All Member Posts

How to secure containers with Cosign and Distroless images
Member Post How to secure containers with Cosign and Distroless images
Guest post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Jeswin Ninan, Senior SRE at InfraCloud Container technology and the term “container images’’ are not new for many developers, SREs and DevOps engineers. But the need to have secure container...
September 14, 2021

What is Goldilocks? (Or how to set your Kubernetes resource requests)
Member Post What is Goldilocks? (Or how to set your Kubernetes resource requests)
Guest post originally published on Fairwinds’s blog by Andrew Suderman, Lead R&D Engineer at Fairwinds When we open sourced Goldilocks in October 2019, our goal was to provide a dashboard utility that helps you identify a baseline for setting Kubernetes...
September 13, 2021 | By Andrew Suderman

Prometheus HA with Thanos sidecar or receiver?
Member Post Prometheus HA with Thanos sidecar or receiver?
Guest post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Tayyab Jamadar Prometheus has been the flag bearer for monitoring the systems for a long time now. It has proved itself as a go-to solution for monitoring and alerting in...
September 10, 2021 | By Tayyab Jamadar

How to detect runtime threats in Kubernetes
Member Post How to detect runtime threats in Kubernetes
Guest post originally published on Logiq’s blog by Ajit Chelat, Citrix Kubernetes is one of the leaders in the container orchestration market. A recent survey by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) suggests that 84% of companies are running Kubernetes containers...
September 9, 2021 | By Ajit Chelat

Flux: September 2021 update
Member Post Flux: September 2021 update
Guest post originally published on Flux’s blog by Daniel Holback, Flux maintainer As the Flux family of projects and its communities are growing, we strive to inform you each month about what has already landed, new possibilities which...
September 7, 2021 | By Daniel Holback

Understand OpenTelemetry part 3: data sources
Member Post Understand OpenTelemetry part 3: data sources
Guest post originally published on the New Relic blog by Alan West and Lavanya Chockalingam This blog post is part of the Understand OpenTelemetry series. Part 1 provided an overview to OpenTelemetry and why it is the future of instrumentation. Part 2 explored some of the...
September 6, 2021 | By Alan West and Lavanya Chockalingam

Best practices for load balancing Kubernetes containers
Member Post Best practices for load balancing Kubernetes containers
Guest post originally published on Snapt’s blog by Craig Risi More organizations are using containers as a mechanism for driving their cloud-native applications. Some organizations have hundreds of small containers across many different servers in different development, test,...
September 2, 2021 | By Craig Risi

Chaos Mesh 2.0 GA: To a chaos engineering ecology
Member Post Chaos Mesh 2.0 GA: To a chaos engineering ecology
Guest post originally published on PingCAP’s blog by Zhiqiang Zhou, Research Scientist at Alibaba Group On July 23, 2021, Chaos Mesh 2.0 was made generally available! It’s an exciting release, marking a solid milestone towards the chaos engineering...
September 1, 2021 | By Zhiqiang Zhou

How FinOps changed the way businesses approach the cloud
Member Post How FinOps changed the way businesses approach the cloud
Guest post originally published on the Virtasant blog by the Virtasant Research Team FinOps enables cross-functional teams to work together, deliver faster, and manage their cloud costs better. The appeal of the cloud is that it allows businesses...
August 30, 2021 | By Virtasant Research Team

Why and how of Kubernetes Ingress (and networking)
Member Post Why and how of Kubernetes Ingress (and networking)
Guest post originally published on Saaras’s blog by the Saaras team Services running in Kubernetes are not accessible on public or private cloud. This is how Kubernetes is designed considering service security in mind. Securely allowing access to...
August 27, 2021 | By Saaras team