All Member Posts

Rearchitecting M3DB’s index to reduce peak query latency
Member Post Rearchitecting M3DB’s index to reduce peak query latency
Guest post originally published on Chronosphere’s blog by Ryan Allen  When running M3DB, it is important to monitor the cluster’s health to understand how queries are performing and if the cluster requires additional resources to handle the volume...
February 24, 2022 | By Ryan Allen

A cloud-like on-prem load balancer for Kubernetes?
Member Post A cloud-like on-prem load balancer for Kubernetes?
Guest post originally published on Netris’s blog by Alex Saroyan Everyone knows that using a Kubernetes Load Balancer is a challenge. Back in the day when I was responsible for network operations, the load balancer management was under...
February 21, 2022 | By Alex Saroyan

Introducing Opta: Terraform on Rails
Member Post Introducing Opta: Terraform on Rails
Guest post by Ankur Dahiya, RunX Engineers today work inside a perpetual good news-bad news dichotomy. On one hand, the tools, infrastructure and capabilities at their disposal give them what an engineer ten years ago would probably consider...
February 18, 2022 | By Ankur Dahiya

Principles for designing and deploying scalable applications on Kubernetes
Member Post Principles for designing and deploying scalable applications on Kubernetes
Guest post originally published on Elastisys’ blog by the Elastisys‘ team Designing scalable cloud native applications requires considerable thought, as there are many challenges to overcome. Even with the great clouds we have today for deploying our applications,...
February 17, 2022 | By Elastisys' team

Increase stability and reliability with Kubernetes + Helm + Flux!
Member Post Increase stability and reliability with Kubernetes + Helm + Flux!
Guest post by Tamao Nakahara, VP of Developer Experience, Weaveworks  The Benefits of Stability and Reliability  If you’ve come to this blog post, you’re probably interested in ways to be able to trust that everything will go well...
February 17, 2022

Announcing Krius – accelerating your monitoring adoption for Kubernetes
Member Post Announcing Krius – accelerating your monitoring adoption for Kubernetes
Guest post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Yachika Ralhan We’re thrilled to share our newest OSS project ‘Krius’ with the cloud native community! Krius is a CLI tool to manage Prometheus, Thanos & friends across multiple clusters easily for...
February 16, 2022 | By Yachika Ralhan

Managing public cloud resources for deep learning training: experiments and lessons learned
Member Post Managing public cloud resources for deep learning training: experiments and lessons learned
Guest post by Anne Holler, Chi Su, Travis Addair, Henry Prêcheur, Paweł Bojanowski, Madhuri Yechuri, and Richard Liaw INTRODUCTION Deep Learning (DL) has been successfully applied to many fields, including computer vision, natural language, business, and science. The...
February 15, 2022 | By Anne Holler, Chi Su, Travis Addair, Henry Prêcheur, Paweł Bojanowski, Madhuri Yechuri, and Richard Liaw

Kubernetes security best practices: definitive guide
Member Post Kubernetes security best practices: definitive guide
Guest post originally published on ARMO’s blog by Jonathan Kaftzan, VP Marketing & Business Development at ARMO Introduction Kubernetes, an open-source microservice orchestration engine, is well known for its ability to automate the deployment, management, and, most importantly,...
February 14, 2022 | By Jonathan Kaftzan

Integration challenges in microservices architecture with gRPC & REST
Member Post Integration challenges in microservices architecture with gRPC & REST
Guest post by Rakesh Girija Ramesan Nair, Senior Technology Architect with Infosys Limited, and Gourishankar ValsalakumariNeelakantapillai, Technology Lead with Infosys Limited Abstract: This blog is envisaged to explain the integration challenges that technologies like gRPC and REST bring...
February 11, 2022 | By Rakesh Girija Ramesan Nair and Gourishankar ValsalakumariNeelakantapillai

Logstash, Fluentd, Fluent Bit, or Vector? How to choose the right open-source log collector
Member Post Logstash, Fluentd, Fluent Bit, or Vector? How to choose the right open-source log collector
Guest post originally published on ERA Software’s blog by Stela Udovicic In this blog, we’ll discuss the most popular log collectors, including Logstash, Fluentd, Fluent Bit, and Vector. Whether you already use an open-source log collector or are...
February 10, 2022 | By Stela Udovicic