KubeWeekly #155
Published: November 7, 2018
The Headlines
Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.
The Beginner’s Guide to the CNCF Landscape
Ayrat Khayretdinov, CloudOps
The cloud native landscape can be complicated and confusing. Its myriad of open source projects are supported by the constant contributions of a vibrant and expansive community. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has a landscape map that shows the full extent of cloud native solutions, many of which are under their umbrella. This beginners guide to the cloud native landscape will help you understand the landscape and give you a better sense of how to navigate it.
gRPC Load Balancing on Kubernetes without Tears
William Morgan, Buoyant
Many new gRPC users are surprised to find that Kubernetes’s default load balancing often doesn’t work out of the box with gRPC. This blog post describes why this happens, and how you can easily fix it by adding gRPC load balancing to any Kubernetes app with Linkerd, a service mesh and service sidecar.
Who Is Running My Kubernetes Pod? The Past, Present, and Future of Container Runtimes
Phil Estes, InfoQ
Between the Open Container Initiative (OCI) and the Container Runtime Interface CRI, interoperability and choice is becoming a reality in the container runtime and orchestration ecosystem. Innovation in this space is allowing containers to use lightweight virtualization and other unique isolation techniques for increased security requirements.
Free eBook: The Enterprise Path to Service Mesh Architectures
Lee Calcote, Layer5
If you scratch your head at what a service mesh is and how they provide a necessary layer of services tooling distinct from API gateways and container orchestrators, download this free short book authored by one of our own Cloud Native Ambassadors – Lee Calcote. Be sure to visit Layer5.io for detailed survey of the service mesh landscape.
The Technical
Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.
Using Kubernetes ConfigMap Resources for Dynamic Apps
Jimmy Ray, Capital One
Helm from basics to advanced
Sandor Guba, Banzai Cloud
Kubernetes’ scheduling magic revealed
Jake Kitchener, IBM
Deploying Kubernetes clusters with kops and Terraform
Alberto Alvarez, Bench Accounting
Istio step-by-step Part 03 — Deploying an application with Istio in Kubernetes
Nethmini Romina, WSO2
Testing and Kubernetes
Matt Tyler, Mechanical Rock
Service Mesh with Envoy 101
Arvind Thangamani, ThoughtWorks
What version of Ceph would you like with that?
Travis Nielsen, Quantum Corp
Istio Routing Basics
Mete Atamel, Google
Tooling Spotlight:
- KRS: A new tool for gathering Kubernetes resource statistics – Zero-configuraton tool simplifies gathering information, such as how many pods are running in a certain namespace.
- turkenh/KubeContext — Menu Bar App for Managing Kubernetes Contexts on Mac.
- kubefwd – A utility to bulk port-forward all services on a namespace to your local workstation.
- hyper-kube-config – A secure Serverless API to store and retrieve Kubernetes cluster credentials.
By popular demand, we've bumped back the #CommunityAwards nomination period to FRIDAY (Nov. 9) 🎉 Don't miss your chance to recognize a deserving #cloudnative ambassador, maintainer and/or advocate 🌟🏆 https://t.co/Y8cpHs3w13 pic.twitter.com/XcrKgegnOV
— CNCF (@CloudNativeFdn) November 6, 2018
The Editorial
Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.
Scaling Kafka at Datadog with Kubernetes and Kafka-Kit
Balthazar Rouberol, Datadog
The Journey to Kubernetes
Anita Buehrle, Weaveworks
Exploring container security: running and connecting to HashiCorp Vault on Kubernetes
Seth Vargo, Google
You might not need Kubernetes
Jessie Frazelle, Microsoft
Embracing failures and cutting infrastructure costs: Spot instances in Kubernetes
César Tron-Lozai, learnk8s
Istio: The Enterprise Upgrade Path to Microservices
Luke Bond, Control Plane
Connect Everything: A Look at How NATS.io can Lead to a Securely Connected World
Colin Sullivan, NATS
An 8-minute introduction to K8s
Omer Hamerman, ProdOps
Running our infrastructure on autopilot!
Ibrahim Attwa, Magalix Corp
There are 3 public clouds left — Here’s why we’ll use all of them.
Sid Sijbrandij, GitLab
KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Kaitlyn Bardnard and Michael Hausenblas