All Member Posts

Time-series data ingestion from Rust WebAssembly application, leveraging GreptimeDB and WasmEdge
Member Post Time-series data ingestion from Rust WebAssembly application, leveraging GreptimeDB and WasmEdge
Member post originally published on Medium by Greptime What is WebAssembly WebAssembly is a new instruction format that offers cross-platform compatibility and execution speeds close to native machine code. By compiling C/C++ or Rust code into WebAssembly, program...
January 17, 2024

Root cause chronicles: connection collapse
Member Post Root cause chronicles: connection collapse
Member post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Joy Bhattacherjee On a usual Friday evening, Robin had just wrapped up their work, wished their colleagues a happy weekend, and turned themselves in for the night. At exactly 3...
January 12, 2024 | By Joy Bhattacherjee

Container platforms: why and how?
Member Post Container platforms: why and how?
Member post originally published on Elastisys’s blog by Lars Larsson This article is all about demystifying container platforms and showing what value they bring on several levels: business, organization, and tech. There is a summary at the end,...
January 10, 2024 | By Lars Larsson

Top 10 observability resources by CNCF community in 2023
Member Post Top 10 observability resources by CNCF community in 2023
Member post by Tal Yitzhak, Solution Architect at Lightrun Introduction As we bid farewell to a remarkably productive year in 2023, the dedicated members of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) community have tirelessly toiled to craft innovative...
January 5, 2024 | By Tal Yitzhak

Top four Kubernetes attack chains and how to break them 
Member Post Top four Kubernetes attack chains and how to break them 
Member post originally published on ARMO’s blog by Oshrat Nir, Developer Advocate at ARMO While Kubernetes adoption continues to soar, it has become a prime target for cyberattacks. Unfortunately, Kubernetes clusters are complex and can be difficult to secure....
January 4, 2024 | By Oshrat Nir

CURP state machine engine
Member Post CURP state machine engine
Member post by DatenLord In the previous article on code interpretation, we briefly explained how the CurpServer of Xline is implemented. Now, let’s delve deeper into some core data structures in the CurpServer, particularly the conflict_checked_channel and command...
January 2, 2024 | By DatenLord

Empowering platform engineers: a comprehensive guide to advanced DevOps practices
Member Post Empowering platform engineers: a comprehensive guide to advanced DevOps practices
Member post by Abhilash A, Product Marketing at Ozone Today, Platform engineers find themselves at the forefront of transformative changes, steering the ship toward cloud-first and Kubernetes-centric architectures. The shift brings both opportunities and challenges, particularly when dealing...
December 29, 2023 | By Abhilash A

Kubernetes rightsizing: save money and improve performance
Member Post Kubernetes rightsizing: save money and improve performance
Member post originally published on Fairwinds’s blog by Andy Suderman Kubernetes rightsizing is the process you use to ensure that your Kubernetes cluster has the right amount of resources to run your workloads efficiently. K8s rightsizing includes CPU,...
December 28, 2023 | By Andy Suderman

Katalyst: A QoS-based resource management system for workload colocation on kubernetes
Member Post Katalyst: A QoS-based resource management system for workload colocation on kubernetes
Member post originally published on Katalyst’s blog by Pengcheng Tang The resource usage of web applications tends to fluctuate with changes in the number of visitors, displaying noticeable tidal characteristics. To ensure stability, service providers often allocate resources...
December 26, 2023 | By Pengcheng Tang

The business impact of Internal Developer Platforms for improved ROI
Member Post The business impact of Internal Developer Platforms for improved ROI
Member post originally published on Facets Cloud’s blog by Anshul Sao Explore how Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) boost ROI, enhance developer productivity, and accelerate business growth in our latest blog. Internal developer platforms (IDPs) have become increasingly relevant in...
December 21, 2023 | By Anshul Sao