All Member Posts

Why Alibaba Cloud uses KEDA for application autoscaling
Member Post Why Alibaba Cloud uses KEDA for application autoscaling
Guest post by Yan Xun, Senior Engineer from Alibaba Cloud EDAS team, Andy Shi, Developer Advocator from Alibaba Cloud, Tom Kerkhove, Containerization Practitioner Lead & Azure Architect at Codit, KEDA maintainer, CNCF Ambassador When scaling Kubernetes there are...
March 30, 2021 | By Yan Xun, Andy Shi, and Tom Kerkhove

What is Kubernetes Policy as Code?
Member Post What is Kubernetes Policy as Code?
Guest post originally published on the Fairwinds blog by Kendall Miller From Infrastructure as Code to Policy as Code It wasn’t that long ago people started talking about Infrastructure as Code. Part of the reason why is how...
March 29, 2021 | By Kendall Miller

How Ruitian Used Volcano to Run Large-Scale Offline HPC Jobs
Member Post How Ruitian Used Volcano to Run Large-Scale Offline HPC Jobs
Guest post by Huawei and Ruitian 1. Why Volcano Ruitian Capital is a private equity investment firm committed to helping customers achieve returns by using diverse range of trading strategies. Ruitian offline computing clusters are dedicated to strategy...
March 26, 2021 | By Huawei and Ruitian

How to build an elastic search cluster for production?
Member Post How to build an elastic search cluster for production?
Guest post by Stanislas Girard, Site Reliability Engineering at Padok Running an elastic search cluster in production is not an easy task. You are probably working with gigabits of data coming in all the time and need to...
March 25, 2021 | By Stanislas Girard

Add Java Agents to Existing Kubernetes and Helm Applications Instantly
Member Post Add Java Agents to Existing Kubernetes and Helm Applications Instantly
Guest post originally published on the Rookout Blog by Liran Haimovich In a recent blog post, one of my teammates, Josh, shared a few techniques for deploying Java agents in Kubernetes applications. We have been getting a lot of...
March 24, 2021 | By Liran Haimovich

Quick application deployments on MicroK8s using Helm Charts
Member Post Quick application deployments on MicroK8s using Helm Charts
Guest post by Ranjan Parthasarathy, Co-Founder, LOGIQ Helm is a Kubernetes package manager that helps you find, share, and use software built for Kubernetes. With Helm Charts, you can bundle Kubernetes deployments into a single package you can...
March 23, 2021 | By Ranjan Parthasarathy

Kubernetes Security
Member Post Kubernetes Security
Guest post by Michał Różycki, Software Engineer and Kubernetes Advocate at Grape Up With this article, the audience gets to know effective ways to ensure Kubernetes security, using must-have solutions, proven practices, and the best tools empowering building...
March 22, 2021

Cloud agnostic certificate management solutions will continue to offer more to enterprises
Member Post Cloud agnostic certificate management solutions will continue to offer more to enterprises
Guest post by Richard Collins, Product Marketing Manager, Jetstack Last week’s quarterly CNCF End User Technology Radar, which surveyed the preferred tools for cloud native secrets management, provided a clear indication on how enterprise end users are adopting...
March 17, 2021 | By Richard Collins

Introduction to k3d: Run K3s in Docker
Member Post Introduction to k3d: Run K3s in Docker
Guest post originally published on SUSE’s blog by Thorsten Klein, freelance software engineer at SUSE and k3d maintainer  In this blog post, we’re going to talk about k3d, a tool that allows you to run throwaway Kubernetes clusters...
March 16, 2021 | By Thorsten Klein

Multi-cluster monitoring with Thanos
Member Post Multi-cluster monitoring with Thanos
Guest post originally published on Particule’s blog by Kevin Lefevre, CTO & Co-founder at Particule Introduction In this article we are going to see the limitation of a Prometheus only monitoring stack and why moving to a Thanos...
March 15, 2021 | By Kevin Lefevre