All Project Posts

Flux: Server-side reconciliation is coming
Project Post Flux: Server-side reconciliation is coming
Guest post originally published on Flux’ blog by Daniel Holbach tl;dr: Server-side reconciliation will make Flux more performant, improve overall observability and going forward will allow us to add new capabilities, like being able to preview local changes...
October 7, 2021 | By Daniel Holbach

Kubernetes Cluster API reaches production readiness with version 1.0
Project Post Kubernetes Cluster API reaches production readiness with version 1.0
Today, we announce Cluster API v1.0 is production-ready and officially moving to v1beta1 APIs. To move from the maturity level of an alpha project Cluster API has demonstrated growing adoption, feature maturity, and a strong commitment to community...
October 6, 2021

How to get robust GitOps? The U.S. Department of Defense uses Flux and Helm
End User Post How to get robust GitOps? The U.S. Department of Defense uses Flux and Helm
Project post cross-posted from the Weaveworks blog by Tamao Nakahara, Head of Developer Experience, Weaveworks and Flux community manager Challenge The DoD knew that it needed GitOps. Nicolas M. Chaillan, Chief Software Officer of the U.S. Air Force...
September 30, 2021 | By Tamao Nakahara

HarmonyCloud promotes edge computing implementation
Project Post HarmonyCloud promotes edge computing implementation
Guest post by KubeEdge Maintainers Introduction KubeEdge is an open-source edge computing platform. Based on the native container orchestration and scheduling capabilities of Kubernetes, KubeEdge achieves functionalities such as cloud-edge synergy, edge computing, edge device management, and edge...
August 31, 2021 | By KubeEdge Maintainers

China Mobile: KubeEdge-based customer service platform featuring edge-cloud synergy
Project Post China Mobile: KubeEdge-based customer service platform featuring edge-cloud synergy
Guest post by KubeEdge Maintainers Service Architecture Evolution Introduction to China Mobile Online Marketing Service Center The Center is a secondary organ of the China Mobile Communications Group. It operates and manages online service resources and channels. The...
August 16, 2021 | By KubeEdge Maintainers

Flux August 2021 update
Project Post Flux August 2021 update
Guest post originally published on Flux’s blog by Daniel Holbach, Community Management for Flux As the Flux family of projects and its communities are growing, we strive to inform you each month about what has already landed, new...
August 12, 2021 | By Daniel Holbach

Announcing Vitess 11
Project Post Announcing Vitess 11
Guest post by Alkin Tezuysal, Vitess maintainer On behalf of the Vitess maintainers, I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 11. Major Themes #   In this release, Vitess Maintainers have made significant progress in several areas,...
July 29, 2021

KubeEdge@MEC: Combining the Kubernetes ecosystem with 5G
Project Post KubeEdge@MEC: Combining the Kubernetes ecosystem with 5G
Guest post from the KubeEdge Maintainers Intro Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) is developing rapidly. As 5G MEC is being widely commercially deployed, edge-cloud synergy becomes a common requirement. The KubeEdge community recognizes this trend and sets up MEC...
July 20, 2021 | By KubeEdge Maintainers

KubeEdge: cloud native edge computing
Project Post KubeEdge: cloud native edge computing
Project guest post by KubeEdge Maintainers KubeEdge enables cloud-edge synergy, computing at edge, and easy access of a massive number of devices based on Kubernetes container orchestration and scheduling capabilities. This article will introduce KubeEdge architecture, code directory,...
July 5, 2021 | By Huawei

Using KubeEdge in the industrial internet big data center
Project Post Using KubeEdge in the industrial internet big data center
Project guest post by KubeEdge Maintainers Project Background In 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China launched a national innovation and development project to build an industrial big data center. China Mobile undertook the...
June 23, 2021 | By KubeEdge Maintainers