All Community Posts

Rethinking threat detection and response in cloud native ecosystems
Community Post Rethinking threat detection and response in cloud native ecosystems
Community post originally published on DZone by Nigel Douglas In highly dynamic cloud-native environments, the traditional Threat Detection and Response (TDR) approaches are increasingly showing their limitations. With its unique architecture and operational dynamics, Kubernetes demands re-evaluating how we handle security threats,...
February 1, 2024

Creating infra using Backstage templates, Terraform and GitHub actions.
Community Post Creating infra using Backstage templates, Terraform and GitHub actions.
Community post originally published on Medium by Sagar Parmar Introduction Backstage is an open-source platform for constructing Internal Developer Portals (IDPs). Internal Developer Portals serve as a one-stop shop, that provides a unified view of all our resources....
January 29, 2024 | By Sagar Parmar

Edge Native Design Behaviors Explained
Community Post Edge Native Design Behaviors Explained
Community post by Brandon Wick Working Group Expands Edge Native Applications Principles to Edge Native Design Behaviors in New Whitepaper View the full Edge Native Application Design Behaviors Whitepaper  Cloud native application design best practices have been well...
January 25, 2024

Things I’ve learned about conference speaking
Community Post Things I’ve learned about conference speaking
Community post originally published on Ash Sharma’s personal blog On the wall across from my desk, I’ve got badges from all the conferences I’ve been to. The collection has grown quite a bit over the past two years....
January 24, 2024 | By Arsh Sharma

Cloud native and business value: you need to talk the language 
Ambassador Post Cloud native and business value: you need to talk the language 
Community post by Danielle Cook and Simon Forster, CNCF Ambassadors and members of the Cartografos Working Group The last year has seen cloud native projects put on hold, layoffs announced, budget cuts and more. It’s been a wild...
January 23, 2024

Kubernetes and beyond: a year-end reflection with Kelsey Hightower
Community Post Kubernetes and beyond: a year-end reflection with Kelsey Hightower
Ambassador post originally published on’s blog by Dotan Horovits With 2023 drawing to a close, the final OpenObservability Talks of the year focused on what happened this year in open source, DevOps, observability and more, with an...
January 22, 2024

GitOpsCon Europe 2023 and beyond!
Community Post GitOpsCon Europe 2023 and beyond!
Community post by Christian Hernandez, head of community, Akuity GitOpsCon Europe 2023 took place, virtually, on December 5th and 6th. It took place as multiple tracks, spread over two half days. There were multiple talks spanning all user...
January 19, 2024

Installing multiple helm charts in one go [Approach 2 – using helmfile]
Community Post Installing multiple helm charts in one go [Approach 2 – using helmfile]
Community post originally published on by Sunny Bhambhani In this article we will be talking about Approach 2 i.e. how to get multiple helm charts installed using helmfile. If you haven’t read the previous article where I discussed about Approach...
January 16, 2024

Scaling down a Git repo. A tidy up of cncf/k8s-conformance
Community Post Scaling down a Git repo. A tidy up of cncf/k8s-conformance
Community post by Caleb Woodbine ( ( Optimising the k8s-conformance repo The Kubernetes conformance project by CNCF ensures consistency in Kubernetes’ stable APIs and core functionalities across different implementations. A provider will apply for the program through the CNCF...
January 12, 2024 | By Caleb Woodbine

Cloud Native Glossary — the French version is live!
Community Post Cloud Native Glossary — the French version is live!
Community post by Christophe Sauthier, Flavien Hardy, Ludovic Logiou, Stéphane Este-Gracias, and Guillaume Bernard The Cloud Native Glossary is a project led by the CNCF Business Value Subcommittee. Its goal is to explain cloud native concepts in clear...
January 9, 2024 | By Christophe Sauthier, Flavien Hardy, Ludovic Logiou, Stéphane Este-Gracias, and Guillaume Bernard