All Member Posts

Configuring OpenTelemetry in Ruby
Member Post Configuring OpenTelemetry in Ruby
Guest post by Scout APM OpenTelemetry is enabling a revolution in how Observability data is collected and transmitted. See our What Is OpenTelemetry post on why this is an important inflection point in the Observability space. In this...
March 29, 2022

Kubernetes Scheduler introduction
Member Post Kubernetes Scheduler introduction
Guest post originally published on Gemini Open Cloud‘s blog by Patrick Fu, CEO of Gemini Open Cloud Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source cluster manager for managing containerized workloads and services. The features of Kubernetes include automatic software...
March 28, 2022 | By Patrick Fu

KoolKits – Kubernetes debugging re(image)ined
Member Post KoolKits – Kubernetes debugging re(image)ined
Guest post originally published on Lightrun’s blog by Tom Granot, Director of Developer Relations at Lightrun KoolKits (Kubernetes toolkits) are highly-opinionated, language-specific, batteries-included debug container images for Kubernetes. In practice, they’re what you would’ve installed on your production...
March 25, 2022

Securing a Kubernetes pod with Regula and Open Policy Agent
Member Post Securing a Kubernetes pod with Regula and Open Policy Agent
Guest post originally published on Fugue’s blog by Becki Lee Fugue recently released Kubernetes support in Regula, our open source policy engine for checking infrastructure as code. Not only can Regula check your Terraform and CloudFormation files for security...
March 24, 2022 | By Becki Lee

Leveraging Kubernetes to run databases, message queues and in-memory caches: How we built a truly portable platform
Member Post Leveraging Kubernetes to run databases, message queues and in-memory caches: How we built a truly portable platform
Guest post originally published on the Elastisys blog by the Elastisys team We increasingly meet CTOs and cloud architects in need of a secure platform that can run on multiple clouds or on-premise to meet customer requirements. A...
March 23, 2022

Karmada: Multi-cluster Management with an Ocean of Nodes
Member Post Karmada: Multi-cluster Management with an Ocean of Nodes
Guest post by Kevin Wang, Huawei and Shen Yifan, Commercial Bank of China In terms of multi-cluster management, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) found a new way to do it efficiently, that is, using Karmada. At...
March 22, 2022 | By Kevin Wang, Shen Yifan

An introduction to metrics monitoring with Fluent Bit and M3DB
Member Post An introduction to metrics monitoring with Fluent Bit and M3DB
Guest post originally published on Chronosphere’s blog by Gibbs Cullen This blog is primarily a recap of the workshop led by Anurag Gupta, co-founder of Calyptia and Fluent maintainer, and myself at FluentCon North America 2021 titled “Hands on Workshop: Getting Started With...
March 21, 2022

NSA & CISA Kubernetes hardening guide – what is new with version 1.1
Member Post NSA & CISA Kubernetes hardening guide – what is new with version 1.1
Guest post originally published on ARMO’s blog by Leonid Sandler, CTO & Co-founder, ARMO In March 2022, NSA & CISA has issued a new version of the Kubernetes Hardening Guide – version 1.1. It updates the previous version that was released...
March 18, 2022

Cluster out: A design approach to building modern apps
Member Post Cluster out: A design approach to building modern apps
Guest post by Rob Whiteley, Vice President and General Manager of the NGINX Product Group at F5 This past August at NGINX Sprint 2.0, I discussed the patterns we see customers adopt to successfully leverage cloud-native technologies when...
March 15, 2022 | By Rob Whiteley

Reducing negative and biased language in documentation
Member Post Reducing negative and biased language in documentation
Guest post originally published on the Chronosphere blog by Chris Ward The discussions on what represents negative, biased, and diverse language continue in many open source communities, often sparking heated and strongly opinionated debate. Setting those discussions aside,...
March 9, 2022