All Member Posts

Common use cases for observability with AIOps
Member Post Common use cases for observability with AIOps
Guest post originally published on LOGIQ’s blog by Ajit Chelat IT infrastructures have been evolving constantly and rapidly, along with Big Data. Businesses worldwide are moving from predictable and static physical systems to intuitive software resources that can...
April 20, 2021 | By Ajit Chelat

Introduction to virtualization and resource management in IaaS
Member Post Introduction to virtualization and resource management in IaaS
Guest post by Akash Bakshi of MSys Technologies The Rise of Resource Overcommitment In this world of constant digitization, the rise of large-scale cloud computing has given the users a choice to receive computing resources on-demand and with...
April 16, 2021

Kubernetes tooling for TechOps and support
Member Post Kubernetes tooling for TechOps and support
Guest post originally published on the Oteemo blog by Tom Halligan Introduction: One of the challenges organizations face while adopting Kubernetes is providing Operations/Support personnel with the tools and training they need to support K8s deployments. Kubernetes adoption...
April 15, 2021 | By Tom Halligan

Spotlight on OpenEBS adopters
Member Post Spotlight on OpenEBS adopters
Guest post by Kiran Mova, Co-founder of MayaData and Chief Architect of OpenEBS One of the best things about OpenSource communities is the expertise as well as complaints shared by users. This sharing of real-world experience helps us...
April 14, 2021 | By Kiran Mova

Building custom control planes using Crossplane
Member Post Building custom control planes using Crossplane
Guest post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Sahil Lakhwani, Software Engineer at InfraCloud It’s been about a year when we wrote about Crossplane. The previous post explains how Crossplane helps you provision and manage infrastructure using the Kubernetes...
April 13, 2021 | By Sahil Lakhwani

Add Java agents to existing Kubernetes and Helm applications instantly
Member Post Add Java agents to existing Kubernetes and Helm applications instantly
Guest post originally published on Rookout’s blog by Liran Haimovich In a recent blog post, one of my teammates, Josh, shared a few techniques for deploying Java agents in Kubernetes applications. We have been getting a lot of interest...
April 9, 2021 | By Liran Haimovich

End to end cloud native app builds and deployments with App Platform
Member Post End to end cloud native app builds and deployments with App Platform
Guest post by Jon Friesen, Nick Tate, and Cody Baker of DigitalOcean We love Kubernetes and all it can do. We want all developers to benefit from it, so we decided to build a higher-level abstraction on top...
April 7, 2021 | By Jon Friesen, Nick Tate, and Cody Baker

Cloudformation vs. Terraform: Which is better?
Member Post Cloudformation vs. Terraform: Which is better?
Guest post originally published on LOGIQ’s blog by Ajit Chelat Building and managing cloud infrastructure manually can be quite the task; even more challenging when you’re operating as a distributed team. With everyone pushing multiple (and often concurrent)...
April 6, 2021

Benchmarking and Evaluating Your Kubernetes Storage with Kubestr
Member Post Benchmarking and Evaluating Your Kubernetes Storage with Kubestr
Guest post originally published on the Kasten 10 Blog by Michael Cade Kubestr is an open source collection of tools that makes it fast and easy to identify, validate and evaluate your Kubernetes storage options. Before we get...
April 1, 2021 | By Michael Cade

Run an Edge AI K3s Cluster on NVIDIA Jetson Nano Boards
Member Post Run an Edge AI K3s Cluster on NVIDIA Jetson Nano Boards
Guest post originally published on SUSE’s blog by Carlos Crisóstomo Vals Introduction to Edge Artificial Intelligence Proof of Concept For several years I have worked with customers who wanted to use artificial intelligence (AI) in their products (mostly...
March 31, 2021 | By Carlos Crisóstomo Vals