All Member Posts

A 2024 K8s Benchmark Report: the latest trends in workload reliability
Member Post A 2024 K8s Benchmark Report: the latest trends in workload reliability
Member post originally published on Fairwinds’ blog by Joe Pelletier According to Gartner, cloud computing will become an essential component of maintaining business competitiveness by 2028. Indeed, in 2024 spending on public cloud services is projected to reach $679...
April 3, 2024 | By Joe Pelletier

Gödel Scheduler open-sourced: a unified scheduler for online and offline workloads
Member Post Gödel Scheduler open-sourced: a unified scheduler for online and offline workloads
Member post by ByteDance Background Since its open-source release in 2014, Kubernetes has rapidly become the de facto standard for container orchestration. The infrastructure team at ByteDance adopted Kubernetes early on to build our private cloud platform. Over...
April 2, 2024 | By ByteDance

The 2024 trends on cloud computing by Kelsey Hightower and Alex Saroyan
Member Post The 2024 trends on cloud computing by Kelsey Hightower and Alex Saroyan
Member post originally published on Netris’s blog Public clouds have basically become identical. Most companies are paying way more for cloud infrastructure than they should. In a nutshell, these statements summarize the key takeaways about the state of cloud computing...
March 28, 2024

Workflow automation & pipeline portability with AI-driven DevEx
Member Post Workflow automation & pipeline portability with AI-driven DevEx
Member post originally published on Ozone’s blog by Abhilash A, Product Marketing at Ozone.  What’s the Deal with DevEx? Crack the Code: Ever wondered about developer experience, a.k .a. DevEx? Well, it’s the whole shebang – the vibe, the...
March 27, 2024 | By Abhilash A

Why you may be dropping key mobile data from your observability solution
Member Post Why you may be dropping key mobile data from your observability solution
Member post by Fredric Newberg, CTO and Co-Founder of Embrace If you have a business-critical mobile app, you might be surprised to learn that your observability solution is dropping a large percentage of your mobile app observability data....
March 25, 2024

CRA updates: the open source community has been listened to
Member Post CRA updates: the open source community has been listened to
Member post originally published on Sparkfabrik’s blog by SparkFabrik Team The European Union (EU) has recently demonstrated a proactive stance towards cybersecurity regulation, notably with the introduction of the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). This legislative move underscores the...
March 18, 2024 | By SparkFabrik Team

Production deployment of MongoDB on Kubernetes
Member Post Production deployment of MongoDB on Kubernetes
Member post by Sergey Pronin, Percona Before joining Percona almost 4 years ago I was a strong believer of the “Kubernetes is for stateless” and 12-factor apps approach. But there are two north stars that were guiding Percona’s...
March 14, 2024 | By Sergey Pronin

What’s happening to standard RIs?
Member Post What’s happening to standard RIs?
Member post originally published on the Zesty blog by Pini Ben-Nahum When it comes to AWS discount plans, management approaches vary greatly. The often overlooked (Standard Reserved Instance) SRI has a lot to offer on further review. The deeper...
March 4, 2024

Upcoming KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe lightning talk: Demystifying Kubernetes observability with generative AI and LLMs
Member Post Upcoming KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe lightning talk: Demystifying Kubernetes observability with generative AI and LLMs
Member post by Asaf Yigal, Co-Founder and CTO at Software developers are all too familiar with the complexities that come with managing Kubernetes environments. From the layers of abstraction to the overwhelming volume of data, evolving K8s...
March 4, 2024

How to deploy Hashicorp Vault in Kubernetes
Member Post How to deploy Hashicorp Vault in Kubernetes
Member post originally published on Devtron’s blog by Shubham Kumar TL;DR: In this article we’ll learn about how to deploy Hashicorp vault in Kubernetes and how to fetch secrets from vault and integrate it with your applications on...
March 1, 2024 | By Shubham Kumar