
KubeWeekly #183

Published: September 5, 2019


The Headlines

Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.

Announcing the CNCF Kubernetes Project Journey Report
CNCF released their first Project Journey Report – for Kubernetes.

CNCF wanted to create a series of reports that help explain CNCF nurturing efforts and some of the positive trends and outcomes that are seen developing around CNCF hosted projects. This report attempts to objectively assess the state of the Kubernetes project and how CNCF has impacted the progress and growth of Kubernetes.

Bootstrapping a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Cluster API
Scott Lowe, VMware

In this blog, Scott walks readers through actually using CAPI to bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster on AWS.

Four basic steps are involved in bootstrapping a Kubernetes cluster on AWS using CAPI:

The following sections in this blog take a look at each of these steps in a bit more detail.


It’s survey season! Help these surveyors out and provide your thoughts and feedback!

Cloud Native Survey 2019
The CNCF survey takes a pulse of the community to better understand the adoption of cloud native technologies.

The results will be compiled into a report and shared to highlight the new and changing trends we’re seeing across industries.

In appreciation for your time, respondents will have the opportunity to enter into a drawing to receive one of three $200 Amazon Gift Card prizes.

CNCF Storage Survey
This is a survey developed by the CNCF Storage Working Group to assess the end user community.

Kubernetes SIG Docs Survey 2019
The Kubernetes SIG Docs team would like Kubernetes users to evaluate the Kubernetes documentation

Please take a moment to provide your feedback so we can plan how to improve the Kubernetes docs.

General Messaging Survey
The NATS team wants to learn which distributed communication technologies are chosen, why they are chosen, and how they are found so they created this short survey. The information you provide is valuable and helps better serve the OSS community. To show their appreciation, if you complete this survey and include your email address, you’ll be entered in a raffle to win a $100 Amazon gift card.

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Helm v3 Beta 1 Released

Announcing etcd 3.4
Gyuho Lee, Amazon Web Services and Jingyi Hu, Google

Vault Secrets Operator
Rico Berger

Adopting Istio for a multi-tenant Kubernetes cluster in production
Vishal Banthia, Mercari

DNS spoofing Kubernetes clusters
Daniel Sagi, Aqua Security

Network Architecture Design for Microservices on GCP
Raphael Fraysse

Non-root containers, Kubernetes CVE-2019-11245 and why you should care
Ariel Zelivansky, Twistlock

Architecting Kubernetes clusters — choosing a worker node size
Daniel Weibel

Cronjob 101 part 2
Clement Demonchy, JobTeaser

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Kubernetes Podcast episode 69: kind, with Ben Elder
Adam Glick and Craig Box

What’s next for Vault and Kubernetes
Vault Team

Kubernetes security audit: What GKE and Anthos users need to know
Maya Kaczorowski, Google Cloud

KubeSecOps: Kubernetes Security Practices You Should Follow
Derek Weeks, Sonatype

A beginner’s guide to container security
Vanessa Wegner, GitLab



Upcoming webinars on cloud native technologies.
PaaS vs KaaS: What’s the difference, and when does matter?

Nick Chase, Head of Technical Content @Mirantis

Sep 5, 2019 9:00 AM PT


Challenges in Deploying Kubernetes on Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI)

Naren Narendra, Product Marketing Director @Diamanti
Naveen Seth, Founding Engineer @Diamanti
Hiral Patel, Founding Engineer @Diamanti

Sep 9, 2019 10:00 AM PT


NATS 2.0

Derek Collison, Founder and CEO @Synadia

Sep 10, 2019 10:00 AM PT

Tales of the Kubernetes Ingress Networking: Deployment Patterns for External Load Balancers

Damien Duportal, Traefik’s Developer Advocate @Containous

Sep 11, 2019 10:00 AM PT


KubeVirt – Beyond Containers: Coming full circle back to VMs!

Roopak Parikh, Co-Founder & CTO @Platform9
Joshua Hurt, Senior software engineer @Platform9

Sep 12, 2019 9:00 AM PT

Kubernetes as Infrastructure Abstraction

Oleg Chunikhin, CTO @Kublr

Sep 17, 2019 10:00 AM PT


Accelerate containerized application delivery using Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud

Troy Topnik, Product Manager @SUSE
Andrew Gracey, Technical Marketing Manager @SUSE
Kevin Ayres, Cloud Solutions Architect @SUSE
Brent Smithurst, Product Marketing Manager @SUSE

Sep 18, 2019 10:00 AM PT

Network Service Mesh – An Introduction

Ed Warnicke, Cisco
Frederick Kautz, doc.ai
Nikolay Nikolaev, VMware

Oct 2, 2019 10:00 AM PT


Container Native Development Tools Compared: Draft, Skaffold, and Tilt

Mickey Boxell, Cloud Native Developer Advocate @Oracle

Oct 30, 2019 10:00 AM PT

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Craig Box, Kim McMahon, Lee Calcote and Michael Hausenblas