
KubeWeekly #175

Published: July 11, 2019


The Headlines

Editor’s picks from the past week.

A Kubernetes and Distributed Systems Reading List
Your summer reading list compiled by Naadir Jeewa.

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Kubernetes productivity tips and tricks
Matthieu Lanvert, Padok

Building your own kubernetes CRDs – ITNEXT
Pongsatorn Tonglairoum

community/cherry-picks.md at master

Dissecting the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller – HAProxy Technologies
Zlatko Bratkovic

Video: Kubernetes Beyond
Andrea Tosatto


Upcoming webinars on cloud native technologies.
Tools and Techniques: Securing APIs in Kubernetes Environment

Ivan Novikov, CEO @Wallarm
July 11 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am PDT


Vitess: Running Sharded MySQL on Kubernetes

Sugu Sougoumarane, CTO and Cofounder PlanetScale
July 16 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Deploying Kubernetes in Highly Restrictive Environments
Oleg Chunikhin, Kublr

Building Secure Production-Ready Kubernetes Clusters and Containers, Part 1
Robert Stark, Container Journal

Building Secure Production-Ready Kubernetes Clusters and Containers, Part 2
Robert Stark, Container Journal

Graphical Tool for Deploying Kubernetes Gets Certified
Mike Vizard, Container Journal

A Look Back At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2019

To run or not to run a database on Kubernetes: What to consider
Benjamin Good, Google Cloud

An Inconvenient Truth of the Cloud Native World
Swapnil Bhartiya, TFiR

Tweet of the Week

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Kim McMahon, and Michael Hausenblas