All Member Posts

How Krateo PlatformOps integrates Backstage
Member Post How Krateo PlatformOps integrates Backstage
Guest post originally published on Kiratech’s blog by Diego Braga Krateo PlatformOps, an open-source project developed by Kiratech’s Cloud Native Dev Team, integrating Backstage, an open platform created by the Spotify IT team and now available in the CNCF Sandbox...
November 10, 2021 | By Diego Braga

Vitess: Why write a new planner
Member Post Vitess: Why write a new planner
Guest post originally published on Vitess’ blog by Andres Taylor Query planning is hard # Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when you execute a SQL query? What steps are taken to access your data?...
November 10, 2021 | By Andres Taylor

Service mesh 102: Envoy configuration
Member Post Service mesh 102: Envoy configuration
Guest post originally published on Kong’s blog by Scott Lowe In my Service Mesh 101 article, I talked about some of the basics behind a service mesh: what it is, what it does and where Envoy fits into a service...
November 9, 2021 | By Scott Lowe

Kubernetes main attack vectors tree: an explainer guide
Member Post Kubernetes main attack vectors tree: an explainer guide
Guest post originally published on Magalix’s blog by Andrew Zola Kubernetes is a leader in container orchestration. According to Statista, as much as 46% of respondents in a recent survey stated that they used Kubernetes for automating computer application...
November 8, 2021 | By Andrew Zola

Managed container services: KaaS, KPaaS & CaaS explained and compared
Member Post Managed container services: KaaS, KPaaS & CaaS explained and compared
Guest post originally published on Elastisys’ blog by Lars Larsson, Senior Cloud Architect, and DevOps Expert Engineer at Elastisys The cloud computing service model has shown us that infrastructure as a service is here to stay. It is...
November 4, 2021 | By Lars Larsson

Liveblog: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021
Member Post Liveblog: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021
Guest post originally published on Chronosphere‘s blog by Amanda Mitchell, Senior Content Marketing Manager at Chronosphere Hello sunny LA and happy KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021-eve! Team Chronosphere has set up shop on the KubeCon show floor...
November 3, 2021 | By Amanda Mitchell

Defining a modern app
Member Post Defining a modern app
Guest post originally published on NGINX’s blog by Libby Meren, Principal Technical Program Manager at F5 Developers, architects, and DevOps engineers are no longer satisfied with the status quo when it comes to designing and building applications. We...
November 2, 2021 | By Libby Meren

Continuous everything: why you need better backup and DR for Kubernetes
Member Post Continuous everything: why you need better backup and DR for Kubernetes
Guest post by Zerto In a previous blog post, we talked about container state, and how the read-only, stateless nature of containers forces application architects to rethink what data is stored where to prevent data loss and configuration...
November 1, 2021

How to justify infrastructure replacement to your manager
Member Post How to justify infrastructure replacement to your manager
Guest post originally published on Snapt’s blog by Mark Trent Upgrading an organization’s tech infrastructure can be a tricky affair. On the one hand, there are technical people who are eager to work with upgraded technology, and who...
October 29, 2021 | By Mark Trent

Secure software supply chains: good practices, at scale
Member Post Secure software supply chains: good practices, at scale
Guest post originally published on Contino Engineering‘s blog by Dan Chernoff Supply chain attacks rose by 42% in the first quarter of 2021 [1] and are becoming even more prevalent [2]. In response to secure software supply chain...
October 27, 2021 | By Dan Chernoff