
KubeWeekly #185

Published: September 19, 2019


The Headlines

Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.

Kubernetes 1.16: Custom Resources, Overhauled Metrics, and Volume Extensions
Kubernetes 1.16 Release Team

Kubernetes 1.16 consists of 31 enhancements: 8 enhancements moving to stable, 8 enhancements in beta, and 15 enhancements in alpha.

Kubernetes veteran, Tim Hockin: In software, people are always wrong
Julia Schmidt, DevClass

It wasn’t that long ago that desktop applications were the thing everybody was spending their resources on. However, with the development of cloud services at an all-time high, it seems like companies that go down the route of local deployment have become if not the minority, at least a lot less visible nowadays.

And with one of your subscribed offerings down again, you could start to wonder, how we got here in the first place.

Tim Hockin has spent quite some time pondering the same question.

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Announcing Istio 1.3
The Istio Team

Docker Security 101: Risks and 33 Best Practices
Ajmal Kohgadai, StackRox

Setting up a CI/CD pipeline with Jenkins, Nexus, and Kubernetes
Kublr Team

Monitoring Prow Resources with Prometheus and Grafana
Christoph Mewes, loodse

How to Release Faster with Continuous Delivery for Google Kubernetes
Tomas Fernandez

How I passed my CKAD with 97%
Katie Gamanji, Conde Nast International

Kubernetes and Python
Henning Jacobs, Zalando

containers/podman-compose: a script to run docker-compose.yml using podman
A script to run docker-compose.yml using podman

An Introduction to Kustomize
Scott Lowe, VMware

Unleash the power within your Kubernetes Helm Charts
Eric Liu, ITNEXT

What’s new in Kubernetes 1.16
Víctor Jiménez, Sysdig

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Amazon EKS Security Best Practices
Karen Bruner, StackRox

An Inside Look at GitOps
Brad Downey, devops.com and Priyanka Sharma, GitLab

Tips for Using Kubernetes in Large Enterprises
Gilad David Maayan, insideBigData

Mistake that cost thousands (Kubernetes, GKE)
Gajus Kuizinas


Upcoming webinars on cloud native technologies.
Delivering Progressive Delivery With Service Mesh

Andrew Jenkins CTO @Aspen Mesh
Zach Jory Head of Marketing @Aspen Mesh

Sep 19, 2019 9:00 AM PT


Automation, AI and ML for Network Management: It’s Already Here, Are Organizations Ready?

Andy Singer, VP of Marketing @Kentik

Sep 25, 2019 10:00 AM PT


Understanding Cloud Native Application Bundles

Carolyn Van Slyck, Senior Software Engineer @Microsoft

Sep 26, 2019 9:00 AM PT

Scalable ML Workflows with Advanced Data Management on Kubeflow

Vangelis Koukis, CTO & Founder @Arrikto

Oct 1, 2019 10:00 AM PT


Network Service Mesh – An Introduction

Ed Warnicke, Cisco
Frederick Kautz, doc.ai
Nikolay Nikolaev, VMware

Oct 2, 2019 10:00 AM PT

The Cybernetics of Observability and Monitoring

William Louth, Complexity Scientist and ‘Thaumaturgist’ @Instana

Oct 8, 2019 10:00 AM PT


What’s new in Kubernetes 1.16

The Kubernetes 1.16 Release Team

Oct 22, 2019 10:00 AM PT

Container Native Development Tools Compared: Draft, Skaffold, and Tilt

Mickey Boxell, Cloud Native Developer Advocate @Oracle

Oct 30, 2019 10:00 AM PT


KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Craig Box, Kim McMahon, and Michael Hausenblas