
KubeWeekly #159

Published: January 16, 2019


The Headlines

Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.

9 Kubernetes Security Best Practices Everyone Must Follow
Connor Gilbert, StackRox

As organizations accelerate their adoption of containers and container orchestrators, they will need to take necessary steps to protect such a critical part of their compute infrastructure. To help in this endeavor, check out these nine Kubernetes security best practices, based on customer input, you should follow to help protect your infrastructure.

Container Storage Interface (CSI) for Kubernetes GA
Saad Ali, Google

The Kubernetes implementation of the Container Storage Interface (CSI) has been promoted to GA in the Kubernetes v1.13 release. Support for CSI was introduced as alpha in Kubernetes v1.9 release, and promoted to beta in the Kubernetes v1.10 release. The GA milestone indicates that Kubernetes users may depend on the feature and its API without fear of backwards incompatible changes in future causing regressions.

Proposing an enhancement to Kubernetes: The story of a KEP
Joseph Irving, uSwitch.com

Kubernetes has a wide range of users and a large number of people working on it at any given time. For simple bug-fixes and small changes, issues/pull requests are great. However, when trying to convey a larger change with a lot of people involved, you need something more. This is where Kubernetes Enhancement Proposals (KEPs) come in. In this blog post, learn about Joseph’s experience, as a relative community outsider, trying to contribute one.


Upcoming webinars on cloud native technologies.
Developing an Effective Observability Strategy for your Kubernetes and Service Mesh Environments

Arijit Mukherji & Maxime Pettazzoni, SignalFx
January 17 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am PDT


Automating Kubernetes Deployments

William Chia, GitLab
January 22 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT


The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

APIServer dry-run and kubectl diff
Antoine Pelisse, Google Cloud

How to Create a Kubernetes Custom Controller Using client-go
Roger Liang, ITNEXT

Scaling Jupyter notebooks with Kubernetes and Tensorflow
Salman Iqbal, learnk8s

Intro to Jenkins X CI/CD for Kubernetes
Chris Maki, Loggly

Conquering Statefulness on Kubernetes
Nick Groszewski, Capital One

Running Istio on Kubernetes in Production. Part I.
Alexander Lukyanchenko, Avito

Kubernetes Authentication via GitHub OAuth and Dex
Amet Umerov, Preply

Running The Spark-Notebook On A Kubernetes Google Cloud Cluster
Xavier Tordoir, Lunatech

Istio Service Mesh + Apollo Server for GraphQL
Joel Júnior, Itaú Unibanco

Tooling Spotlight:

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Why Is Storage On Kubernetes So Hard?
Gokhan Simsek, Eindhoven University

Stateful Kubernetes with Saad Ali
Software Engineering Daily, Saad Ali, Google

Kubernetes security: 4 tips to manage risks
Kevin Casey, The Enterprisers Project

Managing Secrets in Kubernetes
Mark Ramm, Weaveworks

On Infrastructure at Scale: A Cascading Failure of Distributed Systems
Dan Woods, Target

What I learned in my first 2 years as a Software Engineer
Timothy Josefik, Vibes

Video – What’s New in Kubernetes 1.13
The Kubernetes 1.13 Release Team

5 open source tools to upgrade your next Kubernetes project
Jane Elizabeth, JAXenter

2019 Data Center Drivers: Kubernetes, Cloud, ML, File System Storage
Björn Kolbeck, Quobyte

Day Two Kubernetes: Tools for Operability
Bridget Kromhout, Microsoft

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Kaitlyn Bardnard and Michael Hausenblas