All Project Posts

Inside Prometheus + the PCA exam
Certifications Post Inside Prometheus + the PCA exam
Prometheus is one of the highest velocity CNCF projects, with broad adoption across the IT industry globally, so it’s no wonder that the Prometheus Certified Associate (PCA) has become one of our most popular certifications.  This pre-professional certification...
August 24, 2023

Hello gRPC Community! The gRPConf 2023 schedule is now live!
Project Post Hello gRPC Community! The gRPConf 2023 schedule is now live!
We are excited to announce that the gRPConf 2023 schedule is now live. We have a schedule with 19 total sessions (5 keynote, 14 breakout) led by a strong group of experts that are using gRPC across a...
August 18, 2023

Unleashing in-toto: The API of DevSecOps
Project Post Unleashing in-toto: The API of DevSecOps
Guest post by Aditya Sirish, in-toto maintainer and Cole Kennedy, member of the in-toto steering committee The Integration Revolution Being part of the DevOps world, you’re likely no stranger to the DevSecOps buzz — the strategy of embedding...
August 17, 2023 | By Aditya Sirish and Cole Kennedy

Enterprise multi-cluster at scale: supporting flat networks in Linkerd
Project Post Enterprise multi-cluster at scale: supporting flat networks in Linkerd
Guest post originally published on Linkerd’s blog by William Morgan (Photo by NASA on Unsplash) Linkerd has seen a steady rise in enterprise adoption, with companies like Adidas, Microsoft, Plaid, and DB Schenker deploying Linkerd at scale to bring security, compliance, and reliability to their mission-critical...
August 15, 2023 | By William Morgan

Workshop recap: running Linkerd in production
Project Post Workshop recap: running Linkerd in production
Guest post originally published on Linkerd’s blog by Flynn This blog post is based on a workshop that I delivered at Buoyant’s Service Mesh Academy. If this seems interesting, check out the full recording! Linkerd is used in a great...
August 9, 2023 | By Flynn

Dragonfly v2.1.0 is released!
Project Post Dragonfly v2.1.0 is released!
Project post from the Dragonfly maintainers Dragonfly v2.1.0 is released! 🎉🎉🎉 Thanks to the Xinxin Zhao[1] for helping to refactor the console[2] and the manager provides a new console for users to operate Dragonfly. Welcome to visit[3]...
August 7, 2023

Crossplane Completes Security Audit – Hardening and Growing Enterprise Confidence
Project Post Crossplane Completes Security Audit – Hardening and Growing Enterprise Confidence
Project post originally published on the Crossplane blog The Crossplane project has spent the last couple months partnering with Ada Logics, an independent third party security research firm, as well as the CNCF and the OSTIF, to perform a security audit of...
July 27, 2023

Kubeflow brings MLOps to the CNCF Incubator
Project Post Kubeflow brings MLOps to the CNCF Incubator
The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Kubeflow as a CNCF incubating project.  Kubeflow is an open source, community-driven project for deploying and managing a Machine  Learning (ML) stack on Kubernetes. The Kubeflow community actively...
July 25, 2023

Flux Announces GA of v2!
Project Post Flux Announces GA of v2!
The Flux project is thrilled to announce the general availability (GA) release of Flux v2.  Flux’s move to general availability represents a significant milestone in the CNCF ecosystem. This progression not only exemplifies the CNCF’s commitment to the...
July 20, 2023

Using Kyverno with Pod Security Admission
Project Post Using Kyverno with Pod Security Admission
Guest post originally published on the Kyverno blog by Kyverno Maintainers Using Pod Security Admission with Kyverno for the best of both worlds. Pod Security Admission (PSA) is the built-in successor to Kubernetes PodSecurityPolicy (PSP) and is enabled by default starting...
July 18, 2023