Search results for: kuberhealthy


Accepted to CNCF on March 30, 2021

A Kubernetes operator for running synthetic checks as pods. Works great with Prometheus!

Avoiding Kubernetes cluster outages with synthetic monitoring

Posted on August 10, 2021 | By Ruturaj Kadikar

Guest post originally published on Infracloud’s blog by Ruturaj Kadikar What is synthetic monitoring? Synthetic monitoring consists of pre-defined checks to proactively monitor the critical elements in your infrastructure. These checks simulate the functionality of the elements. We…

Being a Linux Foundation’s CNCF mentee — My journey with Kyverno

Posted on June 15, 2021 | By Yashvardhan Kukreja

Mentorship spotlight guest post originally published on Medium by Yashvardhan Kukreja Hi folks! Recently, I completed the LFX CNCF Mentorship Programme which is an Open source programme where I worked on a cool project which goes by the…