
KubeWeekly #171

Published: June 13, 2019


The Headlines

Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.

Kubernetes at 5: Joe Beda, Brendan Burns, and Craig McLuckie on its past, future, and the true value of open source

Tom Kravitz
At a time when open-source enterprise software is at a crossroads, wracked by debates over licensing and monetization, Kubernetes stands as an unqualified success.


Upcoming webinars on cloud native technologies.
Security and Day 2 Operations with Harbor

Michael Michael, VMware

June 13 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am PDT


The State of Infrastructure, Architecture & Operations to Support Cloud-Native Applications

Avi Freedman and Jonah Kowall, Kentik
June 18 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Last Week on Kubernetes Development

Kubernetes basics: Learn how to drive first
Scott McCarty, Red Hat

Podcast: Service Mesh Interface
Lachlan Evenson, Microsoft

Linkerd and SMI
William Morgan, Buoyant

Why I no longer use Terraform for Templating Kubernetes
Christopher Stobie, Calm

10 YAML tips for people who hate YAML
Seth Kenlon, Red Hat

The Optimal Kubernetes Cluster Size? Let’s Look at the Data
Rob Hirschfeld, RackN

How to Deploy a Resilient Go Application to DigitalOcean Kubernetes
Elliot Forbes

How we built our hybrid Kubernetes platform
David Donchez, dailymotion

70 Best Kubernetes Tutorials
Aqua Security

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Kubernetes Advantage: Considerations for a Multi-Cloud World
Kip Compton, Cisco

Researchers Find 40,000+ Containers Exposed Online
Phil Muncaster, Infosecurity Magazine

How One of The Netherlands’ Largest Banks Came to CI/CD
B. Cameron Gain

Why containers and Kubernetes have the potential to run almost anything
Scott McCarty, Red Hat

IBM Open Sources Razee, a Pull-Based Kubernetes Continuous Delivery Tool
Mike Melanson

Container & Cloud Native Security: Sharing 3 Years of Experience
Dustin Aubrey, Aqua Security

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Kim McMahon and Michael Hausenblas