
KubeWeekly #252

Published: February 27, 2021


The headlines

The editors pick the highlights from the past week.

CNCF Provides Insights into Secrets Management Tools with Latest End User Technology Radar

This week, CNCF announced the findings of the fourth CNCF Technology Radar, a guide to a set of emerging technologies based on the experience of the CNCF End User Community. The theme of this edition was secrets management, which was identified by the consumers of cloud native technologies as an essential technology to consider in cloud distributions.

The technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Kubernetes admission controllers in 5 minutes
Kaizhe Huang, Sysdig

How we minimized the overhead of Kubernetes in our job system
Lally Singh and Ashwin Venkatesan, Datadog

How we use Kubernetes at Asana
Tony Liang, Asana

Cutting build time in half with Docker’s Buildx Kubernetes Driver
Jeremy Kreutzbender, Release

Comparing Kubernetes operators for PostgreSQL
Nikolay Bogdanov, Flant

Horizontal pod autoscaling
Puja Abbassi

Sysdig contributes Falco’s kernel module, eBPF probe, and libraries to the CNCF
Loris Degioanni, Sysdig

Manage Envoy Proxy using go-control-plane
Mahendra Bagul, Infracloud

The road to adopting Kubernetes in development
Wito Delnat

Cloud development environments: Using Skaffold and Telepresence on Kubernetes for fast dev loops (link correction)
Peter O’Neill, Ambassador Labs

ICYMI: CNCF online programs this week

A weekly summary of CNCF online programs from this week.

CNCF End User Technology Radar, February 2021 – Secrets Management

The Container Security checklist
Liz Rice @Aqua Security

This Week in Cloud Native: Fluent Bit updates and Stream Processing
Fluent Bit

The editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

The smallest Kubernetes Cluster: scaling down to the edge
Sascha Haase, Kubermatic

Our take on internet access for virtual machines
Christian Bianchi, Giant Swarm

Introducing GKE Autopilot: a revolution in managed Kubernetes
Drew Bradstock, Group Product Manager, Google Cloud

VIDEO: Is Kubernetes right for us?
Keith Townsend and Alex Ellis

Upcoming CNCF Online Programs

Rethinking your company’s Cloud Security in the shadow of the SolarWinds attack

Amir Kaushansky and Leonid Sandler @ARMO

March 4, 2021
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This Week in Cloud Native (Livestream): Demystifying Kubernetes network policy
Thomas Graf @Isovalent

March 3, 2021 at 12:00 pm PT
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CNCF Online Programs playlist on YouTube

Check out our playlist for more curated content you don’t want to miss! New content is added every Friday.
For more information, please visit our updated Online Programs page.

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Shilla Saebi, Saiyam Pathak, L Körbes, Alison Dowdney, Chris Short, Craig Box, Daniel Oh, Kristi Tan, Bill Mulligan, and Michael Hausenblas