
KubeWeekly #233

Published: September 18, 2020


The headlines

The editors pick the highlights from the past week.

TiKV, TiDB and PingCAP, with Ed Huang

Congratulations to the TiKV team for graduating in the CNCF. How much do you know about this key-value store, and the TiDB SQL layer built atop it? Learn about its history in this Kubernetes Podcast from Google interview with PingCAP co-founder Ed Huang.

TOC approves KubeEdge as incubating project

KubeEdge is an open source system for extending containerized application orchestration capabilities to hosts at the edge. It is built on top of Kubernetes and provides infrastructure support for network, application deployment, and metadata synchronization between the cloud and the edge. This brings the current number of incubating projects to 21.

ICYMI: CNCF webinars

Weekly recap of CNCF project, SIG, Ambassador, and member webinars that you might have missed.

You can view all CNCF recorded and upcoming webinars here.

CNCF Member Webinar: Declaratively managing apps in a multi-cluster world
Fernando Ripoll, Solution Engineer @Giant Swarm

CNCF Member Webinar: Effective Kubernetes onboarding
Jamon Camisso, Developer Educator, Community @DigitalOcean

CNCF Member Webinar: How to run Kubernetes securely and efficiently
Joe Pelletier, VP, Products Fairwinds @Fairwinds & Robert Brennan, Director, Open Source @Fairwinds

CNCF Ambassador Webinar: Hybrid serverless development using Quarkus and Kubernetes
Daniel Oh, Principal Technical Marketing Manager @RedHat and CNCF Ambassador

CNCF Member Webinar: Achieving least privilege access in Kubernetes
Eran Leib, Co-Founder and VP Product Management @Apolicy & Daniel Pacak, Open Source Engineer @Aqua Security

The technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

5 tips for developing Kubernetes operators with the new Operator SDK
Laurent Broudoux, Red Hat

Let’s learn Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform
Saiyam Pathak, Civo

Terrascan extends policy as code to Kubernetes
Jon Jarboe, Accurics

An introduction to Kubespray
Shiwani Biradar, Enable Sysadmin

Cruster: Easily create and manage Kubernetes clusters on Raspberry Pis
Zane Hitchcox

Easier troubleshooting of cert-manager certificates
Haoxiang Zhou, Jetstack

High-availability PostgreSQL and more on OpenShift
Jonathan Katz, Crunchy Data and Diane Mueller, Red Hat

Performing a live CNI migration
Josh Van Leeuwen Jetstack

pgnodemx provides a set of functions facilitating the collection of host-node level operational metrics. In particular, pgnodemx has support for capturing metrics related to cgroups (one of the Linux kernel facilities underlying the various Container technologies) and the Kubernetes Downward API.

The editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Managed Kubernetes services compared: GKE vs. EKS vs. AKS
Bharat Arimilli

Tech Breakfast Podcast, with Chris Short
Aaron Buley and Tyler Gates

Must-read free Kubernetes books
Bilgin Ibryam, Red Hat

Crossplane: A Kubernetes control plane to roll your own PaaS
Joab Jackson, The New Stack

Confidential GKE nodes now in beta
Sunil Potti and Eyal Manor, Google Cloud

Achieving multi-tenancy in monitoring with Prometheus & the mighty Thanos Receiver
Sayan Das, InfraCloud

Upcoming CNCF webinars

Member Webinar: Using KubeVirt in telcos
Abhinivesh Jain, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff @Wipro
Sept 23, 2020 7:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Mitigating Kubernetes attacks
Wei Lien Dang, Head of Strategy @StackRox
Sept 23, 2020 1:00 PM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: AWS controllers for Kubernetes – AWS services, now Kubified!
Jay Pipes, Principal Open Source Engineer @Amazon Web Services
Sept 24, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Project Webinar: Kubernetes 1.19
Kubernetes Release Team
Sept 25, 2020 8:00 AM Pacific Time

Ambassador Webinar: The evolution of Ingress through the Gateway API
Kaslin Fields, Developer Advocate @Google
Bowei Du
Sept 25, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: VanillaStack as a platform for a truly vendor-agnostic open-source ecosystem
Karsten Samaschke, CEO @Cloudical
Sept 29, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Self service Kubernetes for enterprises
Jim Bugwadia, Founder and CEO @Nirmata
Sept 30, 2020 1:00 PM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Dapr, Lego for microservices
Mark Chmarny, Principal Program Manager @Microsoft
Oct 1, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Transactional microservices – The final frontier
Daniel Kozlowski, Minister of Engineering @PlanetScale
Oct 2, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Multi-Cluster & multi-cloud service mesh with CNCF’s Kuma and Envoy
Marco Palladino, CTO & Co-Founder @Kong
Oct 6, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: The evolution of cloud orchestration systems from ephemeral to persistent storage
Boyan Krosnov, CPO @StorPool
Oct 7, 2020 8:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Kubernetes native two-level resource management for AI/ML workloads
Diana Arroyo Software Engineer @IBM Research
Alaa Youssef, Manager, Container Cloud Platform @IBM Research
Oct 7, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Building dynamic machine learning pipelines with KubeDirector
Tom Phelan, Fellow, Software Organization @Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Oct 8, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: ephemeral.run: A full application environment for every PR–before you merge to master!
Vishal Biyani, CTO @InfraCloud
Jono Spiro, Staff Software Engineer, Engineering Operations @OpenGov
Oct 14, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Member Webinar: Building 12 factor streaming data apps on Kubernetes
Stelios Charmpalis, Frontend Engineer @Lenses.io
Francisco Perez, Senior Backend Engineer @Lenses.io
Oct 14, 2020 1:00 PM Pacific Time

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Shilla Saebi, Saiyam Pathak, L Körbes, Alison Dowdney, Chris Short, Craig Box, Daniel Oh, Kim Macmahon, and Michael Hausenblas