
KubeWeekly #173

Published: June 26, 2019


The Headlines

Editor’s picks from the past week.

Kubernetes 1.15: Extensibility and Continuous Improvement
The 1.15 Release Team

We’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.15, our second release of 2019! Kubernetes 1.15 consists of 25 enhancements: 2 moving to stable, 13 in beta, and 10 in alpha. The main themes of this release are:

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China wrapped up. Over 3,500 people attended. See the pictures and the videos will be online soon.

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Linkerd Benchmarks
William Morgan, Buoyant

Virtual Cluster – Extending Namespace Based Multi-tenancy with a Cluster View
Fei Guo and Lei Zhang, Alibaba

Introduction to Running SQL Server 2019 on Kubernetes
Marcin Policht, Database Journal

Future of CRDs: Structural Schemas
Stefan Schimanski, Red Hat

Introducing Volume Cloning Alpha for Kubernetes
John Griffith, Red Hat

Follow logs from multiple K8s Pods in a Deployment, ReplicaSet, etc.
Jeff Geerling, Acquia

Incomplete Fix Leads to New Kubernetes Bug
Kacy Zurkus, Info Security Magazine

Perform a Kubernetes security hardening before you use Jenkins X
Judith Myerson

The OpenFaaS 2019 Project Update
Alex Ellis

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Kubernetes goes in for nip and tuck, comes out with 25 ‘enhancements’.
Tim Anderson, The Register

How to choose between containers and virtual machines
Evan Koblentz, Tech Republic

Container Survey: IT Operations Teams Finally Get It
Mike Vizard, Container Journal

Kubernetes 1.15 Adds to API Kitty
Mike Vizard, Container Journal

It’s all stability and extensibility for Kubernetes 1.15
Julia Schmidt, DevClass

Kubernetes CSI volume plugin and the products that support it
Robert Sheldon, TechTarget

NetApp wraps Elements HCI and Google Cloud Platform in Data Fabric
Chris Mellor, The Register

Digital Anarchist: Best of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019
Alan Shimel, Digital Anarchist

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Kim McMahon and Michael Hausenblas