
KubeWeekly #177

Published: July 25, 2019


The Headlines

Editor’s picks from the past week.

PODCAST Large Hadron Kubernetes at CERN, with Ricardo Rocha, Lukas Heinrich, and Clemens Lange
Adam Glick and Craig Box

Back in 2012, CERN announced one of its most important achievements; the discovery of the Higgs boson. This work led to the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics. Ricardo Rocha, Lukas Heinrich and Clemens Lang of CERN redid the data analysis on top of Kubernetes this year, which Ricardo and Lukas demonstrated at a keynote at KubeCon EU. All three join Adam and Craig for a short physics lesson and a view into computing at the largest scale, for particles at the smallest.

Kubernetes Deployments: The Ultimate Guide
Jérôme Petazzoni

Ready to deploy that app you’ve just “dockerized”? Here’s all you need to know about Kubernetes deployments to deliver your containers to production. This is a guest article by Jérôme Petazzoni, a former Docker engineer, speaker and creator of container.training.

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Build cloud-native apps faster for Kubernetes with Kabanero, a new open source project from IBM
Nate Ziemann, IBM

A deep dive into Kubernetes Federation v2
Sandor Magyari, Banzai Cloud

Avoid time-of-measurement bias with Prometheus
Lawrence Jones

Virtual Kubelet Turns 1.0 — Deep Dive
Brian Goff

Failure Injection using the Service Mesh Interface and Linkerd
Alex Leong, Buoyant

Secure Control of Egress Traffic in Istio
Vadim Eisenberg, IBM

Kubernetes, etcd and disk throughput
Ricard Bejarano

Kubernetes and Containers Best Practices – Health Probes
Mohamed Ahmed, Magalix

To Rook, or not to Rook, that’s Kubernetes

Introducing rbIAM: a unified AWS IAM & Kubernetes RBAC access control exploration tool
Michael Hausenblas, AWS

Preparing an application for Istio
Google Cloud

Kubernetes Journey — Up and running out of the cloud — flannel
Marcos Vallim

Automate Progressive Deployments to Kubernetes with Flagger and Linkerd
Stefan Prodan, Weaveworks

Post Mortem: Kubernetes Node OOM
Keilan Jackson, Blue Matador


Upcoming webinars on cloud native technologies.
Securing Cloud Native Communication, From End-User to Service

Daniel Bryant, Product Architect @ Datawire and Nic Jackson, Developer Advocate @ Hashicorp

Jul 25 @ 09:00 am – 10:00am PT


Application modernization and portability across clouds

Ravi Alluboyina, Senior Architect @ Robin.io

Jul 30 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

PODCAST Cloud Native Ops with Ansible and Kubernetes
Mike Pfeiffer and Chris Short

Kubernetes 2020: What’s in Store for Next Year and Beyond
Twain Taylor, TechGenix

Why we’re moving our agency, and clients, to Kubernetes
Jack Shedd, Mess

Why Did DevOps Become So Popular? 3 Theories
Chris Tozzi, Devops.com

Kubernetes by the numbers: 13 compelling stats
Kevin Casey, The Enterprisers Project

How to prepare and pass Certified Kubernetes Administrator(CKA) exam
Vladimir Belousov

Kubernetes Security 101 – Everything You Must Know to Secure k8s
Ajmal Kohgadai, StackRox

Tweets of the Week

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Craig Box, Kim McMahon, and Michael Hausenblas