
KubeWeekly #251

Published: February 20, 2021


The headlines

The editors pick the highlights from the past week.

Kubernetes README: What books to read to learn more about Kubernetes
Chris Short, Red Hat

Cool resource! Find out what books to read to learn more about Kubernetes. Please submit pull requests for books, tutorials, or other assets that would be useful to folks.

The technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Configure multi-tenancy with Kubernetes namespaces
Mike Calizo, Opensource.com

NetworkPolicy Editor: Create, Visualize, and Share Kubernetes NetworkPolicies
Sergey Generalov., Isovalent

csantanapr/knative-kind: Knative on Kind (KonK)
Carlos Santana, IBM

Creating an Argo Workflow With Vault Integration Using Helm
Jason Froehlich, Red Hat

OpenShift Administrator’s Office Hour: Windows Containers w/ Special Guest Christian Hernandez
Andrew Sullivan, Christian Hernandez, Chris Short, Red Hat

shell-operator & addon-operator news: hooks as admission webhooks, Helm 3, OpenAPI, Go hooks, and more!
Ivan Mikheykin, Flant

Rate Limiting in controller-runtime and client-go
Daniel Magnum

What was observability again?
Cristian Klein, Elastisys

Building Custom Control Planes using Crossplane
Sahil Lakhwani, InfraCloud

Build and publish container images to any cloud with Infrastructure as Code
Joe Duffy, Pulumi

ICYMI: CNCF online programs this week

A weekly summary of CNCF online programs from this week.

Toward Hybrid Cloud Serverless Transparency with Lithops Framework
Gil Vernik @IBM

This Week in Cloud Native (Livestream): KCD El Salvador

The editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Datadog and the Container Report, with Michael Gerstenhaber
Craig Box, Kubernetes Podcast from Google

Kubernetes Deployment Antipatterns — part 1
Kostis Kapelonis

Kubernetes Pods Advanced Concepts Explained
Regis Wilson, Release

Discover and invoke services across clusters with GKE multi-cluster services
Emeka Nwafor, Product Manager, and Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson, Staff Software Engineer, Google Cloud

Upcoming CNCF Online Programs

CNCF End User technology radar, February 2021 – Secrets Management

James Nugent @Apple, Steve Nolan @RStudio, Andrea Galbusera @AuthKeys, and Tyler Gass @Peloton

February 23, 2021
Register Now
This Week in Cloud Native (Livestream): Fluent Bit updates and Stream Processing
Anurag Gupta @FluentBit

February 24, 2021 at 12:00 pm PT
Register Now
The Container Security Checklist
Liz Rice @Aqua Security

February 25, 2021
Register Now

CNCF Online Programs Playlist on YouTube

Check out our playlist for more curated content you don’t want to miss! New content is added every Friday.
For more information, please visit our updated Online Programs page.

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Shilla Saebi, Saiyam Pathak, L Körbes, Alison Dowdney, Chris Short, Craig Box, Daniel Oh, Kristi Tan, Bill Mulligan, and Michael Hausenblas