
KubeWeekly #208

Published: March 21, 2020


The Headlines

Editor’s pick of the highlights from the past week.

Join SIG Scalability and Learn Kubernetes the Hard Way
Alex Handy, kubernetes.io
Contributing to SIG Scalability is a great way to learn Kubernetes in all its depth and breadth, and the team would love to have you join as a contributor. I took a look at the value of learning the hard way and interviewed the current SIG chairs to give you an idea of what contribution feels like.

Kong Ingress Controller and Service Mesh: Setting up Ingress to Istio on Kubernetes
Kevin Chen, Kong
Kubernetes has become the de facto way to orchestrate containers and the services within services. But how do we give services outside our cluster access to what is within? Kubernetes comes with the Ingress API object that manages external access to services within a cluster.

ICYMI: CNCF Webinars

Weekly recap of CNCF project, SIG, Ambassador, and member webinars that you might have missed.

CNCF Member Webinar: Small Is Not Always Beautiful – Moving Enterprise Applications to the Cloud
Paul Jenkins, Product Manager @Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Cloud Native Services, and Tony Vertenten, Co-Founder and CTO @Intris

CNCF Member Webinar: Democratizing Analytics with Cloud Native Data Warehouses on Kubernetes
Robert Hodges, CEO @Altinity, and Vladislav Klimenko, Senior Software Engineer @Altinity

CNCF Member Webinar: Calico Networking with eBPF
Chris Hoge, Developer Advocate @Project Calico, and Shaun Crampton, Core Developer @Project Calico

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

On the state of Envoy Proxy control planes
Matt Klein

Introducing istiod: simplifying the mesh control plane
Craig Box, Google

Introducing the Calico eBPF dataplane
Shaun Crampton, Tigera

Directing Kubernetes traffic with Traefik
Lee Carpenter

Your own Kubernetes controller – Laying out the work
Nicolas Fränkel

Migrating from Helm v2 to v3
Tutorial Cloud Native

Show Me Your Code with Walter Dal Mut: Extend Kubernetes in NodeJS
Gianluca Arbezzano

5 tips for troubleshooting apps on Kubernetes
Alex Ellis

Our failure story with Redis operator for K8s (+ a brief look at Redis data analysis tools)
Flant staff

Introduction to Security Contexts and SCCs
Alexandre Menezes, Red Hat

Creating Workspaces with the HashiCorp Terraform Operator for Kubernetes
Rosemary Wang, Hashicorp

Recommended Steps to Secure a DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster
Damaso Sanoja

13 Kubernetes tutorials in Spanish, 20 Kubernetes tutorials in Portuguese, and 14 Kubernetes tutorials in Russian
Digital Ocean

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

etcd, with Xiang Li
Adam Glick and Craig Box, Kubernetes Podcast from Google

Managing Harbor at cloud scale : The story behind Harbor Kubernetes Operator
Maxime Hurtrel

Securing Kubernetes Networking with Nicole Hubbard, Hashicorp
The New Stack Makers

Day 2 for the Operator Ecosystem
Gerred Dillon and Matt Jarvis, DevOps.com

4 ways to manage Kubernetes resources
Tomasz Cholewa

Interoperability of open-source tools: the emergence of interfaces
Katie Gamanji

Upcoming CNCF webinars

Lowering the Barrier to Kubernetes Proficiency – Navigating the Stormy Seas of Information
Chris Black, Sr. Solutions Engineer @CircleCI
Member webinar

March 25, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Continuous profiling Go application running in Kubernetes
Gianluca Arbezzano, Site reliability engineer @InfluxData
Ambassador webinar

March 27, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Container Security at Scale: Lessons Learned from the Front Lines with ABN AMRO and Palo Alto Networks
Wiebe de Roos, CI/CD Consultant @Flusso and ABN Amro
Keith Mokris,Technical Marketing Engineer @Palo Alto Networks
Member webinar

April 1, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Taming Your AI/ML Workloads with Kubeflow The Journey to Version 1.0
David Aronchick @Microsoft
Elvira Dzhureava, Technical Product Engineer AI/M @Cisco
Johnu George, Technical lead @Cisco Systems
Member webinar

April 2, 2020 9:00 AM Pacific Time

Welcome to CloudLand! An Illustrated Intro to the Cloud Native Landscape
Kaslin Fields, Developer Advocate @Google
Ambassador webinar

April 3, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Best Practices for Deploying a Service Mesh in Production: From Technology to Teams
Member webinar

April 8, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Declarative Host Upgrades From Within Kubernetes
Adrian Goins, Director of Community and Evangelism @Rancher Labs
Dax McDonald, Software Engineer @Rancher Labs
Jacob Blain Christen, Principal Software Engineer @Rancher Labs
Member webinar

April 14, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

杨雨 Alex Yang, 解决方案架构师 Solution Architect @Mirantis
张文墨Larry Zhang, 解决方案架构师 Solution Architect @Mirantis
Member webinar
This webinar will be delivered in Chinese

April 23, 2020 10:00 AM China Standard Time

Kubernetes 1.18
Kubernetes team
Project webinar

April 23, 2020 9:00 AM Pacific Time

Pivoting Your Pipeline from Legacy to Cloud Native
Tracy Ragan, CEO of DeployHub and CDF Board Member
Member webinar

June 30, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Craig Box, Kim McMahon, and Michael Hausenblas