
KubeWeekly #209

Published: March 28, 2020


The Headlines

Editor’s pick of the highlights from the past week.

Kubernetes 1.18
Kubernetes 1.18 is the first release of 2020! Kubernetes 1.18 consists of 38 enhancements: 15 enhancements are moving to stable, 11 enhancements in beta, and 12 enhancements in alpha.
Kubernetes 1.18 is a “fit and finish” release. Significant work has gone into improving beta and stable features to ensure users have a better experience. An equal effort has gone into adding new developments and exciting new features that promise to enhance the user experience even more. Having almost as many enhancements in alpha, beta, and stable is a great achievement. It shows the tremendous effort made by the community on improving the reliability of Kubernetes as well as continuing to expand its existing functionality.

Kubernetes 1.18, with release team manager Jorge Alarcon
Adam Glick and Craig Box, Kubernetes Podcast from Google

Kubernetes 1.18 is out – almost! A bug has pushed it back a day. While you’re waiting, release team lead Jorge Alarcon will tell you all about the fit and finish you can expect in the release when it’s out tomorrow. Adam and Craig bring you the other community news of the week, as well as some podcast follow-up.

ICYMI: CNCF Webinars

Weekly recap of CNCF project, SIG, Ambassador, and member webinars that you might have missed.

You can view all CNCF recorded and upcoming webinars here

CNCF Project Webinar: How to Migrate a MySQL Database to Vitess
Liz van Dijk, Solution Architect and Field Operations @PlanetScale

CNCF Member Webinar: Lowering the Barrier to Kubernetes Proficiency – Navigating the Stormy Seas of Information Overload
Angel Rivera, Developer Advocate @CircleCI

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Anatomy of my Kubernetes Cluster
Antonin Stefanutti

Writing Kubernetes network policies with Inspektor Gadget’s Network Policy Advisor
Alban Crequy, Kinvolk

Okteto Push – Your Code to Kubernetes in Seconds
Pablo Chico de Guzman, Okteto

Converting an Old MacBook Into an Always-On Personal Kubernetes Cluster
Sid Palas, DevOps Directive

Quality of Service and OOM in Kubernetes
Ciro S. Costa, OpsTips

Kubernetes secrets
Ciro S. Costa, OpsTips

Setting up a ProxySQL Sidecar Container
Jake Davis, Percona

OpenShift 4.4 OKD Bare Metal Install on VMWare Home Lab
Craig Robinson, East Carolina University

Building a TODO API in Golang with Kubernetes
Alex Ellis

A Guide On The Installation Of Spinnaker in Kubernetes Cluster
Vikas Saini, Magalix

A Primer: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
Catherine Paganini, Kublr


The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Threading the Needle on Kubernetes Complexity with AI-Powered Observability
Andreas Grabner, DevOps.com

A ‘No-BS’ Checklist for Kubernetes
Oleg Chunikhin, Kublr

Upcoming CNCF webinars

Container Security at Scale: Lessons Learned from the Front Lines with ABN AMRO and Palo Alto Networks
Wiebe de Roos, CI/CD Consultant @Flusso and ABN Amro
Keith Mokris,Technical Marketing Engineer @Palo Alto Networks
Member webinar

April 1, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Taming Your AI/ML Workloads with Kubeflow The Journey to Version 1.0
David Aronchick @Microsoft
Elvira Dzhureava, Technical Product Engineer AI/M @Cisco
Johnu George, Technical lead @Cisco Systems
Member webinar

April 2, 2020 9:00 AM Pacific Time

Welcome to CloudLand! An Illustrated Intro to the Cloud Native Landscape
Kaslin Fields, Developer Advocate @Google
Ambassador webinar

April 3, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Pravega: Rethinking storage for streams
Member webinar

April 7, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Best Practices for Deploying a Service Mesh in Production: From Technology to Teams
Member webinar

April 8, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

New thoughts on distributed file system in the cloud native era
Member webinar

April 9, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Declarative Host Upgrades From Within Kubernetes
Adrian Goins, Director of Community and Evangelism @Rancher Labs
Dax McDonald, Software Engineer @Rancher Labs
Jacob Blain Christen, Principal Software Engineer @Rancher Labs
Member webinar

April 14, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

杨雨 Alex Yang, 解决方案架构师 Solution Architect @Mirantis
张文墨Larry Zhang, 解决方案架构师 Solution Architect @Mirantis
Member webinar
This webinar will be delivered in Chinese

April 23, 2020 10:00 AM China Standard Time

Kubernetes 1.18
Kubernetes team
Project webinar

April 23, 2020 9:00 AM Pacific Time

Pivoting Your Pipeline from Legacy to Cloud Native
Tracy Ragan, CEO of DeployHub and CDF Board Member
Member webinar

June 30, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Craig Box, Kim McMahon, and Michael Hausenblas