All Community Posts

Introducing the Wasm landscape (in English and Chinese)
Community Post Introducing the Wasm landscape (in English and Chinese)
By Chris Aniszczyk, Vivian Hu and Michael Yuan “Containers are the new normal, and WebAssembly is the future.”   — CNCF Annual Survey 2022 key findings. Originally created as a secure sandbox to run compiled C/C++ code in...
September 6, 2023 | By Chris Aniszczyk, Vivian Hu. and Michael Yuan

CNCF launches a new system for resolving Code of Conduct incidents to support community culture and values
Community Post CNCF launches a new system for resolving Code of Conduct incidents to support community culture and values
By the Co-Chairs of the CNCF Code of Conduct Working Groups We’re excited to announce a new system for resolving Code of Conduct (CoC) incidents in our community that is designed to enhance trust and develop a culture...
September 6, 2023 | By Co-Chairs of the CNCF Code of Conduct Working Groups

Verifying images in a private Amazon ECR with Kyverno and IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA)
Community Post Verifying images in a private Amazon ECR with Kyverno and IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA)
Community post originally published on GitHub by Shuting Zhao, a maintainer of Kyverno When running workloads in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), it is essential to ensure supply chain security by verifying container image signatures and other metadata....
August 29, 2023 | By Shuting Zhao

A story of growing a Kubernetes community in South Korea (Korean-language blog)
Community Post A story of growing a Kubernetes community in South Korea (Korean-language blog)
Community post by Seungkyu Ahn (, Kubernetes Korea Group) Kubernetes Korea Group 커뮤니티는 2016년 1월 9일에 페이스북 그룹으로 처음 만들어졌다. 2015년 OpenStack Summit 에 참석했을 때 CoreOS 의 Tectonic 데모를 봤었는데, Tectonic 으로 Baremetal 서버에 Kubernetes 를 쉽게...
August 17, 2023

Chennai’s first in-person KCD concludes!
Community Post Chennai’s first in-person KCD concludes!
Guest post by Senthil Raja Chermapandian, Organizer, KCD Chennai 2023 Kubernetes Community Days Chennai 2023 finally concluded on 22nd July 2023; a day of learning and networking with Kubernetes and Cloud Native professionals from across India. I had...
August 16, 2023 | By Senthil Raja Chermapandian

Real-time analytics with stream processing and OLAP
Community Post Real-time analytics with stream processing and OLAP
Guest post originally published on Medium by Hubert Dulay Gartner States: “By the end of 2024, 75% of organizations will shift from piloting to operationalizing artificial intelligence (AI), driving a 5 times increase in streaming data and analytics infrastructures.”
August 8, 2023 | By Hubert Dulay

Have we reached a point of no return on managing software dependencies?
Community Post Have we reached a point of no return on managing software dependencies?
Guest post originally published on Paolo Mainardi’s blog by Paolo Mainardi, Founder and CTO of Sparkfabrik Software Supply Chain security issues are hitting hard the whole OSS ecosystem; not a day goes by without a security incident going into the wild,...
August 7, 2023 | By Paolo Mainardi

Saying goodbye to PaaS and IaaS
Community Post Saying goodbye to PaaS and IaaS
Community post originally published on Medium by Noah Ispas Kubernetes is taking over, isn’t it? Almost everyone has heard of Kubernetes by now, and many organizations of all sizes are using it or at least considering using it in...
July 26, 2023

From IP to identity: making cattle out of pets in cloud native
Community Post From IP to identity: making cattle out of pets in cloud native
Community post by Bill Mulligan From one bit modifying the next to frontend talking to backend, IT is fundamentally about identity, who is talking to what and what is the outcome of their interaction. This concept of identity...
July 24, 2023

Kubernetes logging best practices
Community Post Kubernetes logging best practices
Community post by Selvam R, DevOps Engineer, Chennai (Winner of the KCD Chennai Blogathon) Kubernetes is a popular open-source platform for container orchestration that is widely used by developers and DevOps teams for deploying and managing containerized applications....
July 3, 2023 | By Selvam R