
KubeWeekly #158

Published: January 9, 2019


The Headlines

Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.

How Our Kubernetes Journey Saved Us $1 Million Dollars
Richard Sands, Autotrader & Carsguide

Early in 2018, the Autotrader & Carsguide engineering team embarked on a journey to revamp their infrastructure and tooling. The developer experience was far from where it needed to be. Learn how migrating to Circle CI/Kubernetes has given them a modern pipeline that the team can be proud of. The team can fix critical production issues in minutes, not hours.

Kubernetes Authorization via Open Policy Agent
Stefan Büringer, Daimler TSS

In a best-practice Kubernetes cluster every request to the Kubernetes APIServer is authenticated and authorized. Authorization is usually implemented by the RBAC authorization module. But there are alternatives and this blog post explains how to implement advanced authorization policies via Open Policy Agent (OPA) by leveraging the Webhook authorization module.

Monitoring Kubernetes, part 1: the challenges + data sources
Sean Porter, Sensu

Our industry has long been relying on microservice-based architecture to deliver software faster and safer. But, with that speed comes challenges — containers introduce a non-trivial level of complexity when it comes to orchestration. The first part of this series covers the challenges and the main data sources for monitoring Kubernetes.


Upcoming webinars on cloud native technologies.
What’s New in Kubernetes 1.13

Kubernetes 1.13 Release Team
January 10 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am PDT


Planet-scale ML workflows with advanced data management on Kubeflow

Vangelis Koukis, Arrikto
January 15 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.
Getting started with Knative Serving
Björn Wenzel, KoudingSpawn

Writing custom Kubernetes schedulers
Marton Sereg, Banzai Cloud

Kubernetes Federation Evolution
Irfan Ur Rehman, Huawei; Paul Morie, RedHat; Shashidhara T D, Huawei

Deploy your first scaleable PHP/MySQL Web application in Kubernetes
Adnan Siddiqu, Datahut

Application metrics in Istio
Mete Atamel, Google

Developing microservices with Kubernetes and Telepresence
Grzegorz Kocur, Softwaremill

Horizontal Pod Autoscale with Custom Prometheus Metrics
Zhimin Wen, ITNEXT

Distributed load testing with Gatling and Kubernetes
Anna Shepleva, De Bijenkorf

Using S3 As a Helm Repository
Chris Cooney, Sainsbury’s

Tooling Spotlight:

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation, with Dan Kohn
Craig Box & Adam Glick, Google

Practicing What We Preach, Benefiting From A Move To Kubernetes
Raquel Campuzano, Bitnami

Enterprise Kubernetes: 5 Insights from KubeCon 2018
Sirish Raghuram, Platform9

Cloud infrastructure for the Internet of Things: Kubernetes on solar plants
Daniele Polencic, learnk8s

The State of Kubernetes 2019
Oliver Thylmann, Giant Swarm

How Epic Games Uses Kubernetes to Power Fortnite Application Servers
Sean Michael Kerner, ServerWatch

From kitchens to Kubernetes: Bringing tech to the consumer at Williams-Sonoma
Alex Hickey, CIO Dive

Containers are a work in progress for some telcos
Mike Robuck, FierceTelecom

Containers Killed The Virtual Machine Star
Paul Teich, The Next Platform

Kubernetes: Scaling up solution for multiple services
Shubham Gupta, Failing Fast

KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Kaitlyn Bardnard and Michael Hausenblas