KubeWeekly #93
Published: July 3, 2017
- Starting Small With Kubernetes and Kubeadm: 500 Containers? (https://medium.com/@vurtcloud/starting-small-with-kubernetes-and-kubeadm-500-containers-6c76454e6e12)
- By Vurt Cloud (https://twitter.com/vurtcloud)
- forge for fast build/deploy for kubernetes (with minikube) (http://blogs.justenougharchitecture.com/forge-fast-builddeploy-kubernetes-minikube/)
- By Mathew Thomas (https://twitter.com/mattazoid)
- Validate your Kubernetes configuration files, supports multiple Kubernetes versions (https://github.com/garethr/kubeval)
- By Gareth Rushgrove (https://twitter.com/garethr)
- The TPR is dead. Long live the CRD: Custom Resources in Kubernetes v1.7 (https://coreos.com/blog/custom-resource-kubernetes-v17)
- By Eric Chiang (https://twitter.com/erchiang)
- K8GUARD The guardian angel for Kubernetes. (http://target.github.io/infrastructure/k8guard-the-guardian-angel-for-kuberentes?utm_content=buffer33f8e&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Medya Ghazizadeh (https://twitter.com/MedyaDaily)
- Kubernetes on bare-metal in 10 minutes (https://blog.alexellis.io/kubernetes-in-10-minutes/)
- By Alex Ellis (https://twitter.com/alexellisuk)
- Kubernetes cluster manager for localhost (https://github.com/bcrusu/kcm)
- By bcrusu (https://github.com/bcrusu)
- Whack-a-pod: The Kubernetes cluster whack-a-mole game (https://medium.com/google-cloud/whack-a-pod-359cbfb61662)
- By Terrence Ryan (https://twitter.com/tpryan)
- DevOps with Kubernetes and VSTS: Part 1 (http://colinsalmcorner.com/post/devops-with-kubernetes-and-vsts-part-1)
- By Colin Dembovsky (https://twitter.com/colindembovsky)
- Introduction to Kubernetes: How to Deploy a Node.js Docker App (https://www.sitepoint.com/kubernetes-deploy-node-js-docker-app/)
- By Jatin Shridhar (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jatin-shridhar-25b37610a/?ppe=1)
- Configuring Some Key Production Settings for MongoDB on GKE Kubernetes (http://pauldone.blogspot.co.uk/2017/06/mongodb-kubernetes-production-settings.html)
- By Paul Done (https://twitter.com/TheDonester)
- Look ma, No Docker! Kubernetes with CRI-O, and no Docker at all! (http://dougbtv.com//nfvpe/2017/06/29/kubernetes-crio/)
- By Doug (https://twitter.com/dougbtv)
- Nginx based Kubernetes ingress controller for AWS (https://github.com/sky-uk/feed)
- By Alan Gibson (https://github.com/alangibson01)
- Declarative Infrastructure with the Jsonnet Templating Language (https://databricks.com/blog/2017/06/26/declarative-infrastructure-jsonnet-templating-language.html)
- By Eric Liang (https://twitter.com/_ericliang) & Aaron Davidson (https://github.com/aarondav?tab=repositories)
- Simple Docker Orchestration (https://www.sweharris.org/post/2017-07-02-dockerorch/)
- By Stephen Harris (https://twitter.com/sweharris)
- Switch between Kubernetes contexts/namespaces (https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectx)
- By Ahmet Alp Balkan (https://twitter.com/ahmetb)
- Zen and the Art of Kubernetes Networking (https://blog.heptio.com/zen-and-the-art-of-kubernetes-networking-5f3989da4a87)
- By Mei Long (https://twitter.com/meitrappist1)
- Automated Kubernetes deployment updates on image push (https://github.com/rusenask/keel)
- By Karolis Rusenas (https://twitter.com/KRusenas)
- How to search Kubernetes logs (https://www.loggly.com/blog/how-to-search-kubernetes-logs/)
- By Garland Kan (https://twitter.com/gargar454)
Blogs / Articles
- Kubernetes 1.7: Security Hardening, Stateful Application Updates and Extensibility (http://blog.kubernetes.io/2017/06/kubernetes-1.7-security-hardening-stateful-application-extensibility-updates.html?m=1)
- By Aparna Sinha (https://twitter.com/apbhatnagar)
- Anyone but Amazon: The rise of Kubernetes (https://blogs.dxc.technology/2017/06/29/anyone-but-amazon-the-rise-of-kubernetes/)
- By Steven J Vaughan-Nichols (https://twitter.com/sjvn)
- Kubernetes 1.7 Brings Extensibility, Security Hardening and the Network Policy API (https://thenewstack.io/kubernetes-1-7-brings-extensibility-security-hardening-network-policy-api/?utm_content=buffer37964&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Susan Hall (https://twitter.com/hallsd)
- Kubernetes 1.7 Improves Container Security and API Aggregation (http://developer.eweek.com/enterprise-apps/kubernetes-1.7-improves-container-security-and-api-aggregation)
- By Sean Kerner (https://twitter.com/TechJournalist)
- Kubernetes: Why does it matter? (https://opensource.com/article/17/6/introducing-kubernetes)
- By Tim Potter (https://twitter.com/timothypotter)
- Survey Shows Kubernetes Leading as Orchestration Platform (https://www.cncf.io/blog/2017/06/28/survey-shows-kubernetes-leading-orchestration-platform/)
- By Kristen Evans (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ksevans/)
- Storage is Dead! Long live OpenEBS (https://blog.openebs.io/storage-is-dead-long-live-openebs-ce14fbb1adac)
- By Evan Powell (https://twitter.com/epowell101)
- How Pokemon Go needed a Kubernetes powered Java cloud (http://www.theserverside.com/feature/How-Pokemon-Go-created-a-Kuburnetes-powered-Java-cloud?utm_content=buffer21b39&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By George Lawton (https://twitter.com/glawton)
- Announcing Caascade Labs: A bold new step forward (https://medium.com/@utter_babbage/announcing-caascade-labs-a-bold-new-step-forward-9de40fd0a15e)
- By Sidhartha Mani (https://twitter.com/utter_babbage)
- Open Tools Help Streamline Kubernetes and Application Development (https://www.linux.com/blog/chapter/Intro-to-Kubernetes/2017/6/open-tools-help-streamline-kubernetes-and-application-development)
- By Sam Dean (https://www.linux.com/users/sam-dean)
- Kubernetes’ killer features (http://blog.wercker.com/best-things-about-kubernetes-now)
- By Sneha Inguva (https://twitter.com/snehainguva)
- IBM Announces Kubernetes-based IBM Cloud private platform (https://www.ibm.com/blogs/bluemix/2017/06/ibm-announces-kubernetes-base-ibm-cloud-private-platform/)
- By Michael Elder (https://twitter.com/mdelder)
- The mess and success of building open leadership (notes from Kubernetes Leadership Summit) (https://rackn.com/2017/06/26/k8s-leadership/?utm_content=social-vxyq9&utm_medium=social&utm_source=SocialMedia&utm_campaign=SocialPilot)
- By Rob Hirschfeld (https://twitter.com/zehicle)
- Red Hat integrates Kubernetes in Red Hat Cloud Suite (http://www.zdnet.com/article/red-hat-integrates-kubernetes-in-red-hat-cloud-suite/)
- By Steven Nichols (https://twitter.com/sjvn)
- Avoid these common mistakes and kick off Kubernetes in style! (https://medium.com/cobe-io/avoid-these-common-mistakes-and-kick-off-kubernetes-in-style-42a9da8f0248)
- By Donna Cooper (https://twitter.com/DonnaCoops)
- SUSE debuts container platform layered atop Kubernetes (http://searchcloudapplications.techtarget.com/news/450421734/SUSE-debuts-container-platform-layered-atop-Kubernetes)
- By Joel Shore (https://twitter.com/JShoreTT)
- Introducing the Helm Chart for JupyterHub Deployment with Kubernetes (http://blog.jupyter.org/2017/06/29/introducing-the-helm-chart-for-jupyterhub-deployment-with-kubernetes/?utm_content=buffer71c40&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Chris Holdgraf (https://twitter.com/choldgraf)
- Getting Started with Kubernetes: Options for Monitoring (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pxxpW7Ujg4&feature=youtu.be&a)
- In this clip, Flynn Bundy (https://twitter.com/Bundyfx) discusses some options for monitoring Kubernetes resources.
- Migrating Legacy Monoliths to Cloud Native Microservices Architectures on Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1g9qV1vwFI)
- This talk by Dan Kohn (https://twitter.com/dankohn1) will look at several real-world cases where existing monolithic, legacy applications deployed in multi-billion dollar companies were slowly evolved into cloud native microservices architectures on Kubernetes.
- What Kubo Brings to Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12JfRZmKqx4)
- Kubernetes’ native strategy for high availability is to set up multiple master replicas, and engineer a failover system that passes control to a replica when the main master fails. When the master does fail, nothing can schedule workloads. But the problem with simplicity — here and everywhere else — is that it makes things way too complex.
- Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo #5 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgmAw5nUSGA)
- Live stream of the recent Kubernetes meetup (https://k8sjp.connpass.com/event/56945/) held in Tokyo on the 27th of June, 2017
- Installing a Kubernetes Master and adding a node (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcusgsIIPMc&feature=youtu.be&a)
- All about Installing a Kubernetes Master and adding a node.
- 12 Factor Apps and Kubernetes – CodeConf 2016 (http://www.codechannels.com/video/github/git/12-factor-apps-and-kubernetes-codeconf-2016/)
- Presented by Kelsey Hightower (https://twitter.com/kelseyhightower) ; Five years ago the world was introduced to 12 Factor apps which provided the blueprint for building applications for the cloud. As we move beyond the cloud into utility computing applications must be designed to be globally available and always on. Building on the foundation of 12 Factor, this session will introduce key requirements for Cloud Native applications and playing nice in a distributed system. Attendees will learn how to build Cloud Native applications from the ground up using Kubernetes.
- CockroachDB on Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P-nWJgqP7U)
- Learn how to deploy CockroachDB on Kubernetes, the container orchestration tool. By Alex Robinson (https://github.com/a-robinson)
- Kubernetes and containers for your web application: step by step (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zztKO0iRX_w)
- The objective of this presentation by Alain Regnier (https://twitter.com/altolabs) is to show a concrete case of using Kubernetes and containers for the deployment of a Web application written in Java.
- Kubernetes workshop (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC6Cc_2kWvA)
- Link to the slides here (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ascgfLxDUjFajNGXu9gEu6FM8SjVmuCo1HyWCotGFnc/edit?usp=sharing)
- Keynote: The Kubernetes Community (http://www.codechannels.com/video/thelinuxfoundation/kubernetes/keynote-the-kubernetes-community-ian-lewis-developer-advocate-google/)
- In this talk, Ian Lewis (https://twitter.com/IanMLewis) describes how the Kubernetes community organizes and runs the project, and some of the principles that the community has learned over its 2.5 years of rapid growth have been critical to its success.
- #194: Deploying a Node App with Docker and Kubernetes (http://jsfeeds.com/details/194-deploying-a-node-app-with-docker-and-kubernetes-5955243e49eea3c438924b08?s=rss)
- This week’s Node news
- Acceptance tests with WireMock & Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2Rlvld-6as)
- In this video Sebastian Daschner (https://twitter.com/DaschnerS) shows how to mock an external system in an acceptance tests using WireMock and Kubernetes.
- Elasticsearch and Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJzt5UxaWss)
- By Ryan Schneider (https://twitter.com/djschny) ; a quick overview of Elasticsearch architecture, Kubernetes work done so far by the community, and work still pending in regards to running Elasticsearch in a Kubernetes cluster.
- ksonnet (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbODUOJQvIU)
- In the talk “ksonnet : finally, a kubernetes configuration option for the 1990s and beyond”, Alex Clemmer (https://twitter.com/hausdorff_space) discusses and demos ksonnet, a recent effort from Heptio, Bitnami, Box, and others, to help build maintainable,extensible abstractions scaling Kubernetes applications definitions.
- Getting Started with Kubernetes (https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/getting-started-kubernetes)
- This course by Nigel Poulton (https://twitter.com/nigelpoulton) will teach you the theory and practical skills required to get you up and running as fast as possible.
- OpenShift Commons Briefing #79: What’s New in Kubernetes 1.7 Release (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPB1jL1HUPA)
- Kubernetes is being released and it’s time for an overview/update from Red Hat’s Clayton Coleman (https://twitter.com/smarterclayton) on all the many and varied new features and functions that are included in Kubernetes 1.7!
- Secure my Socks: Microservice Security on Kubernetes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArXu3gd4Xc8)
- By Phil Winder (https://twitter.com/DrPhilWinder) ; demonstrates how to secure containers and improve network security through the use of a software defined network.
- Love K8s?? Now, manage your containers with it on IBM Bluemix Container Service (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MB0em6u1P0)
- Presented at IBMDeveloperConnect 2017. This video shows the steps from creating a NodeJS app to creating a Docker Container to moving it to Kubernetes on IBM Bluemix.
- Kubernetes SIG-Azure Community Meeting 6-28 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkldbvnH7xQ)
- More information here (http://bit.ly/sig-azure)
- Kubernetes SIG Apps 20170626 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1NjGj3ZPzs)
- Standups and demo and discussion of Istio
- 2017-06-28 Kubernetes OpenStack SIG Meeting (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BopUUfOzzkg)
- Kubernetes SIG Storage 20170622 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYY-GqhrG2M)
- Meeting Notes/Agenda here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-8KEG8AjAgKznS9NFm3qWqkGyCHmvU6HVl0sk5hwoAE/edit#heading=h.gnduln4s4ct)
- Kubernetes SIG Service Catalog 20170626 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUkAAz-aBGk)
- – Beta Criteria
– Testing / refactoring
– Walkthrough differentiation between 1.6 and 1.7 - Kubernetes SIG Testing 20170627 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M79_MOAxCJ0)
- Meeting notes here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z8MQpr_jTwhmjLMUaqQyBk1EYG_Y_3D4y4YdMJ7V1Kk)
- Kubernetes Walk Through from Technical View (https://www.slideshare.net/resouer/kubernetes-walk-through-zhanglei?qid=9526f878-4ab6-409d-aaa4-87f73a139024&v=&b=&from_search=1)
- Kubernetes walk through in Alibaba Kubernetes workshop by Lei (Harry) Zhang (https://twitter.com/resouer)
- Building Cloud-Native Applications with Kubernetes, Helm and Kubeless (https://www.slideshare.net/BitnamiMarketing/building-cloudnative-applications-with-kubernetes-helm-and-kubeless?qid=9526f878-4ab6-409d-aaa4-87f73a139024&v=&b=&from_search=2)
- This presentation was presented at Oracle Code Day Mexico City by Javier Salmeron (https://twitter.com/javi_salmeron) .
- Kubernetes Node Deep Dive (https://www.slideshare.net/resouer/k8s-meetup-3june-77322267?qid=9526f878-4ab6-409d-aaa4-87f73a139024&v=&b=&from_search=3)
- Kubernetes Node deep dive in 2017 CNCF meetup Hangzhou by Lei (Harry) Zhang (https://twitter.com/resouer)
- [WIP] 運用しているサービスをKubernetes化するかどうか考える / k8s meetup 5th (https://speakerdeck.com/takaishi/k8s-meetup-5th)
- By Ryo Takaishi (https://twitter.com/takaishir) ; https://k8sjp.connpass.com/event/56945/ の資料です
- Spark day 2017 – Spark on Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/jerryjung7/spark-day-2017seoul?qid=9526f878-4ab6-409d-aaa4-87f73a139024&v=&b=&from_search=4)
- Spark on Kubernetes by Yousun Jeong (https://www.linkedin.com/in/yousun-jeong-986b7046/)
- Spring Cloud Apps with Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/QAware/spring-cloud-apps-with-kubernetes?qid=9526f878-4ab6-409d-aaa4-87f73a139024&v=&b=&from_search=6)
- Cloud Native Night April 2016, Munich: Talk by Mario-Leander Reimer (https://twitter.com/LeanderReimer) and Josef Fuchshuber (https://twitter.com/fuchshuber) .
- Elastic scaling in a (micro)service oriented architecture (https://speakerdeck.com/bastianhofmann/elastic-scaling-in-a-micro-service-oriented-architecture-5)
- In this talk bh Bastian Hofmann (https://twitter.com/BastianHofmann) shows how those at ResearchGate tackled this challenge. With the help of tools like Consul and haproxy we created a setup that allows us to quickly boot and shutdown services.
- Kubernetesの歩き方 (https://speakerdeck.com/ladicle/kubernetesfalsebu-kifang)
- By Aya Lgarashi (https://twitter.com/Ladicle) ; Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo #5; Blog (https://ladicle.github.io/post/k8s2/)
- Planes, Raft, and Pods: A Tour of Distributed Systems Within Kubernetes (https://www.slideshare.net/BoIngram/planes-raft-and-pods-a-tour-of-distributed-systems-within-kubernetes?qid=9526f878-4ab6-409d-aaa4-87f73a139024&v=&b=&from_search=7)
- A talk by Bo Ingram (https://www.linkedin.com/in/bo-ingram-1a069275/) examining the distributed systems that make up Kubernetes that was presented in June 2017 at the Distributed Computing Denver Meetup.
- Redis Cluster Operability with Kubernetes and OpenShift (https://www.slideshare.net/CedricLamoriniere/redisconf17-redis-cluster-operability-with-kubernetes-and-openshift-cedric-lamoriniere?qid=9526f878-4ab6-409d-aaa4-87f73a139024&v=&b=&from_search=8)
- In this session by Cedric Lamoriniere (https://twitter.com/CedLamo) we will present how to leverage containers and orchestration layers like Kubernetes and Openshift in order to extend the operability of Redis Cluster and automate operations like scaling, recovery following failures and upgrades.
- Tomcat from a cluster to the cloud on RP3 (https://www.slideshare.net/jfclere/tomcat-from-a-cluster-to-the-cloud-on-rp3?qid=9526f878-4ab6-409d-aaa4-87f73a139024&v=&b=&from_search=19)
- By Jean-Frederic Clere (https://twitter.com/jfclere) ; What to do to move a clusterized webapp to the cloud. Demo on RPI3 kubernetes cloud.
Upcoming Events
- Terraform Meetup!! Talks about Terragrunt & CoreOS Tectonic! (https://www.meetup.com/terraform-berlin-user-group/events/241013074/)
- July 3, Berlin
- Running Kubernetes on Kubernetes + Multi-Tenancy with Kubernetes and Navops (https://www.meetup.com/Munchen-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/240814166/?a=socialmedia)
- July 4, Munich
- A case for K8s – Why Australia Post is looking to make the switch (https://www.meetup.com/Melbourne-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/240896630/)
- July 4, Melbourne
- Cloud Native London, July 2017 (https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-London/events/240107814/)
- July 4, London
- Running Kubernetes on Kubernetes + Multi-Tenancy with Kubernetes and Navops (https://www.meetup.com/Munchen-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/240814166/)
- July 4, Munich
- Kubernetes In Practice (https://www.meetup.com/Vancouver-Google-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/240844637/)
- July 5, Vancouver
- Meetup #1: Helm – Application Deployment Management for Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Containers-101-TLV/events/240907432/)
- July 5, Ramat Gan
- Charlotte Kubernetes Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Charlotte/events/240055515/)
- July 5, Charlotte
- Meetup #11 Kubernetes workshop @Mobiskill (https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-Computing-Paris/events/241022940/)
- July 5, Paris
- APPUiO & OpenShift Tech Lab in Zurich (https://www.meetup.com/APPUiO-OpenShift-Meetup-Switzerland/events/238318039/)
- July 6, Berne
- Google Cloud OnBoard (https://www.meetup.com/GCPUGSG/events/240660776/)
- July 6, Singapore
- Learn Kubernetes! (https://www.meetup.com/North-Denver-Cloud-IT-for-Non-Traditional-Learners/events/240730753/)
- July 8, Denver
- Meetup #6: Architecting for hybrid micro-services (https://www.meetup.com/Container-Developers-Meetup-Bangalore/events/239929387/)
- July 8, Bangalore
- Kubernetes Bangalore Meetup July 2017 (https://www.meetup.com/kubernetes-openshift-India-Meetup/events/240859625/)
- July 8, Bangalore
- DevOps with Ansible & Docker – (Paid event) (https://www.meetup.com/devopslabs/events/240720117/)
- July 8, Pune
- how to deploy rails with kubernetes on google cloud? (https://www.meetup.com/RubyHyderabad/events/240782187/)
- July 8, Hyderabad
- Influxdb: Deploying the TICK Stack with Kubernetes Helm (https://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Bay-Area-Big-Data-and-Scalable-Systems/events/241151597/)
- July 10, San Francisco
- Q3 Meetup: Prometheus, Friendly K8s Deploys and Birthday Party (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Ottawa/events/240790775/)
- July 11, Ottawa
- Containers – Didn’t know IBM did that ! (https://www.meetup.com/Sydney-IBM-SoftLayer-and-Bluemix-Meetup/)
- July 11, Sydney
- Kubernetes hands-on workshop (https://www.meetup.com/CloudGURUS/events/240906783/)
- July 12, Zoetermeer
- Meetup #1: Kubernetes Is Not Enough: Open The Road! (https://www.meetup.com/kubernauts/events/240526902/)
- July 12, Berlin
- Kubernetes: The New Frontier. Welcome the Kubernauts. (https://www.meetup.com/kubernauts/events/240526902/)
- July 12, Berlin
- TOA Satellite: Starting-up with Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-Computing-Berlin/events/240936454/)
- July 12, Berlin
- Multi-Service Applications in Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/trilug/events/241233730/)
- July 13, Raleigh
- Containerized Storage for Containers Meetup #5 (https://www.meetup.com/OpenEBS-Bangalore-Meetup/events/241196572/)
- July 15, Bangalore
- Getting Started with Cloud Native (https://www.meetup.com/cloud-native-surat-meetup/events/240930260/)
- July 16, Surat
- PipelineAI Community Sync,Guest Christian Posta from RedHat, Kubernetes, Istio (https://www.meetup.com/Advanced-Spark-and-TensorFlow-Meetup/events/239953073/)
- July 17, San Francisco
- Discuss all things Kubernetes (Dinner provided) (https://www.meetup.com/Utah-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/240273123/)
- July 18, Provo
- Lesson 4: Deployment of Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Advanced-Spark-DeepLearni-ng-and-TensorFlow-Meetup/events/240595741/)
- July 18, Toronto
- Kubernetes Turns 2! Let’s BBQ! (https://www.meetup.com/New-York-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/240243488/)
- July 18, NYC
- Hands-On Kubernetes Workshop (https://www.meetup.com/DevOps-Kansas-City/events/241145640/)
- July 18, Kansas City
- Kubernetes Kyiv Meetup #1 & Kubernetes 1.7 release party (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Kyiv/events/241003205/)
- July 18, Kyiv
- Kubernetes Night: 1) Intro to Kubernetes Networking; 2) Kubernetes for Spark (https://www.meetup.com/SVDevOps/events/241133777/)
- July 18, Mountain View
- Meetup # 2 (K8s Birthday!): RBAC, Microservices and GKE (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Quebec/events/240843263/?from=ref)
- July 19, Toronto
- GoDaddy’s Production Kubernetes Story & Moving Target Defense in Container Envs (https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/240630329/)
- July 19, Seattle
- Mesosphere – Day 2 Operations for Containerized, Cloud-Native Operations (https://www.meetup.com/SoCal-DevOps-Users-Group/events/241030253/)
- July 19, Irvine
- Azure ACS and Kubernetes: Microservices On Steroids (https://www.meetup.com/Azure-Meetup-Karlsruhe/events/241091927/)
- July 19, Karlsruhe
- Kubernetes Istio project #19 (https://www.meetup.com/Triangle-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/240767611/)
- July 20, Morrisville
- Kubernetes On Google Cloud Platform (https://www.meetup.com/Singapore-Kubernetes-User-Group/events/240954976/)
- July 20, Singapore
- Deeper into Kubernetes (https://www.meetup.com/Rhein-Neckar-Kubernetes/events/240080132/)
- July 20, Heidelberg
- EBS in Kubernetes with OpenEBS and Self-Driving ELK Stacks (https://www.meetup.com/Los-Angeles-Kubernetes-Meetup/events/240972945/)
- July 20, Los Angeles
- Cisco UCS/DC Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/San-Antonio-UCS-Data-Center/events/240835333/)
- July 20, San Antonio
- Kubernetes Kyiv Meetup #1 (https://www.meetup.com/Kubernetes-Kyiv/events/241003205/)
- July 21, Kyiv
- Lunch, Beers, and Containers – Come join us! (https://www.meetup.com/Red-Hat-Orange-County-CA/events/241168199/)
- July 21, Irvine
- DevOps with Ansible & Docker – Chennai (https://www.meetup.com/devopslabs/events/240750379/)
- July 22, Pune
- Workshop: Kubernetes Implementation Options & Free Trainings (https://www.meetup.com/Cologne-Cloud/events/239463424/)
- July 24, Köln
- Cloud Native London, August 2017 (https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-London/events/240108222/)
- August 1, London
- Kubernetes with Python (https://www.meetup.com/CamPUG/events/233934912/)
- August 1, Cambridge
- Free eBook: Deploying and Scaling Kubernetes with Rancher (http://info.rancher.com/deploying-scaling-kubernetes-ebook?utm_content=bufferfdaa4&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)
- By Vishal Biyani (https://twitter.com/vishal_biyani) & Girish Shilamkar (https://twitter.com/shilamkar) ; guidebook provides a detailed introduction to using Kubernetes with the Rancher container management platform.
- Architecting for Scale: High Availability for Your Growing Applications (https://www.amazon.com/Architecting-Scale-Availability-Growing-Applications-ebook/dp/B01IAK49FS%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB01IAK49FS&zpy=1)
- By Lee Atchison (https://twitter.com/leeatchison) ; provides basic techniques for building applications that can handle huge quantities of traffic, data, and demand without affecting the quality your customers expect.
- Kubernetes Definitive Guide: Keys from Docker to Kubernetes Practice (2nd Edition) – Kubernetes权威指南 (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Definitive-Guide-Docker-Practice/dp/7121299410%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D7121299410&zpy=1)
- Kubernetes: Up and Running: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure (http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920043874.do)
- By Kelsey Hightower (https://twitter.com/kelseyhightower) ; This practical book will prepare you to take advantage of everything the Kubernetes platform has to offer.
- Kubernetes Microservices with Docker (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Microservices-Docker-Vohra-ebook/dp/B01FXJ9OB8%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB01FXJ9OB8&zpy=1)
- By Vohra (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&text=Vohra&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Vohra&sort=relevancerank) ; This book on Kubernetes, the container cluster manager, discusses all aspects of using Kubernetes in today’s complex big data and enterprise applications, including Docker containers.
- Deploying Rails with Docker, Kubernetes and ECS (https://www.amazon.com/Deploying-Rails-Docker-Kubernetes-ECS/dp/1484224140%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D1484224140&zpy=1)
- By Pablo Acuña (https://twitter.com/pabloacunar) ; shows you how to set up the project, push it to DockerHub, manage services and set up an efficient continuous integration environment.
- Kubernetes Management Design Patterns: With Docker, CoreOS Linux, and Other Platforms (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Management-Design-Patterns-Platforms/dp/148422597X%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D148422597X&zpy=1)
- By Vohra (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&text=Vohra&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Vohra&sort=relevancerank) ; The atomic unit of modular container service in Kubernetes is a Pod, which is a group of containers with a common filesystem and networking. The Kubernetes Pod abstraction enables design patterns for containerized applications similar to object-oriented design patterns. Containers provide some of the same benefits as software objects such as modularity or packaging, abstraction, and reuse
- Technical Guide to Creating and Accessing a Kubernetes Cluster on OpenStack (https://content.mirantis.com/Kubernetes-on-OpenStack-eBook-Landing-Page.html?utm_campaign=Kubernetes&utm_content=39244676&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter)
- As Kubernetes gains popularity, many people are asking: “How can Kubernetes and OpenStack be used together?” In this eBook, get a technical walkthrough on how to deploy Kubernetes on OpenStack and start running containerized apps on your Kubernetes cluster.
- Kubernetes Management Design Patterns: With Docker, CoreOS Linux, and Other Platforms 1st ed. Edition (https://www.amazon.com/Kubernetes-Management-Design-Patterns-Platforms/dp/148422597X%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D148422597X&zpy=1)
- Take container cluster management to the next level; learn how to administer and configure Kubernetes on CoreOS; and apply suitable management design patterns such as Configmaps, Autoscaling, elastic resource usage, and high availability. Some of the other features discussed are logging, scheduling, rolling updates, volumes, service types, and multiple cloud provider zones.
- Mastering CoreOS (https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-CoreOS-Sreenivas-Makam/dp/1785288121%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJ2HQNLFCLUOUMLHQ%26tag%3Dzippylab-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D1785288121&zpy=1)
- By Sreenivas Makam (https://twitter.com/srmakam) ; This book covers the CoreOS internals and the technologies used in the deployment of container-based distributed applications. It starts with an overview of CoreOS and distributed application development while sharing knowledge on related technologies. Critical CoreOS services and networking and storage considerations for CoreOS are covered next.
- DevOps with OpenShift (https://www.openshift.com/promotions/devops-with-openshift.html)
- For many organizations, a big part of DevOps’ appeal is software automation using infrastructure-as-code techniques. This book presents developers, architects, and infra-ops engineers with a more practical option.
- Kubernetes Cookbook: Building Cloud Native Applications (https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/1491979682/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_BUwczb09YK4P5)
- By Sebastien Goasguen (https://twitter.com/sebgoa)
- Kubernetes SWAG Via CNCF (https://store.cncf.io/collections/kubernetes)
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