
Prometheus user profile: How DigitalOcean uses Prometheus
Prometheus user profile: How DigitalOcean uses Prometheus
DigitalOcean – a CNCF member and devoted Prometheus user – is approaching one million registered users with more than 40,000 active teams. With workloads becoming more complex, it is focused on delivering the tools and performance that are required...
February 28, 2017 | By Kristen Evans

Measuring the popularity of Kubernetes using BigQuery
Measuring the popularity of Kubernetes using BigQuery
By Dan Kohn, CNCF Executive Director, @dankohn1 As the executive director of CNCF, I’m proud to host Kubernetes, which is one of the highest development velocity projects in the history of open source. I know this because I...
February 27, 2017 | By Dan Kohn

Prometheus user profile: Dynamically helping Weaveworks accelerate cloud native application development
Prometheus user profile: Dynamically helping Weaveworks accelerate cloud native application development
Sometimes two things go so well together you wonder how you ever saw them separately, like peanut butter and chocolate coming together to make Reese’s cups. The combination of Kubernetes and Prometheus invokes the same feeling for Weaveworks, the makers...
February 24, 2017 | By Kristen Evans

Getting to know Todd Moore, CNCF’s new governing board chair
Getting to know Todd Moore, CNCF’s new governing board chair
1) What does the CNCF Governing Board do and what is your role as chair? The CNCF is a result of a shared vision by many of us in the cloud community. It was created to develop a...
February 15, 2017 | By Natasha Woods

CNCF purchases RethinkDB source code and contributes it to The Linux Foundation under the Apache license
CNCF purchases RethinkDB source code and contributes it to The Linux Foundation under the Apache license
CNCF has purchased the source code to the RethinkDB database, relicensed the code under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (ASLv2) and contributed it to The Linux Foundation. RethinkDBTM is an open source, NoSQL, distributed document-oriented database that is...
February 6, 2017

Why CNCF recommends Apache-2.0
Why CNCF recommends Apache-2.0
By Dan Kohn, @dankohn1, CNCF Executive Director February 1, 2017 The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) believes that the best software license for open source projects today is the Apache-2.0 license (Apache-2.0). Our goal is to enable the...
February 1, 2017 | By Dan Kohn

Linkerd project joins the Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Linkerd project joins the Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept Linkerd as the fifth hosted project alongside Kubernetes, Prometheus, OpenTracing and Fluentd. You can find more information on the project on their GitHub page. Linkerd is an...
January 23, 2017 | By Natasha Woods

Container management trends: Kubernetes moves out of testing and into production
Container management trends: Kubernetes moves out of testing and into production
In conjunction with CloudNativeCon+ KubeCon (Nov 8-9, 2016), the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) conducted a survey of attendees. More than 170 conference attendees completed the survey, with a majority of respondents (73%) coming from technology companies (vs. enterprise IT),...
January 17, 2017 | By Sarah Conway

Knowledge, abilities & Skills you will gain at Cloud Native/Kubernetes 101 roadshow: Pacific Northwest!
Knowledge, abilities & Skills you will gain at Cloud Native/Kubernetes 101 roadshow: Pacific Northwest!
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is taking to the road February 7-9  in Portland, Seattle and Vancouver to offer end users, developers, students and other community members the ability to learn from experts at Red Hat, Apprenda and CNCF on how...
January 3, 2017 | By Kristen Evans

Diversity scholarship series: One software engineer’s unexpected CloudNativeCon + KubeCon experience
Diversity scholarship series: One software engineer’s unexpected CloudNativeCon + KubeCon experience
By: Kris Nova, Platform Engineer at Datapipe Diversity noun : the condition of having or being composed of differing elements. As defined by Merriam-Webster, diversity indicates the presence of differing elements. Without going too data science on everyone,...
December 14, 2016