Cloud Native Now: “CNCF and Tetrate Branch Out to Offer Istio Certification”
October 19, 2023
If you think about the interconnections among them, the cloud-native ecosystem of projects can resemble natural systems. Established CNCF projects such as Kubernetes, Envoy, gRPC, Prometheus and SPIFFE comprise a strong root system of modern cloud-native...
The New Stack: “Cilium CNCF Graduation Could Mean Better Observability, Security with eBPF”
October 13, 2023
eBPF (extended Berkeley packet filter) is a powerful technology that operates directly within the Linux kernel, offering robust hooks for extending runtime observability, security, and networking capabilities across various deployment environments. While eBPF has gained widespread...

The Register: “Cilium leaves incubator, gets the nod from Cloud Native Computing Foundation”
October 12, 2023
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has awarded a graduated sash to Cilium, a validation of the maturity and future of the eBPF project.

SiliconANGLE: “Container networking engine Cilium graduates from CNCF incubation”
October 11, 2023
Cilium, an open-source technology used to manage software containers’ network traffic, today graduated from the CNCF’s incubation program.

Cloud Native Now: “CNCF Graduates Cilium Networking Software Project”
October 11, 2023
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) today revealed that the open source Cilium networking software project has officially graduated alongside projects such as Kubernetes, Prometheus and others.

ITOps Times: “ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Buildpacks”
September 29, 2023
Buildpacks is an open-source project that converts app source code into images that can be run on any cloud.

The Register: “CNCF’s chief techie talks WebAssembly, AI and licenses”
September 29, 2023
INTERVIEW One victim of HashiCorp’s license change was the vacation of Chris Aniszczyk, CTO of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

The Register: “If the Linux Foundation was a software company, it’d be the biggest in the world”
September 28, 2023
KUBECON The Cloud Native Computing Foundation has returned to Shanghai for the city’s first Kubecon since the pandemic.

TechTarget: “Now a graduated CNCF project, Istio contests complexity rep”
September 27, 2023
Three months after Istio service mesh reached graduation status within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, its backers are seeking to dispel the image of daunting complexity it earned in its early days, as cloud-native networking takes...

ComputerWeekly: “CNCF: Developer training is key, the challenge is time & cost”
September 19, 2023
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has conducted a survey (the team modestly called it a microsurvey of just 135 contributors, but size is not important and small is beautiful, right?) to assess the state of...