All Member Posts

How to build a cost-efficient troubleshooting practice for Kubernetes
Member Post How to build a cost-efficient troubleshooting practice for Kubernetes
Guest post by Eran Kinsbruner, Lightrun Why Troubleshooting Kubernetes Apps Is Tricky!  Apps that are deployed across Kubernetes clusters are a huge challenge to debug and analyze.  There are a couple of major reasons for this. Firstly, access...
January 31, 2023 | By Eran Kinsbruner

Pure, upstream Kubernetes is the best Kubernetes
Member Post Pure, upstream Kubernetes is the best Kubernetes
Guest post by Tobi Knaup, CEO of D2iQ The open-source ecosystem has evolved quickly from niche projects with limited corporate backing into the default way to develop software. Both small and large organisations are using open-source software to...
January 30, 2023

KubeGateway: A customized seven-layer Load Balancer for kube-apiserver
Member Post KubeGateway: A customized seven-layer Load Balancer for kube-apiserver
Guest post originally published on ByteDance’s blog by Jun Zhang KubeGateway is a seven-layer load balancer specially customized by ByteDance for kube-apiserver traffic characteristics. It completely solves the problem of kube-apiserver load imbalance. For the first time in...
January 26, 2023 | By Jun Zhang

CURP – revisit the consensus protocol
Member Post CURP – revisit the consensus protocol
Guest post by Shi Jicheng, CTO, DatenLord Introduction of consensus Consensus protocol is a protocol to keep the information consistent and durable in multiple servers, and the property is kept even if some servers fail. When we talk...
January 25, 2023 | By Shi Jicheng

Platform engineering trends in 2023
Member Post Platform engineering trends in 2023
Guest post originally published on Humanitec’s blog by Luca Galante 2022 was an explosive year for platform engineering. PlatformCon 2022, the first-ever conference by and for platform engineers, garnered over 78 community-submitted talks and 6000 attendees. Platform engineering went viral...
January 24, 2023 | By Luca Galante

Navigate your way to production bliss with Caretta
Member Post Navigate your way to production bliss with Caretta
Guest post originally published on groundcover’s blog by Udi Rot Get to know Caretta – a lightweight, standalone tool that instantly creates a visual network map of the services running in your cluster. Caretta leverages eBPF to efficiently...
January 23, 2023 | By Udi Rot

The five laws of cloud native authorization
Member Post The five laws of cloud native authorization
Guest post originally published on Aserto’s blog by Omri Gazitt Overview In a microservices world, each service needs to verify that a subject (user or machine) has permission to perform an operation on a resource that the service...
January 19, 2023 | By Omri Gazitt

Trends for DevOps engineering in 2023
Member Post Trends for DevOps engineering in 2023
Guest post originally published on Traceroute42’s blog DevOps movement is still an evolving field and is influenced by a variety of factors such as technological advances, industry trends, and organizational needs. That makes it difficult to make specific...
January 17, 2023

What is a sovereign cloud and what is its importance?
Member Post What is a sovereign cloud and what is its importance?
Guest post originally published on Coredge’s blog The term “sovereign cloud” describes a cloud architecture to provide security and data access while adhering to local laws and regulations around data privacy and security. Depending on where the cloud...
January 16, 2023 | By Coredge

With BFE, China Merchants Bank has improved application availability and operation efficiency
Member Post With BFE, China Merchants Bank has improved application availability and operation efficiency
Guest post by Miao Zhang, Baidu As CMB’s adoption of cloud native technologies, the Kubernetes container platform is now supporting 100k+ applications in CMB. With such huge number of applications, CMB encountered multiple issues with some popular solutions:...
January 13, 2023 | By Miao Zhang