Kubernetes, Prometheus
Frederico started working with GNU and Linux in the mid-90s out of sheer curiosity, a decision that strongly influenced his life. Actively involved in the free software and open source community from early on, he made a path from programming and system administration towards data science, cloud computing and enterprise architecture. In recent years he has been actively involved in projects touching such diverse areas as Quantum computing, IoT, and analytics, and actively participating in the Kubernetes project as part of the Release Team, SIG Contribex, and others. He currently leads the Cloud and Architecture domain at SAS, for the South West & East Europe region. He holds a BA in Archaeology from the University of Lisbon, where he is an MA student and where he also took Physics.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I see being a CNCF Ambassador as a great opportunity to engage with others both in the technical aspects of cloud-native computing and in the many ways that those interested can become active members of the community. Cloud-native technology has largely been developed through open collaboration, and being an Ambassador is taking a step towards more visible participation in building the community – and learning from it.
Fullstaq B.V.

Gerrit Tamboer
Fullstaq B.V.
- Location: Westervoort, Netherlands
- Project Experience: Argo, Backstage, Buildpacks, cert-manager, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CoreDNS, CRI-O, Crossplane, Emissary-ingress, Envoy, etcd, external-secrets, Fluentd, Flux, gRPC, Harbor, Helm, k3s, KubeEdge, Kubernetes, KubeVirt, Kubewarden, Kyverno, Linkerd, Longhorn, NATS, Notary Project, Open Cluster Management, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenEBS, OpenELB, OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing, Strimzi, Thanos, Tinkerbell, WasmEdge Runtime
As a Platform Engineer with over 15 years of experience, I specialize in Cloud Native technologies and Kubernetes, focusing on driving these innovations to the edge. In 2016, I founded Fullstaq, a consulting company dedicated to advancing Cloud Native solutions, and through its merger into TrueFullstaq, I now serve as Chief Evangelist. I’m passionate about sharing insights and best practices in the CNCF ecosystem, actively engaging in the community to promote Kubernetes and edge computing.

Halil Ibrahim Bugol
- Location: Istanbul, Turkey
- Project Experience: Antrea, Argo, cert-manager, Chaos Mesh, Chaosblade, Cilium, containerd, ContainerSSH, Falco, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Istio, k3s, Karmada, KEDA, Knative, KubeEdge, Kubernetes, Kubescape, KubeVirt, Kuma, Litmus, Longhorn, Nocalhost, Open Service Mesh, OpenEBS, OpenELB, OpenFunction, OpenTelemetry, Porter, Prometheus, Rook, Serverless Workflow, Strimzi, Virtual Kubelet, wasmCloud
I started my career in a data center in Istanbul, Turkey. I have been interested in the CNCF world since 2018. Although my main areas are generally technical aspects, there were companies where I took part in community and product management. I am currently in the role of Co-Founder at Kubezy. Apart from the commercial side, we have been organizing events as Organizers at CNCG Istanbul since last year, together with my friends in Turkey. I am also a member of the KCD Türkiye team. I have a community role as Technology Evangelist at KubeSphere and KubeSphere Products.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I am in love with community and all things community. I have met so many people since I first joined the CNCF community. It is a great pleasure to contribute to this community with people from all over the world who believe in the same goal. One goal and hundreds of people contributing to this goal. I think my biggest excitement in being an ambassador is making new friends and representing my community in the best way possible. Also, ambassador swags are great 🙂
NAV - Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration

Hans Kristian Flaatten
NAV - Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration
- Location: Bergen, Norway
- Project Experience: Buildpacks, cert-manager, Cilium, Falco, Fluentd, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, Kyverno, Linkerd, Litmus, MetalLB, OpenMetrics, OpenTelemetry, Operator Framework, Prometheus
Platform Engineer in the largest branch of the Norwegian Government (NAV) where I am tech lead for Cloud Native Application Observability. Public speaker and Co-Organizer of KCD Oslo, Cloud Native Bergen, GDG Bergen and Co-Host of Norway’s only Platform Engineering podcast Plattformpodden.
Melio AI

Harry Lee
Melio AI
- Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Cilium, Dex, Envoy, external-secrets, Fluentd, Flux, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, Knative, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, Longhorn, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Prometheus, Rook, Telepresence
Harry is a DevOps Evangelist and CTO @ Melio AI. He specialises in helping organisations navigate the cloud native landscape and adopt cloud native technologies. Harry runs the Cloud Native Computing Johannesburg Meetup which is part of the CNCF community groups in South Africa.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Harry is excited to be an ambassador as he is able to bring local cloud native enthusiasts together. This creates a platform where everyone can share their experiences embarking on their cloud native journeys. Through frequent knowledge sharing, this advances the entire cloud native community as a whole.

Harsh Manvar
- Location: Rajkot, India
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), CoreDNS, Envoy, Fluentd, Flux, Helm, Istio, KEDA, Kubernetes, Linkerd, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Strimzi, Thanos, WasmEdge Runtime
I am a distinguished Docker Captain based in India, recognized for my expertise in containerization and cloud technologies. As a Cloud Innovator Champion, I’m committed to driving innovation and best practices in cloud computing. Additionally, i am a Top Kubernetes answerer worldwide on StackOverflow, demonstrating my dedication to fostering knowledge sharing within the global tech community.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Becoming a CNCF ambassador is thrilling because it means actively shaping the future of cloud-native technologies, collaborating with industry leaders, and bridging gaps in the tech ecosystem. It’s an opportunity to contribute to a global community that’s driving innovation and setting standards for modern computing.

Henrik Rexed
- Location: Toulon, France
- Project Experience: Argo, Backstage, Chaos Mesh, Cilium, CloudEvents, CoreDNS, Crossplane, Dapr, Emissary-ingress, Envoy, external-secrets, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, KEDA, Keptn, KubeArmor, Kubernetes, Kubescape, Kuma, Kyverno, Linkerd, Litmus, Meshery, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenCost, OpenFeature, OpenMetrics, OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing, Pixie, Prometheus, Service Mesh Performance, Thanos
Henrik Rexed is a Cloud Native Advocate at Dynatrace with over 15 years of expertise as a Performance Engineer. Passionate about Observability and Performance, he actively contributes to the tech community as an organizer of the WOPR and KCD Austria conferences. Henrik is also the creator of the YouTube channel Is It Observable?, where he shares insights on Kubernetes security, observability, and runtime tools.
Hangzhou HarmonyCloud Technology Co., Ltd

Huan Wei
Hangzhou HarmonyCloud Technology Co., Ltd
- Location: Hangzhou, China
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Chaos Mesh, Chaosblade, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CoreDNS, CRI-O, Envoy, Falco, Fluentd, gRPC, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Karmada, KEDA, Knative, KubeEdge, Kubernetes, KubeVirt, Prometheus, Volcano
Huan has more than 15 years of work experience, and his current focus is cloud-native edge computing, distributed cloud, and high-performance computing. He is currently working as a Senior Technical Director at HarmonyCloud, a company located in Hangzhou, China, providing leading cloud-native products and solutions for hundreds of enterprise customers, including Kubernetes, PaaS, edge computing, micro service visibility, DevOps, etc. In addition, Huan serves as a Technical Steering Committe member of the CNCF edge computing project KubeEdge. Huan is an open source technology enthusiast and is currently committed to building an open source technology ecosystem in China.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: The company I work for, HarmonyCloud, is an influential cloud native tehnology supplier in China and a long-term partner of CNCF. HarmonyCloud has helped many customers around the world complete the transformation of cloud-native technology. At the same time, I am currently working as a TSC member in the CNCF Project KubeEdge community, responsible for leading several SIG teams and working with other TSC members towards the graduation of the KubeEdge project. Over the years, I have also given speeches at conferences organized by CNCF. Therefore, I am familiar with the operation process of CNCF projects and understand the job responsibilities of CNCF ambassadors. If I become an ambassador, I will promote the maturity and promotion of Kubernetes, KubeEdge and more open source projects, and help users around the world to apply these advanced and open source cloud-native tenologies.

Jon Zeolla
- Location: Pittsburgh, PA, United States
- Languages: American Sign Language, English
- Project Experience: Curiefense, Falco, Fluentd, in-toto, Kubernetes, Kyverno, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenTelemetry
Jon Zeolla is the founder of Zenable, where they are revolutionizing corporate governance by integrating cloud-native security and compliance with artificial intelligence. Previously he co-founded Seiso where he received the 2021 Start-Up Innovator of the Year Award and currently serves as strategic advisor, guiding key business decisions and company growth.
He is also a CNCF Ambassador, SANS Instructor for SEC540: Cloud Security and DevSecOps Automation, and an active member of CNCF TAG Security.

Kohei Ota
- Location: Japan
- Languages: English, Japanese
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Cilium, containerd, Contour, CRI-O, Envoy, etcd, external-secrets, Falco, Fluentd, gRPC, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, KEDA, Kubernetes, KubeVirt, Lima, Longhorn, OpenTelemetry, Pixie, Prometheus, Telepresence, Tinkerbell
Kohei Ota is a Senior Field Engineer at Apple. He is a CNCF Ambassador and contributes to Kubernetes SIG Docs as the Japanese localization owner in the CNCF communities. He also organizes Docker Meetup Tokyo and CloudNative Days Tokyo; some of the biggest “container/cloud native” communities and conferences in Japan.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I’ve been involved with local cloud native community based in Japan. Unfortunately not many folks from Japan have tightened relationship with international community. I’m excited to be part of organizers of both sides and would love to help local experts become part of the international community!

Kolawole Olowoporoku
- Location: Lagos, Nigeria
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, cert-manager, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CoreDNS, Envoy, etcd, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, Helm, Jaeger, k3s, Kubernetes, Kyverno, Linkerd, Network Service Mesh, Open Service Mesh, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Service Mesh Performance, Thanos
- Related Post: Kubestronaut in Orbit: Kolawole Olowoporoku
I work as a SRE with SEKAI (swiss based startup) prior to joining SEKAI I worked as a Solution Architect with AWS where I worked with startups on several ways of building on AWS. I spend most of my time working across containers, but my philosophy revolves more about buidling cheaply and reliably. I have written several blogs which revolves around this in some way such as,

Matteo Bianchi
- Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, Crossplane, Dapr, Envoy, etcd, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, gRPC, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, Karmada, KEDA, Keptn, Knative, KubeArmor, KubeEdge, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, KubeVirt, Kuma, Kyverno, Linkerd, Longhorn, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenCost, OpenFeature, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Rook, SPIFFE, SPIRE, Thanos, The Update Framework (TUF), Vitess
Matteo is a seasoned Software and Cloud Engineer but also a former startup CTO, DevRel and Solution Architect. Hacker and builder, advocating for Cloud Native technologies around the world as active member of the Cloud Native community. Matteo is a Kubernetes Release Team Member and active contributor who loves Platform Engineering. Co-organizer of KCD Netherlands and CNGC Netherlands meetups, helping out different KCDs and founding organizer of Cloud Native Days. @mbianchidev on (almost) every social media.

Michael Levan
- Location: Mount Arlington, NJ, United States
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, Backstage, Buildpacks, CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s), cert-manager, Chaos Mesh, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CoreDNS, CRI-O, Crossplane, Emissary-ingress, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Flux, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, KubeEdge, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, Kubescape, KubeVirt, Kyverno, Linkerd, Longhorn, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Open Service Mesh, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, rkt, SPIFFE, SPIRE, Thanos, Tinkerbell, Virtual Kubelet
Michael Levan is a seasoned engineer and consultant in the Kubernetes and Platform Engineering space who spends his time working with startups and enterprises around the globe on consulting, training, and content creation. He is a trainer, 3x published author, podcast host, international public speaker, and was part of the Kubernetes v1.28 Release Team.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: The avenue that’s now opened to work with more people around the world. I’ve been giving back to the community, creating free content, and contributing to projects for 5+ years. I’m now excited to work with others who are passionate about doing the same.

Mohammad Reza Saleh Sedghpour
- Location: Lund, Sweden
- Languages: English, German, Persian
- Project Experience: Cilium, containerd, CRI-O, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, gRPC, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Thanos
Mohammad Reza is a Senior Cloud-Native Engineer at Elastisys with multiple years of experience in DevOps and Software Engineering. He actively contributes to the KUbernetes as part of the Release Team and has published multiple research papers and his PhD thesis on cloud-native technologies, particularly service meshes such as Istio and Cilium. He is writing about Cloud-Native technologies on his LinkedIn page and his personal blog. You can also find his previous talks in various venues on his Youtube channel.

Nick Jones
- Location: Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Project Experience: Argo, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CoreDNS, etcd, Fluentd, Helm, k3s, KUDO, Lima, Longhorn, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Submariner
Serial meetup organiser, including Cloud Native and Kubernetes Edinburgh, CNK Manchester, as well as larger events such as Kubernetes Community Days UK. Currently employed as Head of Engineering at Nscale, helping to build a next-generation managed Kubernetes service tailored for AI workloads. Passionate about new technology, but simultaneously romantic about the old with a penchant for decrepit Silicon Graphics and Sun Microsystems hardware. Sporadically blogs at
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: As a CNCF Ambassador, I’m really excited about formalising the ability to build bridges across the CNCF ecosystem, helping communities collaborate and support each other in their Cloud Native journey. I look forward to being able to leverage the resources and support provided by the CNCF to bring the best to the community events that I’m a part of.

Nicola Marco Decandia
- Location: Altamura, Italy
- Project Experience: Antrea, Carvel, CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s), cert-manager, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, Contour, CoreDNS, Dex, Envoy, etcd, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, KEDA, Kubernetes, Kyverno, Longhorn, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenEBS, OpenELB, rkt, Rook, Vitess
I am a seasoned cloud-native professional with over 20 years of experience in the industry, specializing in Kubernetes, containerization, and DevOps practices. As the founder and organizer of the Bari and Matera CNCF Cloud-Native Meetup, I have fostered a strong local community committed to sharing knowledge and best practices. My technical expertise spans across multiple CNCF projects, including Prometheus, Envoy, and Helm. I regularly share my insights and experiences on my blog at, where I explore emerging trends and innovative solutions in the cloud-native ecosystem. Passionate about continuous learning and collaboration, I am excited to contribute to the community as a CNCF Ambassador.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I am thrilled to be an Ambassador because it allows me to actively contribute to the growth and development of the cloud-native ecosystem, which I am truly passionate about. This role provides a unique platform to engage with a diverse and talented community, enabling the exchange of knowledge and ideas that drive innovation. Furthermore, being an Ambassador presents the opportunity to mentor and inspire others while learning from the collective experiences of fellow professionals. It is an honor to serve as a bridge between the CNCF and the broader community, fostering collaboration and mutual support.
Gradle / CDF / Jenkins

Oleg Nenashev
Gradle / CDF / Jenkins
- Location: Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- Languages: English, French, Russian
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, Backstage, Buildpacks, Cilium, CloudEvents, Crossplane, Falco, Fluentd, gRPC, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, Keptn, Knative, Kubernetes, KubeVirt, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenFeature, OpenFunction, OpenGitOps, Operator Framework, Prometheus
Oleg is a developer tools hacker, community builder and DevRel consultant. He’s passionate open source software, open ecosystems and open hardware advocate. Oleg is a core maintainer Jenkins project where he writes code, mentors contributors and organizes community events. He is a CNCF and CDF ambassador, Testcontainers Champion and a former Jenkins Board member and CDF TOC Chair. Oleg has a PhD degree in electronics design and volunteers in the Free and Open Source Silicon Foundation, and in a number of Ukrainian support and Russian anti-war organizations.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: CNCF is a driver behind many open source initiatives and industry-wide projects in the areas of observability, software delivery and virtualization. For years I’ve been a user and contributor of many projects, and also advocated for CNCF projects and best practices in my talks. It is an honor to join the CNCF Ambassadors. There are many great folks there, and I am happy to join the team. Looking forward to participating more!
Sessionize profile:

Pablo Fredrikson
- Location: Mendoza, Argentina
- Languages: English, Spanish
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, Dragonfly, etcd, Fluentd, Helm, k3s, Knative, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Telepresence, Thanos
Professional Nerd, SRE and Content Creator. Love advocating for Open-Source and container technologies. Runs a YouTube channel where he shares and teaches the technologies and good practices he uses every day as an SRE at Bitso.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I love teaching and helping people to become better engineers. I love everything open source and what it stands for, knowledge must be shared and everyone should have the opportunity to become better at their jobs.

Rachid Zarouali
- Location: Lyon, France
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, cert-manager, Cilium, containerd, ContainerSSH, CoreDNS, Cortex, CRI-O, Crossplane, Curiefense, DevSpace, etcd, external-secrets, Falco, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, k3s, KEDA, Kubernetes, Kubescape, KubeVirt, Kured, Kyverno, Open Policy Agent (OPA), OpenCost, OpenMetrics, OpenTelemetry, ORAS, Parsec, Pixie, Prometheus, Telepresence, Thanos, zot
Freelance cloud architect, OSS addict, huge fan of k8s, cilium, argocd and friends. I speak regularly about cloud tech, security and OSS projects I use or implement for my clients. I run several meetups in my city Docker, CNCF Lyon, DevSecCon France, co-organize conferences (KCDFRANCE) and involved regularly as conference MC and member of CFP committee , more importantly I’m a happy husband and dad
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I’m freaking excited to join the ambassador community.To meet new friends, help growing communities, sharing the skills I’ve learned and give back to the CNCF community. Being an ambassador will allow me to what i love the most, mentoring, i can’t wait to jump in !

Ramesh Kumar
- Location: Sacramento, United States
- Project Experience: Argo, cert-manager, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), CoreDNS, Crossplane, Emissary-ingress, Envoy, etcd, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, gRPC, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, Kubernetes, Kubescape, KubeVirt, Lima, Linkerd, Network Service Mesh, Open Cluster Management, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Open Policy Containers, Open Service Mesh, OpenCost, OpenEBS, OpenELB, OpenGitOps, OpenMetrics, OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing, Service Mesh Interface (SMI), Service Mesh Performance, Virtual Kubelet, Vitess
I’m Ramesh Kumar, a dedicated advocate and mentor in the dynamic realm of cloud-native technologies. With a genuine passion for empowering others and a commitment to fostering meaningful connections, my journey is not just about the technology, but about the profound impact I make on the lives of those around me.
At the forefront of my endeavors are the CNCF/Kubernetes meetups I lead in Sacramento and Penang. These gatherings are not just about technical learning, they are about building a community where individuals find support, encouragement, and a strong sense of belonging. I aim to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing, especially caring for the newbies navigating the landscape. Through my patient guidance and steadfast support, I help over 500+ students and professionals navigate the complexities of Kubernetes certifications, empowering them to achieve their goals and pursue their passions.
My specialties lie in mentoring, teaching, training, and collaborating, and I take pride in my ability to inspire and guide others in their learning journey. I love encouraging and inspiring others to reach for their dreams and embrace new opportunities using CNCF Technologies. Whether guiding a career transition or championing initiatives using CNCF technologies, my compassionate approach has a lasting impact on all who encounter me.
Join me on my mission to build a more inclusive and supportive tech community with the help of CNCF. Let’s create a future where collaboration thrives, knowledge is freely shared, and everyone is supported and empowered on their journey to success.

Rasmus Steiniche
- Location: Denmark
- Project Experience: Fluentd, gRPC, Knative, Prometheus
Focus on Cloud Native Data and Machine Learning. Organizer at Cloud Native Nordics and Cloud Native Aarhus. Speaker at more than 40 events a year, e.g. industrial events (OT), Mini MBA in AI, CNCF events, private company events.
Red Hat

Rey Lejano
Red Hat
- Location: San Francisco, CA, United States
- Project Experience: Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, k3s, Kubernetes, Kubewarden, Longhorn, Prometheus
Rey Lejano is Solutions Architect at Red Hat and currently serves as co-chair for Kubernetes Special Interest Group (SIG) Docs and helps maintain the upstream Kubernetes documentation. Rey leads the Kubernetes SIG Security Third-Party Security Audit subproject and helped release the last Kubernetes security audit in April 2023. He is a member of seven Kubernetes Release Teams, including serving as the 1.23 Release Lead and 1.25 Emeritus Adviser. Rey was awarded the CNCF Community Award for Top Documentarian in 2022 and Kubernetes Contributor Awards in 2021 from SIG Release and 2023 from SIG Security. He is working on KCD San Francisco Bay Area and to help the people to start on their cloud native journey.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Community propels open source projects to flourish. I’m excited to be an ambassador to help grow the cloud native community by providing mentorship to new contributors, guidance to those starting on their cloud native journey, and amplifying the excitement for cloud native technology.
Sopra Steria

Roberth Strand
Sopra Steria
- Location: Oslo, Norway
- Languages: English, Norwegian
- Project Experience: Argo, Backstage, cert-manager, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), CoreDNS, Dapr, Envoy, external-secrets, Fluentd, Flux, gRPC, Helm, k3s, KEDA, Keptn, Knative, Kubernetes, Kured, Linkerd, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Open Service Mesh, OpenGitOps, Operator Framework, Prometheus, Service Mesh Interface (SMI), Thanos
I am a self-proclaimed “cloud automator”, and I work at Sopra Steria based out of Oslo, Norway. I have been granted the title of Microsoft MVP for my work with Azure, and I have been an active contributor in the CNCF for which I earned the title Cloud Native Ambassador. I initiated Cloud Native Norway, a non-profit that works to build up and enable Cloud Native adoption and development in Norway. I also co-founded the Azure Cloud Native User Group, and founded the Norwegian PowerShell User Group. In the CNCF, I have been active for years in TAG App Delivery, and currently serves as co-chair for the TAG, maintainer on the OpenGitOps project, and as co-chair of the Platforms Working Group.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: For many years, the CNCF has continued to impress me. The way that the foundation has supported the community and the projects is truly admirable. Even though I have other honorary titles, the CNCF Ambassador title is one that I value very much. While I don’t do community work for the titles, I am happy for the recognition. I have big plans for my work in the CNCF, and I look forward to seeing how the ambassador program will help me achieve more for the community.
Nordcloud, an IBM company

Robin Smorenburg
Nordcloud, an IBM company
- Location: Almere, Netherlands
- Project Experience: Argo, Backstage, Buildpacks, cert-manager, Chaos Mesh, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CoreDNS, CRI-O, Crossplane, Envoy, etcd, Falco, Fluentd, Flux, gRPC, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, KEDA, Knative, KubeArmor, Kubernetes, Linkerd, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Open Service Mesh, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus
Hello! I’m Robin Smorenburg, a passionate technologist with an eye for detail who turned his passion for technology into a career. Throughout my career, I’ve become a respected thought leader in the industry, sharing my knowledge and expertise with others, being recognized by Microsoft, and receiving the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional or MVP Award in the Azure category. With Kevin Evans, I run the StreamingClouds live stream, where we engage with inspiring individuals—our industry’s thought leaders—spreading positivity and sharing their knowledge and advice. And the StreamingClouds Community is a safe place where we’re helping each other, supported by a fantastic group of moderators we can call friends.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I’m really excited about joining the CNCF on the mission of “making cloud native ubiquitous”. Enhancing my efforts of leading by example, inspiring and helping as many people as possible while being open and inclusive, and treating everyone with the utmost respect. Making a difference through community building and mentoring, impacting the lives of others, leveling the playing field, and fostering community collaboration and relationships. And last but not least, the technologist in me loves cloud-native!

Sagar Utekar
- Location: Pune, India
- Project Experience: Argo, CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s), Cilium, containerd, Falco, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, KEDA, Keptn, Kubeflow, Kubernetes, Kuma, Meshery, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Open Service Mesh, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Service Mesh Interface (SMI), Thanos
Working as MTS3 Site Reliability Engineer at VMWare Software India PVT. LTD. Cloud Native Day Pune (CND Pune’23) Organizer Kubernetes Community Day Pune (KCD’24) Organizer Open-Source Enthusiast, A firm believer in the power of community education. Google Summer Of Code Admin since 2018, Mentor, Mentee 2022 @PEcAn Project GSoD, GSSoC, Github Externship, SIH mentor CKS | CKA | CKAD | Terraform Certified Mentored 10k+ students & professionals for free across India for career guidance, Job Search, Open Source, Cloud Native Docker & CNCG Pune community leader Enjoys photography, Acting, Teaching, Trekking, fitness
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I have been organising monthly meetups under CNCG Pune chapter, have been sharing my knowledge by speaking at different events, conferences, rural area colleges, schools, local meet-up groups to spread awareness and share knowledge about cloud native. By becoming CNCF Ambassador I will get more support, training, mentorship, guidance and rewards to build stronger community which will open wide door of the opportunities – to network with other community leaders, CNCF leaders and share my knowledge to wider audience. As part of CNCF Ambassador, it will give me opportunity to network with equally passionate Ambassadors from all over the globe. CNCF Ambassador gets support, mentorship, trainings, funding to host the events which will help me a lot to foster a strong community and upcoming events. It will give me the opportunity to promote Cloud Native technologies projects globally.
Rafay Systems

Saim Safdar
Rafay Systems
- Location: Rawalpindi, Pakistan
- Project Experience: Argo, Backstage, CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s), cert-manager, Cilium, containerd, Crossplane, Envoy, etcd, Falco, Fluentd, Helm, Istio, KEDA, Kubernetes, Kubescape, Kyverno, Linkerd, Open Policy Agent (OPA), Open Service Mesh, OpenFeature, OpenTelemetry, Paralus
Hello, my name is Saim Safdar, working as a Developer Relations Manager at Rafay Systems, host of the cloud-native podcast (, co-founder of Cloud Native Islamabad (, Organizer of KCD Pakistan ( Maintainer of the cncf Sandbox project, Paralus (
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: I love sharing my Open Source jourey with others, currently there’s a desparate need of mentorship within the community, as cloud native eco-system constantly equipped with new tooling, students, tech pro, difficult to find and map existing knowledge to work with OS and communities, I’m hoping my time as an Ambassador, I’ll get on-board and shortened the loop for code to contribution to outreaching new OS tooling to the world.

Savitha Raghunathan
- Location: Boston, United States
- Project Experience: containerd, CoreDNS, CRI-O, etcd, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Konveyor, Kubernetes, Operator Framework, Prometheus
Savitha Raghunathan is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat, currently focusing on Application Modernization and Cloud Native adoption. Her role as a maintainer for the CNCF Sandbox project Konveyor has provided her with valuable insights into the growing demand for modernizing critical applications to align with cloud-native technologies, thereby deepening her understanding of the application lifecycle. In her previous position, Savitha worked as a platform engineer, where she dedicated herself to building internal developer platforms using Kubernetes and other cloud native projects.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Contributing to CNCF projects has been incredibly fulfilling, and the support and positivity I’ve experienced from the community during difficult periods, including the pandemic, have deepened my bond with this community. This role as a CNCF Ambassador has given me a chance to reciprocate that support, share my valuable experiences, and facilitate the onboarding of new contributors and adopters into the CNCF ecosystem.

Seema Saharan
- Location: Bangalore, India
- Project Experience: Argo, Artifact Hub, Backstage, containerd, Crossplane, etcd, Fluentd, Helm, Istio, Kubernetes, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Thanos
Seema Saharan is working as an SRE in Autodesk. I am an IT enthusiast, who is passionate about all the latest technologies from a research perspective. I love to help, mentor people, and share my knowledge. I do that through my blogs, videos, and meetups.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Becoming a CNCF ambassador is an exciting opportunity for me, who is passionate about cloud-native technologies, which enables me to promote these cutting-edge technologies, engage with a vibrant community, share my knowledge, network with industry professionals, and contribute to open-source projects. It offers opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as the chance to influence the direction of the CNCF community and its projects.

Thomas Labarussias
- Location: Bordeaux, France
- Project Experience: Argo, Cilium, CloudEvents, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, Falco, Fluentd, Helm, k3s, KEDA, ko, Kubernetes, Kyverno, NATS, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Thanos
I’m OSS/Ecosystem Advocate at Sysdig, the company which created and open-sourced Falco, the Security Runtime Engine for Kubernetes and Cloud-Native technologies. I worked for Qonto, a modern banking for SMEs and freelancers, where I managed their Kubernetes clusters and the enthusiastic tools around, like ArgoCD, Traefik, Prometheus. I also assisted for many years pure-players and e-business companies for a large managed service provider, as an AWS expert and FinOps. I’m one of the longest tenured members of the Falco community, and the creator of Falcosidekick and Falcosidekick-UI, two major components of the Falco ecosystem.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: As an SRE for several years, I’ve been able to use a number of CNCF projects in production. I’m also one of the maintainers of the most advanced OSS security project in the landscape. I would like to help even more architects and users to integrate these projects into their infrastructures. Moreover, in 2024, the KubeCon EU will be in Paris, France, it’s important for me to do my best to help the organizers and show the vitality of French tech.

William Rizzo
- Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Project Experience: Akri, Argo, Cilium, Container Network Interface (CNI), containerd, CoreDNS, Cortex, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Flux, Harbor, Helm, Istio, Jaeger, k3s, Kubernetes, KubeVirt, Kubewarden, Kyverno, Litmus, Longhorn, NATS, OpenCost, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Thanos
I’m focused in helping customers designing, building, and running their Kubernetes and Internal Developer Platforms. I wore many hats in the IT world, Engineering, Pre-Post sales, Product Owner and Consulting. from HPC, Storage and Distributed Systems. I also enjoy volunteering at the Dutch Cloud Native/Kubernetes Meetup and the NL KCD. I have lived in many European countries and now Netherlands is the place I call home.
Why I am excited to be an ambassador: Being a CNCF Ambassador is the confirmation that my efforts towards the Open Source community are heading in the right direction. I’m excited to help the community and being supported and by the CNCF while doing it