
KubeWeekly #182

Published: August 29, 2019


The Headlines

Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.

Notes from Kubernetes Office Hours for August 28
In this link are the URLs for the items discussed during this episode. The “getting started” links are in a separate group at the end.

At VMworld, VMware bets big on convergence of virtual machines and containers
James Kobielus
Lots of Kubernetes news out of VMworld, this is just one of the articles. Other articles in the Editorial section below.

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Last Week in Kubernetes Development
Stay up-to-date on Kubernetes development in 15 minutes a week.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Continuous Deployment on Kubernetes
Tomas Fernandez

How does ‘kubectl exec’ work?
Erkan Erol

kabachook/k8s-security: Kubernetes security notes and best practices
Danil Beltyukov

Announcing Linkerd 2.5: Helm support and RBAC-aware tap
William Morgan, Buoyant

Cellery: A Code-First Approach to Deploy Applications on Kubernetes
Dakshitha Ratnayake

Post Mortem: Kubernetes Node OOM
Keilan Jackson, Blue Matador

Deploy a Single Node Kubernetes Instance in Seconds with MicroK8s
Jack Wallen

Netflix Discovers Severe Kubernetes HTTP/2 Vulnerabilities
Jack Wallen

Kubernetes Web UIs In 2019
Henning Jacobs


Upcoming webinars on cloud native technologies.
How Cilium uses BPF to Supercharge Kubernetes Networking & Security

Mark Darnell, Networking Product Manager @SUSE
Dan Wendlandt, Co-founder / CEO @Isovalent
Roger Klorese, Kubernetes Product Manager @SUSE

Aug 29, 2019 09:00 AM PT


Challenges in Deploying Kubernetes on Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI)

Naren Narendra, Product Marketing Director @Diamanti
Naveen Seth, Founding Engineer @Diamanti
Hiral Patel, Founding Engineer @Diamanti

Sep 3, 2019 10:00 AM PT


Delivering Cloud Native Application and Infrastructure Management

Matt Baldwin, Director of Cloud Native and Kubernetes Engineering @NetApp

Sep 4, 2019 10:00 AM PT

PaaS vs KaaS: What’s the difference, and when does matter?

Nick Chase, Head of Technical Content @Mirantis

Sep 5, 2019 9:00 AM PT


Tales of the Kubernetes Ingress Networking: Deployment Patterns for External Load Balancers

Damien Duportal, Traefik’s Developer Advocate @Containous

Sep 11, 2019 10:00 AM PT

KubeVirt – Beyond Containers: Coming full circle back to VMs!

Roopak Parikh, Co-Founder & CTO @Platform9
Joshua Hurt, Senior software engineer @Platform9

Sep 12, 2019 9:00 AM PT


Container Native Development Tools Compared: Draft, Skaffold, and Tilt

Mickey Boxell, Cloud Native Developer Advocate @Oracle

Oct 30, 2019 10:00 AM PT

Reminder: CFP deadline for Kubernetes Forum Seoul and Sydney is September 6!

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

4 Different Approaches for Kubernetes in the Enterprise
Twain Taylor

Introducing Konfig: A Kubernetes Friendly Rails Configuration Gem
Kasia Hoffman, Cloud 66

Knative serverless Kubernetes bypasses FaaS to revive PaaS
Beth Pariseau

Weighing the Cost of Improper DevSecOps
Bill Doerrfeld

VMworld 2019: VMware Goes All-In On Containers, Kubernetes And Multi-Clouds With Tanzu
Jeb Su

With Heptio and Pivotal, VMware Doubles Down on Kubernetes
Susan Hall

VMware is bringing VMs and containers together, taking advantage of Heptio acquisition
Ron Miller

Struggling to move workloads to the cloud? VMware’s new tech may be the perfect on-ramp
Matt Asay

Introducing Kubernetes Academy Brought to You by VMware—A Free Cloud Native Education Platform – Cloud Native Apps Blog
Marissa Bosche, VMware

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Craig Box, Kim McMahon, Lee Calcote and Michael Hausenblas