
KubeWeekly #238

Published: October 24, 2020


The headlines

The editors pick the highlights from the past week.

Local Kubernetes Clusters Overview
Ellen Körbes & dex.dev team

A local development cluster is a great way to get started with Kubernetes. But when looking for a local cluster, there are way too many options. This article aims to clarify how to choose the best one for your use case, and provides useful general recommendations. (An overview of Kind, Microk8s, K3s, Minikube, and Docker for Desktop.)

Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America Virtual 2020!

The countdown to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America is on. Have you reserved your spot?

Whether you are new to cloud native or well-versed, you can choose between two different ticket options including a Full Pass and Keynote Only! Don’t forget that special early-bird pricing is available through October 31, 2020, a savings of $50 off registration. Don’t delay – act fast!

Register now

ICYMI: CNCF webinars

Weekly recap of CNCF project, SIG, Ambassador, and member webinars that you might have missed.

You can view all CNCF recorded and upcoming webinars here.

CNCF Member webinar: Delivering cloud-native apps to Kubernetes using werf
Dmitry Stolyarov CTO, @Flant

CNCF Member webinar: How to migrate NF or VNF to CNF without vendor lock-in
Grzegorz Sikora, VP Business Development @OVOO, Rafał Myśliwiec, Software Engineer @OVOO, and Paweł Kulpa, Software Engineer @OVOO

CNCF Member webinar: Deploying Kubernetes to bare metal using cluster API
Seán McCord, Principal Senior Software Engineer @Talos Systems, Inc.

CNCF Member webinar: The abc’s of Kubernetes security
Roger Klorese, Senior Product Manager @SUSE & Danny Sauer, Senior Software Engineer @SUSE

CNCF Member webinar: K8s audit logging deep dive
Randy Abernethy, Managing Partner @RX-M


The technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Waypoint – Solving Build, Deploy and Release problem
Saiyam Pathak, Civo

Flink on PaaSTA: Yelp’s new stream processing platform runs on Kubernetes
Antonio Verardi, Engineering Manager, Yelp

Understanding and mitigating CVE-2020-8563: vSphere credentials leak in the cloud-controller-manager log
Kaizhe Huang, Sysdig

COBOL on Kubernetes and OpenShift
JJ Asghar, IBM and Chris Short, Red Hat

Quick tip: How Prometheus can make visualizing noisy data easier
Ronald McCollam, Grafana Labs

Introducing pvc-autoresizer
Akihiro Ikezoe, Kintone

Container networking is simple
Ivan Velichko

A Hitchhiker’s Tour to Containerizing a Java application (talk)
Nicolas Frankel

Introducing HA MicroK8s, the ultra-reliable, minimal Kubernetes

Kubernetes 1.19: The future of traffic ingress and routing
Michael Vittrup Larsen, eficode

The editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Research, Steering and Honking, with Bob Killen
Adam Glick and Craig Box, Kubernetes Podcast from Google

Fear and loathing in YAML
Chris Short, Red Hat

Cloud Foundry coalesces around Kubernetes
Frederic Lardinois, TechCrunch

Helm turns 5, and GitHub gives the gift of charts
Matt Butcher & Matt Farina

For PayIt, cloud native is a ‘competitive advantage’ for getting government services online

Experiment with OpenTelemetry: Play with the Future Cloud Native Metrics Framework, Now
Ambassador Podcast

Upcoming CNCF webinars

Member Webinar: The truth about the service mesh data plane
Christian Posta, Global Field CTO @Solo.io
Idit Levine, CEO and Founder @Solo.io
Oct 27, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Admission controllers: one part of your Kubernetes security and governance toolkit
Gunjan Patelm, Cloud Architect @Palo Alto Networks
Robert Haynes, Cloud Security Evangelist @Palo Alto Networks
Oct 28, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Event-driven architecture with Knative events
Nicolás López, Senior Software Engineer @Google
Bryan Zimmerman, Product Manager @Google
Oct 29, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Managing your policies and standards
Ahmed Badran, Chief Technology Officer @Magalix
Nov 4, 2020 7:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Security in the world of service meshes
John A. Joyce, Principal Engineer @Cisco
Nov 4, 2020 1:00 PM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Building edge as a service
Dr. Bin Ni, CTO @Wangsu Science & Technology / CDNetworks
Nov 5, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Developer-friendly platforms with Kubernetes and infrastructure as code
Lee Briggs, Staff Software Engineer @Pulumi
Nov 6, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: MicroK8s HA under the hood: Kubernetes with Dqlite
Konstantinos Tsakalozos, Senior Software Engineer @Canonical
Nov 11, 2020 7:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: The what and why of distributed tracing
Dave McAllister, Sr. Technical Evangelist @Splunk
Nov 13, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Metal³: Kubernetes-native bare metal host management
Maël Kimmerlin, Senior Software Engineer @Ericsson Software Technology
Dec 10, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Shilla Saebi, Saiyam Pathak, L Körbes, Alison Dowdney, Chris Short, Craig Box, Daniel Oh, Kim Macmahon, and Michael Hausenblas