KubeWeekly #181
Published: August 22, 2019
The Headlines
Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.
rkt project archived
Chris Aniszczyk, CNCF
The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to archive the rkt project. All open source projects are subject to a lifecycle and can become less active for a number of reasons. In rkt’s case, despite its initial popularity following its creation in December 2014, and contribution to CNCF in March 2017, end user adoption has declined. The CNCF is also home to other container runtime projects: containerd and CRI-O, and while the rkt project played an important part in the early days of cloud native adoption, in recent times user adoption has trended away from rkt towards these other projects.
A journey from containerization to orchestration and beyond
Ivan Velichko
Despite the author’s disclaimer “The article is highly opinionated and the author is a total newbie to the topic”, the editor’s feel this is a good resource.
“What I’m trying to achieve in this ongoing effort is to guide myself starting from the lowest layers to the topmost ones, having as much practice (code, installation, configuration, integration, etc) and, of course, fun as possible. The content of this page is going to be changing over time, reflecting my understanding of the topic.”
The Technical
Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.
New versions of Kubernetes to fix HTTP/2 bugs
Micah Hausler, on behalf of the Kubernetes Product Security Committee
Cilium 1.6: KVstore-free operation, 100% kube-proxy replacement, Socket-based load-balancing and more
k3sup: from zero to KUBECONFIG in < 1 min
Alex Ellis
Containers 102: Kubernetes and the Basics of Container Orchestration
Joey D’Antoni
Kubernetes web UIs in 2019: introducing Kubernetes Web View
Henning Jacobs, Zalando
Hardware Accelerated Transcoding in Kubernetes with Intel Integrated Graphics
Brian Carey
Replica scheduling with Kubernetes federation
Sandor Magyari, Banzai Cloud
Proxying services into Kubernetes
Nandor Kracser
Running Kubernetes End-to-End Tests With kind And GitHub Actions
Radu Matei, Microsoft
How To Deploy a PHP Application with Kubernetes on Ubuntu 18.04
Amitabh Dhiwal, Digital Ocean
Upcoming webinars on cloud native technologies.
Building a Kubernetes Powered Central Modules Repository
Rimantas Mocevicius, Senior Solutions Developer @JFrog
Aug 22, 2019 09:00 AM PT
How to choose right proxy architecture for micro-services based application delivery
Pankaj Gupta, Senior Director – Cloud Native Apps @Citrix
Mikko Disini, Director Cloud Native Apps @Citrix
Aug 27, 2019 10:00 AM PT
Persistent cloud native Volumes on NVMe speed
Philipp Reisner, CEO @Linbit
Aug 28, 2019 10:00 AM PT
How Cilium uses BPF to Supercharge Kubernetes Networking & Security
Aug 29, 2019 10:00 AM PT
Tales of the Kubernetes Ingress Networking: Deployment Patterns for External Load Balancers
Damien Duportal, Traefik’s Developer Advocate @Containous
Sep 11, 2019 10:00 AM PT
KIND v0.5.0 is out! This one's been a long time coming, important bug fixes done ⚠️
— Benjamin Elder (@BenTheElder) August 20, 2019
Thank you to our contributors: https://t.co/ICzhmWIrzA
Shoutout to those that contributed in ways other than commits we merged, I appreciate all the help reviewing PRs, answering questions, …
The Editorial
Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.
How to explain Kubernetes Secrets in plain English
Kevin Casey
Pivotal CTO: Kubernetes means we’re all distributed systems programmers now
Joe Fay
Kubernetes Workloads in the Serverless Era: Architecture, Platforms, and Trends
Bilgin Ibryam
Solving 2 common deployment dilemmas in Istio
Jonathan Gold, Container Solutions
Orka, with Chris Chapman
Adam Glick and Craig Box
Flux Joins the CNCF Sandbox
Tamao Nakahara, Weaveworks
Kubernetes, Data Portability, and the Rise of Portable Stateful Applications
Niraj Tolia, Kasten
New addition to our Cloud Native family!
— Archy 🇨🇦 (@archyufa) August 20, 2019
apiVersion: v3
kind: boy
name: vidar
born: 16.08.2019
father: Archy
mother: Lily
replicas: 1
size: 50.5 cm
weight: 3070 gramm
– image: gcp/vidar:latest pic.twitter.com/TkpMMWpn12
KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Craig Box, Kim McMahon, Lee Calcote and Michael Hausenblas