Search results for: kubernetes

Unleash your creativity: design the 10th anniversary logo for Kubernetes!

Posted on March 22, 2024

As we gear up to celebrate the remarkable 10-year journey of Kubernetes, we are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for the creative minds in our vibrant community. It’s time to capture the essence of a decade of…

SiliconANGLE :”Cloud Native Computing Foundation weighs in on increasing Kubernetes adoption and growing OpenTelemetry significance”

Posted on March 21, 2024

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s largest event in Europe, is also the largest KubeCon ever. The event has long been understood as a chance for organizers to connect with the community.

SiliconANGLE: “Cloud Native Computing Foundation weighs in on increasing Kubernetes adoption and growing OpenTelemetry significance”

Posted on March 21, 2024

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s largest event in Europe, is also the largest KubeCon ever. The event has long been understood as a chance for organizers to connect with the community.

Le Monde Informatique: “Kubecon 2024 : La CNCF voit Kubernetes en standard pour l’IA”

Posted on March 20, 2024

Dès l’ouverture de la Kubecon qui se déroule à Paris (20-23 mars), la CNCF a clairement orienté son discours autour de l’IA. Les attentes sont grandes de la part des clients notamment sur les apports des environnements Kubernetes…

Security Boulevard: “Kubernetes 1.30: A Security Perspective”

Posted on March 20, 2024

Kubernetes 1.30 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the widely used orchestration platform, particularly regarding security enhancements and developer experience. 

Production deployment of MongoDB on Kubernetes

Posted on March 14, 2024 | By Sergey Pronin

Member post by Sergey Pronin, Percona Before joining Percona almost 4 years ago I was a strong believer of the “Kubernetes is for stateless” and 12-factor apps approach. But there are two north stars that were guiding Percona’s…

WebAssembly on Kubernetes: from containers to Wasm (part 01)

Posted on March 12, 2024 | By Seven Cheng

Community blog by Seven Cheng WebAssembly (Wasm) was originally created for the browser, and it has become increasingly popular on the server-side as well. In my view, WebAssembly is gaining popularity in the Cloud Native ecosystem due to its…

InfoQ: “Falco, Cloud-Native Security Tool for Kubernetes, Graduates from CNCF”

Posted on March 12, 2024

CNCF announced the graduation of Falco, a tool designed for Linux systems and a de facto Kubernetes threat-detection engine. The project successfully met all graduation requirements, including undergoing the due diligence process, completing a third-party security audit, and obtaining…

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe Paris Co-located event deep dive: Kubernetes on Edge Day Europe

Posted on March 12, 2024

Happening on 19 March 2024 in Paris Co-chairs: Tina Tsou and Mars Toktonaliev Kubernetes on Edge Day Europe is a celebration of the fact that edge computing is here and it’s powered by Kubernetes. We’re showcasing real-world use…

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon co-located event deep dive: DOK (Data on Kubernetes) Day Europe

Posted on March 4, 2024

Happening on 19 March 2024 in Paris Co-Chairs: Melissa Logan and Sheetal Joshi Data on Kubernetes Day (also known as DOK Day) is, as its name suggests, a deep dive into how to get the most out of…