All Member Posts

Automation is the future of cloud cost optimization
Member Post Automation is the future of cloud cost optimization
Guest post by Laurent Gil, Co-Founder, Chief Product Officer at CAST.AI Managing cloud costs is a balancing act. Scaling cloud resources is so easy that it often leads companies to lose control over their cloud spend. And while...
September 29, 2021 | By Laurent Gil

GitOps 101: What’s it all about?
Member Post GitOps 101: What’s it all about?
Guest post originally published on Magalix‘ blog by Andrew Zola If you think GitOps sounds a bit like DevOps, you would be right. GitOps is essentially an operational framework that uses DevOps best practices. In this scenario, we basically move all...
September 28, 2021 | By Andrew Zola

Kubernetes Ingress gRPC example with a Dune quote service
Member Post Kubernetes Ingress gRPC example with a Dune quote service
Guest post originally published on Kong’s blog by Viktor Gamov, Principal Developer Advocate at Kong APIs come in all different shapes and forms. In this tutorial, I’ll show you a Kubernetes Ingress gRPC example. I’ll explain how to...
September 24, 2021 | By Viktor Gamov

Handle flash sale with Easegress and WebAssembly
Member Post Handle flash sale with Easegress and WebAssembly
Guest post originally published on Github by Bomin Zhang of Megaease A flash sale is a discount or promotion offered by an eCommerce store for a short period. The quantity is limited, which often means the discounts are...
September 23, 2021 | By Bomin Zhang

Understand OpenTelemetry part 4: Instrument a Java app with OpenTelemetry
Member Post Understand OpenTelemetry part 4: Instrument a Java app with OpenTelemetry
Guest post originally published on New Relic’s blog by Jack Berg, engineer at New Relic This blog post is part of the Understand OpenTelemetry series. Part 1 gave an overview to OpenTelemetry and discussed why it is the future of instrumentation.Part 2 explored...
September 22, 2021 | By Jack Berg

Why choose a multi-cloud strategy?
Member Post Why choose a multi-cloud strategy?
Guest post originally published on the Snapt blog by Craig Risi To cloud or not to cloud? This question has been around for a while now, as the cloud has opened the door to many opportunities for companies....
September 21, 2021

How Chaos Mesh helps Apache APISIX improve system stability
Member Post How Chaos Mesh helps Apache APISIX improve system stability
Guest post originally published on PingCAP‘s blog by Shuyang Wu Apache APISIX is a cloud-native, high-performance, scaling microservices API gateway. It is one of the Apache Software Foundation’s top-level projects and serves hundreds of companies around the world, processing...
September 20, 2021 | By Shuyang Wu

Managing Docker apps with Kubernetes Ingress Controller
Member Post Managing Docker apps with Kubernetes Ingress Controller
Guest post originally published on Kong’s blog by Alvin Lee Think back to when your development team made the switch to Dockerized containers. What was once an application requiring multiple services on virtual machines transitioned to an application...
September 17, 2021 | By Alvin Lee

Redundancy across data centers with Kubernetes, WireGuard and Rook
Member Post Redundancy across data centers with Kubernetes, WireGuard and Rook
Guest post originally published on Elastisys’ blog by Cristian Klein, Sr Cloud Architect at Elastisys Several court rulings and a guideline from the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) made it clear: It is a huge legal risk to process EU personal data...
September 16, 2021 | By Cristian Klein

Is serverless the ‘right’ way to cloud?
Member Post Is serverless the ‘right’ way to cloud?
Guest post originally published on CloudOps’ blog by Marc Boudreau, Cloud Architect at CloudOps Serverless computing is taking off. Despite having been around since the announcement of Lambda by AWS in 2014 serverless is finally reaching the maturation...
September 15, 2021 | By Marc Boudreau