
KubeWeekly #184

Published: September 12, 2019


The Headlines

Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.

CNCF Cloud Native Survey
Last chance to take the Cloud Native Survey 2019!
Respond by FRIDAY September 13.

Ok – this may be a little selfish to make this the Editor’s Pick, but we at CNCF really want to hear from you!

Take 15 minutes and tell us how you are using cloud native in your environment! Thank you!


Other surveys open:

CNCF Storage Survey
This is a survey developed by the CNCF Storage Working Group to assess the end user community.

General Messaging Survey
The NATS team wants to learn which distributed communication technologies are chosen, why they are chosen, and how they are found so they created this short survey. The information you provide is valuable and helps better serve the OSS community. To show their appreciation, if you complete this survey and include your email address, you’ll be entered in a raffle to win a $100 Amazon gift card.

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Welcome to Kuma

eBPF powered Distributed Kubernetes performance analysis
Lorenzo Fontana, Open Source at Sysdig (at CNCF Italy)

5 Kubernetes RBAC Mistakes You Must Avoid
Connor Gilbert, StackRox

An Introduction to Kubernetes Cluster API
Scott Lowe

Bootstrapping a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Cluster API
Scott Lowe

The state of CNAB: Part 1 – CNAB Core
Radu Matei, Microsoft

The state of CNAB: Part 2 – CNAB Registries
Radu Matei, Microsoft

How to add Kubernetes support to Docker desktop
Jack Wallen, TechRepublic

CloudState, an Open Source Serverless Framework for Knative/Kubernetes
Diogo Carleto, InfoQ

Kubernetes and Virtual Kubelet in a nutshell
Adi Polak

Open-Sourcing Isopod: An Expressive DSL Framework for Kubernetes Configuration
Charles Xu, Cruise

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

CNCF Technical Principles and Open Governance Success
Chris Aniszczyk, CNCF

Kubernetes Primer. What Kubernetes is, how it evolved, and why you should care

The Kubernetes Security Audit: 3 Key Takeaways
Connor Gilbert, StackRox

Self-Serverless: Why Run Knative Functions on Your Kubernetes Cluster?
Daniel Bryant

Google Charts Data Stack Overhaul with Kubernetes
Alex Woodie, Datanami

Kubernetes in the Enterprise: A Primer
Kosmas Pouianou, Container Journal

A Manager’s Guide to Kubernetes Adoption

Containous Unveils Maesh Service Mesh for Kubernetes
Mike Vizard, Container Journal


Upcoming webinars on cloud native technologies.
KubeVirt – Beyond Containers: Coming full circle back to VMs!

Roopak Parikh, Co-Founder & CTO @Platform9
Joshua Hurt, Senior software engineer @Platform9

Sep 12, 2019 9:00 AM PT


Kubernetes as Infrastructure Abstraction

Oleg Chunikhin, CTO @Kublr

Sep 17, 2019 10:00 AM PT


Accelerate containerized application delivery using Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud

Troy Topnik, Product Manager @SUSE
Andrew Gracey, Technical Marketing Manager @SUSE
Kevin Ayres, Cloud Solutions Architect @SUSE
Brent Smithurst, Product Marketing Manager @SUSE

Sep 18, 2019 10:00 AM PT

Delivering Progressive Delivery With Service Mesh

Andrew Jenkins CTO @Aspen Mesh
Zach Jory Head of Marketing @Aspen Mesh

Sep 19, 2019 9:00 AM PT


Network Service Mesh – An Introduction

Ed Warnicke, Cisco
Frederick Kautz, doc.ai
Nikolay Nikolaev, VMware

Oct 2, 2019 10:00 AM PT

Container Native Development Tools Compared: Draft, Skaffold, and Tilt

Mickey Boxell, Cloud Native Developer Advocate @Oracle

Oct 30, 2019 10:00 AM PT


KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Craig Box, Kim McMahon, and Michael Hausenblas