
KubeWeekly #255

Published: March 20, 2021


The headlines

The editors pick the highlights from the past week.

Statement from CNCF General Manager Priyanka Sharma on the unacceptable attacks against AAPI and Asian communities

CNCF stands in solidarity with our AAPI and Asian colleagues in the face of rising racism and attacks on the global Asian communities. Discrimination, hate, and xenophobia have no place in our, or any, community, and we all need to work together to ensure every single individual feels safe and welcome.

Our ecosystem is wonderfully diverse – made up of individuals from different backgrounds from all over the globe. The Asian community has made countless contributions to our ecosystem. Now it is our turn to come together and stand up for any marginalized, repressed, or underrepresented group or member. Read the full statement from CNCF General Manager Priyanka Sharma.

The technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Cloud Native CI/CD with Tekton - Laying The Foundation
Martin Heinz, IBM

Cosign — Signed Container Images
Dan Lorenc, Google Cloud

Is Crossplane the Infrastructure LLVM?
Daniel Mangum, Crossplane

Migrate from Docker to Containerd in Kubernetes
Dennis Kruyt

Kubernetes: What Are Endpoints)
Arseny Zinchenko, ITNext

Migrating from Docker Compose to Skaffold
Vic Iglesias, Google Cloud

Open Source Solutions for Chaos Engineering in Kubernetes
Vasily Marmer, Flant

Prometheus Definitive Guide Part I – Metrics and Use Cases
Deepankur Singh Baliyan, Infracloud

How I Test OpenFaaS Changes with Kubernetes
Alex Ellis, OpenFaaS

Creating a Single-node Kubernetes Cluster on Atomic Pi with kubeadm
Kristijan Mitevski, Mitevski Tech Blog

Configure Your Kubernetes Ingress with Ingress Builder
Oluwole Fadeyi, Jetstack

OpenFaaS and GKE Autopilot
Johan Siebens

ICYMI: CNCF online programs this week

A weekly summary of CNCF online programs from this week.

Data Protection in a Kubernetes Native World
Michael Cade, Kasten

Your Own Kubernetes Castle
Adam Kozlowski, GrapeUp

Hacking Kubernetes
Ben Hirschberg, ARMO

The editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Take the Puppet State of DevOps 2021 survey
Nigel Kersten, Puppet

Who Needs Open Policy Agent?
Christopher Tozzi, Fixate IO

Kubernetes Autoscaling, Explained
Kevin Casey, Red Hat

Tinkerbell, with Gianluca Arbezzano
Craig Box, Kubernetes Podcast from Google

CD Foundation Announces Industry Initiative to Standardize Events from CI/CD Systems

The Evolution of Kubernetes Dashboard
Marcin Maciaszczyk & Sebastian Florek, Kubermatic

Unironically Using Kubernetes for my Personal Blog
Marcus Buffett

Take the CNCF Microsurvey on Kubernetes at the Edge

Join CNCF and Docker for the experimental “Container Garage” series starting April 1st!
Ihor Dvoretskyi, CNCF

Upcoming CNCF Online Programs

Cloud Native Live: Crossplane – GitOps-based Infrastructure as Code through Kubernetes API

Viktor Farcic @CodeFresh

March 24, 2021 at 12pm PT
Register Now (https://community.cncf.io/e/mmqjgv/)

Automating SRE from “Hello World” to Enterprise Scale with Keptn

Jürgen Etzlstorfer & Andi Grabner @Dynatrace

March 25, 2021
Register Now

Flux is Incubating + The Road Ahead

Stefan Prodan @Weaveworks

March 25, 2021
Register Now

Securing Access to your Kubernetes Applications – Using Dex for Authentication and Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for Authorization

Deepika Dixit & Onkar Bhat @Kasten by Veeam

March 25, 2021
Register Now

Scaling Monitoring at Databricks from Prometheus to M3

Martin Mao @Chronosphere

March 25, 2021
Register Now

CNCF Online Programs playlist on YouTube

Check out our playlist for more curated content you don’t want to miss! New content is added every Friday.
For more information, please visit our updated Online Programs page.

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Shilla Saebi, Saiyam Pathak, L Körbes, Alison Dowdney, Chris Short, Craig Box, Daniel Oh, Kristi Tan, Bill Mulligan, and Michael Hausenblas