The Headlines

Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.

The History of Kubernetes & the Community Behind It (–the-community-behind-it/)
Brendan Burns, Microsoft

Kubernetes was recently recognized at OSCON, winning the 2018 Most Impact award. Kubernetes has come a long way in the past few years to help shape the cloud computing landscape. The success is a testament to the power and contributions of this amazing open source community. And the daily passion and quality contributions of our endlessly engaged, world-wide community is nothing short of humbling.

11 Ways (Not) to Get Hacked (
Andrew Martin, ControlPlane

Kubernetes security has come a long way since the project’s inception, but still contains some gotchas. Starting with the control plane, building up through workload and network security, and finishing with a projection into the future of security, here is a list of handy tips to help harden your clusters and increase their resilience if compromised.

How to Scale Microservices with Message Queues, Spring Boot, and Kubernetes (
Daniele Polencic, learnk8s

When you design and build applications at scale, you deal with two significant challenges: scalability and robustness. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build a Spring Boot application that sends and receives messages with JMS and deploy it to Kubernetes to scale your applications automatically.
New Webinar: What’s New in Kubernetes 1.11

Kubernetes 1.11 Release Team
July 31 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Feature Highlight: CPU Manager (
Balaji Subramaniam & Connor Doylem, Intel

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Kubernetes Operator (
Sandor Magyari, Banzai Cloud

Azure Functions on Kubernetes (
Asavari Tayal, Microsoft

NATS Operator: Integrating Kubernetes ServiceAccounts for operated NATS clusters (
Waldemar Quevedo, NATS

Hands-On CI/CD for Microservices With Jenkins X (
Sergio Martin, Gamesys

Deploying a Stateful Application on Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine (
Kristof Ivancza, RisingStack

Building an operator for Kubernetes with kubebuilder (
Philippe Martin, Anevia

Debugging a Java Rate Limiter Service using Telepresence and IntelliJ IDEA (

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Kubernetes Wins the 2018 OSCON Most Impact Award (
Brian Grant & Tim Hockin, Google

Creating an Effective Developer Experience on Kubernetes: CNCF Webinar Recap (
Daniel Bryant, Datawire

Build, deploy, manage modern serverless workloads using Knative on Kubernetes (
Mark Chmarny, Google

The Kubernetes Third-Year Anniversary Is Just the Beginning (
Ihor Dvoretskyi, CNCF

Reinventing the World’s Largest Education Company With Kubernetes (
Kim McMahon, CNCF

Kubernetes contributor experience (
Ryan Jarvinen, Red Hat

Why Kubernetes May Be Big Business For Solution Providers (
Joseph Tsidulko, CRN


KubeWeekly is curated by ** Ryan Quackenbush (
and ** Kaitlyn Barnard (