All Member Posts

Celebrating 10 years of Kubernetes: the evolution of database operators
Member Post Celebrating 10 years of Kubernetes: the evolution of database operators
Ambassador post by Edith Puclla, CNCF Ambassador and Tech Evangelist at Percona Since its launch in June 2014, Kubernetes has revolutionized container orchestration, transforming how applications are managed and scaled.  The Data on Kubernetes Community (DoKC) created an...
June 28, 2024 | By Edith Puclla

Your guide to observability engineering in 2024
Member Post Your guide to observability engineering in 2024
Member post originally published on the blog by Jake O’Donnell It may sound complicated and daunting, but so much of observability is about discovering the unknown unknowns in your critical systems. The capabilities of observability engineering can...
June 25, 2024 | By Jake O'Donnell

Why you do not want a visualization of your Infrastructure as Code
Member Post Why you do not want a visualization of your Infrastructure as Code
Originally published on the appCD blog by Asif Awan You’ve been working on a new application for your company. It is going to address business requirements needed to delight customers. But while you are ready to ship your...
June 24, 2024 | By Asif Awan

Mastering DevSecOps with Devtron: a strategic approach
Member Post Mastering DevSecOps with Devtron: a strategic approach
Member post originally published on the Devtron blog by Nishant As the adoption of Kubernetes continues to grow, organizations encounter numerous challenges in securing their software development and deployment processes. Integrating security practices into DevOps, known as DevSecOps,...
June 20, 2024

The trouble with Topology Aware Routing: Sacrificing reliability in the name of cost savings
Member Post The trouble with Topology Aware Routing: Sacrificing reliability in the name of cost savings
Member post originally published on the Buoyant blog by William Morgan Topology Aware Routing is a feature of Kubernetes that prevents cluster traffic within one availability zone from crossing to another availability zone. For high-traffic applications deployed in multi-zone...
June 17, 2024

Why Embrace created span snapshots for mobile observability with OpenTelemetry
Member Post Why Embrace created span snapshots for mobile observability with OpenTelemetry
Member post by Fredric Newberg, CTO and Co-Founder of Embrace OTel spans are very powerful for gaining an understanding of the performance of mobile applications. However, given the restriction placed on spans in the OTel specification that spans...
June 14, 2024

Answering your top 9 questions about monitoring in Kubernetes
Member Post Answering your top 9 questions about monitoring in Kubernetes
Member post originally published on Fairwinds’ blog by Dexter Garner There are many things you can monitor in Kubernetes but you need to understand what is mission-critical in terms of monitoring. In a recent webinar, we explored what you should...
June 10, 2024 | By Dexter Garner

An improved OpenTelemetry continuous profiling agent
Member Post An improved OpenTelemetry continuous profiling agent
Member blog post by Abhishek Singh, Christos Kalkanis, Alexander Wert, and Bahubali Shetti of Elastic In March 2023, OpenTelemetry took a big step towards this goal by merging a profiling data model OTEP and working towards a stable...
June 7, 2024 | By Abhishek Singh, Christos Kalkanis, Alexander Wert, Bahubali Shetti

The voice of Kubernetes experts report 2024: the data trends driving the future of the enterprise
Member Post The voice of Kubernetes experts report 2024: the data trends driving the future of the enterprise
Guest post by Rajiv Thakkar, Director of Product Marketing, Portworx, Pure Storage  (LinkedIn) Today, June 6, marks the 10th anniversary of Kubernetes. Kubernetes originally began as a project in Google and was released as open source in June...
June 6, 2024

werf 2.0 with Nelm, and what it brings to the cloud native community
Member Post werf 2.0 with Nelm, and what it brings to the cloud native community
Member post originally published on the Palark blog by Dmitry Shurupov, editor-in-chief, Palark In the recent werf v2.0 release, the CI/CD solution has unveiled a new deployment engine called Nelm. It has replaced Helm while retaining backward compatibility and introducing new prominent features....
June 5, 2024