KubeWeekly #401
Published: September 6, 2024
Table of Contents
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PromCon Europe
September 11-12 | Berlin, Germany
Register | Schedule
LitmusChaosCon VIRTUAL
September 12
Register | Schedule
KubeDay Colombia
October 9 | Medellín, Colombia
Sponsor Info | Prospectus
Register | Schedule
KubeDay Australia
October 15 | Melbourne, Australia
Sponsor Info | Prospectus Register
Dapr Day
October 16 | Virtual
Register | Schedule
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America
November 12-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah
Sponsor Info | Prospectus
(includes CNCF-Hosted Co-located Event Prospectus)
Register | Schedule
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon India
December 11-12 | Delhi, India
For sponsorship details, email sponsor@cncf.io.
For questions about speaking opportunities, email speakers@cncf.io.
For general event inquiries, email events@cncf.io.
See you around the globe!
Online programs
Recently recorded programs
Envoy Gateway 1.1 – Q&A Session – September 3 | Cloud Native Live
Arko Dasgupta, Tetrate
Upcoming programs
From serverless to Kubernetes: Using infrastructure from code to ensure consistency – September 11 | Cloud Native Live
Sangam Biradar & Yusuf Kanchwala, StackGen
Kubernetes 1.31 Release – September 12 | Live Webinar
Sreeram Venkitesh, Angelos Kolaiti, & Abigail McCarthy, Kubernetes 1.31 Release Team
Ingress2gateway: Migrating from Ingress to Gateway API – September 12 | On demand webinar
Mattia Lavacca, Kong, Lior Lieberman, Google & Devaansh Kumar, Computer Science and Engineering Student
Understanding container fundamentals: From concepts to practical demos
Shai Ben Shalom
How to deploy preview environments on Kubernetes with GitHub actions
Alex Pliutau
Argo CD SSO using Microsoft Entra ID
Unnati Mishra, CloudRaft
Networking in Kubernetes
Shreyank C. M.
How to deploy Kubernetes resources with Terraform
Faisel Hashem, Spacelift
How to add new worker node to existing Kubernetes cluster
Pradeep Kumar
Incident storage in Kai – a deep dive
Jonah Sussman, Red Hat
Elasticsearch is open source, again
Shay Banon, Elastic
eBPF Security Power and Shortfalls
B. Cameron Gain, ReveCom Media
Platform engineering for execs: Team topologies, tools & trade-offs (Webinar Recap)
Daniel Bryant, Syntasso
Exploring cloud native projects in CNCF Sandbox. Part 1: 13 arrivals of 2023 H1
Konstantin Nezhbert & Dmitry Shurupov, Palark
KeyConf24 program announced & livestream
Alexander Schwartz, Keycloak
Training & Certification

2025 KCD applications are open until September 11! Learn more and apply at cncf.io/kcds/application
Speak at a KCD!
- KCD Floripa, Brazil’s CFP closes September 15!
Attend a KCD!
- KCD Washington DC is on September 24 for only $75 USD! And if you chose to make a week of it, DevOpsDays DC is happening the following two days!
- KCD Porto is September 27-28 – Check out the agenda and get your ticket!
Cloud Native Community Groups
Check out the week’s upcoming global Cloud Native meetups!
- Graz, Austria – in-person on September 9
- Luxembourg – in-person on September 10
- Dublin, Ireland – in-person on September 11
- Galicia, Spain – hybrid on September 11
- Taipei, Taiwan – in-person on September 12