
KubeWeekly #154

Published: October 31, 2018


The Headlines

Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.

Tips for Your First Kubecon Presentation – Part 1 (https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/10/18/tips-for-your-first-kubecon-presentation—part-1/)
Michael Gasch, VMware

With KubeCon quickly approaching in both Shanghai (November 13-15) and Seattle (December 10-13) and many community members presenting sessions, Michael Gasch shares his tips for preparing for your talk. These are great tips for anyone submitting to speak at conferences or preparing presentations, including how to submit a good talk, preparing for your presentation, and what to remember to do the day of.

Evolution of the Kubernetes Community, with Sarah Novotny (https://kubernetespodcast.com/episode/027-evolution-of-the-kubernetes-community/)
Craig Box & Adam Glick, Google

Sarah Novotny is Head of Open Source Strategy at Google Cloud and a board member of the Linux Foundation (the parent of the CNCF). She joins Craig and Adam to talk about the evolution of the Kubernetes community, governance models and Codes of Conduct, and how nascent open source communities can learn from it.

How do you keep up with Kubernetes? (https://dev.to/petermbenjamin/how-do-you-keep-up-with-kubernetes-2209)
Peter Benjamin, Teradata

The Kubernetes ecosystem is continuing to grow quickly, making it difficult to keep up with everything going on! In this post, Peter Benjamin shares his favorite resources to
stay current with Kubernetes and the greater ecosystem.
New Webinar: What’s New in Kubernetes 1.12

Kubernetes 1.12 Release Team
November 6 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT
REGISTER NOW » (http://bit.ly/2Dc8D6I)

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Meet kn—a Kubernetes native experience (https://hackernoon.com/meet-kn-a-kubernetes-native-experience-bd87239a11ff)
Michael Hausenblas, Red Hat

Why and how do we run Kubernetes on the Spot (https://medium.com/preply-engineering/why-and-how-do-we-run-kubernetes-on-the-spot-instances-c88d32fb9df3) instances (https://medium.com/preply-engineering/why-and-how-do-we-run-kubernetes-on-the-spot-instances-c88d32fb9df3)
Yurii Rochniak, Preply

Signing Helm Charts & Helm v3 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQC_yuVAAhM)
Matt Farina, Samsung SDS

Open Policy Agent v0.10 Release (https://blog.openpolicyagent.org/v0-10-release-277da41b9ed1)
Torin Sandall, Styra
Kubernetes the very hard way at Datadog (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dsCwp_j0yQ)
Rob Boll & Laurent Bernaille, Datadog

Tutorial: Blue/Green Deployments with Kubernetes and Istio (https://thenewstack.io/tutorial-blue-green-deployments-with-kubernetes-and-istio/)
Janakiram MSV, Janakiram & Associates

Understanding resource limits in Kubernetes: memory (https://medium.com/@betz.mark/understanding-resource-limits-in-kubernetes-memory-6b41e9a955f9)
Mark Betz, Olark

Modernizing Applications for Kubernetes (https://dev.to/digitalocean/modernizing-applications-for-kubernetes-1hon)
Hanif Jetha, DigitalOcean

SRE: Resiliency: (https://medium.com/dm03514-tech-blog/sre-resiliency-bolt-on-sidecar-rate-limiting-with-envoy-sidecar-5381bd4a1137) Bolt on (https://medium.com/dm03514-tech-blog/sre-resiliency-bolt-on-sidecar-rate-limiting-with-envoy-sidecar-5381bd4a1137) Rate Limiting using Envoy (https://medium.com/dm03514-tech-blog/sre-resiliency-bolt-on-sidecar-rate-limiting-with-envoy-sidecar-5381bd4a1137)

Tooling Spotlight:

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Journey to the CKA (https://suraj.pro/post/journey-to-cka/)
Suraj Narwade, Red Hat

How good is EKS vs GCE? (https://www.reddit.com/r/kubernetes/comments/9qg1wz/how_good_is_eks_vs_gce/)
Reddit Thread

Make an open source maintainer’s day with this one weird trick (https://changelog.com/posts/make-an-open-source-maintainers-day-with-this-one-weird-trick)
Jerod Santo, Changelog

Effectively Managing Kubernetes Resources with Cost Monitoring (https://medium.com/kubecost/effectively-managing-kubernetes-with-cost-monitoring-96b54464e419)
Webb Brown, kubecost

Introducing Multicluster-Controller (https://admiralty.io/blog/introducing-multicluster-controller/)
Adrien Trouillaud, Admiralty

Now Live: First Observability Practitioners Summit Schedule is Jam-Packed (https://www.cncf.io/blog/2018/10/18/observability-practitioners-summit-schedule/)
Kristen Evans, CNCF

Tips for Your First Kubecon Presentation – Part 2 (https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/10/26/tips-for-your-first-kubecon-presentation—part-2/)
Mchael Gasch, VMware

Apache Kafka on Kubernetes – Could you? Should you? (https://www.confluent.io/blog/apache-kafka-kubernetes-could-you-should-you?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)
Gwen Shapira, Confluent

The challenges of migrating 150+ microservices to Kubernetes (https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/the-challenges-of-migrating-150-microservices-to-kubernetes)
Sarah Wells, Financial Times

Multicloud (https://siliconangle.com/2018/10/17/get-ready-for-zero-trust-security-and-other-predictions-as-cloud-computing-dominates-the-2019-picture-predictionstech2019/) , software robots and Kubernetes will take off in 2019 (https://siliconangle.com/2018/10/17/get-ready-for-zero-trust-security-and-other-predictions-as-cloud-computing-dominates-the-2019-picture-predictionstech2019/)
Mark Albertson, SiliconANGLE


KubeWeekly is curated by ** Bob Killen (https://twitter.com/MrBobbyTables)
, ** Chris Short (https://twitter.com/ChrisShort)
, ** Kaitlyn Barnard (https://twitter.com/kaitlyn_barnard)
, and ** Michael Hausenblas (https://twitter.com/mhausenblas)