
KubeWeekly #156

Published: November 21, 2018


The Headlines

Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.

CNCF Survey: Cloud Usage in Asia Has Grown 135% Since March 2018
Kaitlyn Barnard, CNCF

In the second bi-annual Mandarin survey, usage of public and private clouds in Asia has grown 135% since March 2018, while on-premise has dropped 48%. Nearly all container management tools have grown, with commercial off-the-shelf solutions up 58% overall, and home-grown solutions up 690%. And serverless technology in Asia has spiked 100% with 29% of respondents using installable software and 21% using a hosted platform.

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona 2019 Call for Proposals (CFP) Is Open
Dee Kumar, CNCF

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon has expanded from its start with 500 attendees in 2015 to become one of the largest and most successful open source conferences ever, with 7,500 attendees for the sold-out event coming up in Seattle. As we open the call for proposals (CFP) for Barcelona (May 20-23, 2019), we want to share several changes we’re planning to make in 2019, as well as some changes we considered but decided not to implement at this time.
New Webinar: Service Mesh for the Enterprise

Shawn Wormke & Andrew Jenkins, Aspen Mesh
Available now on-demand

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.
Optimizing Cluster Resources for Kubernetes Team Development
Anita Buehrle, Weaveworks

Deploying Spring Boot and MongoDB as Containers Using Kubernetes and Docker
Aritra Nag, Ericsson

Falco 0.13.0 Released: Kubernetes Audit Events Support
Mark Stemm, Sysdig

User Authentication And Authorization In Kubernetes
Neependra Khare, CloudYuga

How did that sidecar get there?
Scott Rahner, Dow Jones

Considerations with K8s NetworkPolicy
Chris Cooney, Sainsbury

Blue Green Deployment using Kubernetes
Fazley Kholil, Checkout.com

Using Fission.io to serve Kubernetes-managed Minio objects
Joseph Marhee, Simple

Cloud-Native Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
Arush Salil, Kubernauts

JHipster microservices with Istio service mesh on Kubernetes
Deepu K Sasidharan, XebiaLabs

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2018 Session Recordings are Now Live
YouTube Playlist

Kubernetes Docs Updates, International Edition
Zach Corleissen, the Linux Foundation

5 ways cloud computing will change in the next year
Macy Bayern, TechRepublic

An Introduction to Kubernetes
Michael Shaul, NetApp

Why Kubeflow in your Infrastructure?
Ankit Bahuguna & Faheem Nadeem, Cliqz GmbH

Introducing Multicluster-Service-Account
Adrien Trouillaud, Admiralty

Kubernetes in production vs. Kubernetes in development: 4 myths
Kevin Casey, The Enterprisers Project

What does “App Modernization” Mean Anyway?
Roland Barcia, IBM

Why Kubernetes is driving a groundswell in containerisation
Cliff Saran, ComputerWeekly

Optimize your clusters with the Descheduler for Kubernetes
Jane Elizabeth, JAXenter

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Kaitlyn Bardnard and Michael Hausenblas