
KubeWeekly #136

Published: June 6, 2018


The Headlines

Editor’s picks of the highlights from the past week.

4 Years of K8s (https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/06/06/4-years-of-k8s/)
Joe Beda, Heptio

On June 6, 2014 the first commit of what would become the public repository for Kubernetes was checked in. Many would assume that is where the story starts. It is the beginning of history, right? But that really doesn’t tell the whole story. Joe Beda explains how Kubernetes got its start and how far its come over the past 4 years.

The Best CI/CD Tool for Kubernetes Doesn’t Exist (https://thenewstack.io/the-best-ci-cd-tool-for-kubernetes-doesnt-exist/)
Libby Clark, The New Stack

There is no single, best set of tools for continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) with Kubernetes — each organization will use the tools that are best suited for its specific use case. In this podcast, Ihor Dvoretskyi, Developer Advocate at CNCF, and Chris Short, DevOps consultant and CNCF Ambassador, talk about the trends they’re seeing in DevOps and CI/CD with Kubernetes.

Exploring Upgrade Strategies for Stateful Sets in Kubernetes (https://velotio.com/blog/2018/5/30/exploring-upgrade-strategies-for-statefulset-deployments-in-kubernetes)
Ajay Nemade, Velotio

Kubernetes provides a variety of controllers that define how pods are set up and deployed within the Kubernetes cluster. This blog dives into the Statefulset controller and its update feature, including different upgrade strategies such as Blue/Green and Rolling updates.
New Webinar: How to Gain Insights from Istio by Leveraging Tools like Prometheus, Jaeger and Cortex

Neeraj Poddar – Platform Lead, Aspen Mesh
June 12 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT
REGISTER NOW » (https://www.cncf.io/event/webinar-microservices-insights)

The Technical

Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.

Regional clusters in Google Kubernetes Engine are now generally available (https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2018/06/Regional-clusters-in-Google-Kubernetes-Engine-are-now-generally-available.html)
Weston Hutchins, Google

Announcing Terraform Support for Kubernetes Service on AWS (https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/hashicorp-announces-terraform-support-aws-kubernetes)
Anubhav Mishra, AWS

Getting started with Docker and Kubernetes on Windows 10 (https://learnk8s.io/blog/installing-docker-and-kubernetes-on-windows)
Keith Mifsud, Learnk8s

Get Kubernetes Logs with EFK Stack in 5 Minutes (https://akomljen.com/get-kubernetes-logs-with-efk-stack-in-5-minutes/)
Alen Komljen, Sematext

Private Kubernetes Cluster in Azure (Government) (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/mihansen/2018/06/01/private-kubernetes-cluster-in-azure-government/)
Michael Hansen, Microsoft

How to install a Kubernetes cluster on CentOS 7 (https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-install-a-kubernetes-cluster-on-centos-7/)
Jack Wallen, TechRepublic

Running akka-cluster on Kubernetes (https://blog.softwaremill.com/running-akka-cluster-on-kubernetes-e4cd2913e951)
Grzegorz Kocur, Softwaremill

How to deploy geographically distributed services on Kubernetes Engine with kubemci (https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2018/06/How-to-deploy-geographically-distributed-services-on-Kubernetes-Engine-with-kubemci.html)
Nikhil Jindal, Greg Harmon, Matthew DeLio, Google

Iterative Terraform Development with Skaffold and Kubernetes (https://hackernoon.com/iterative-terraform-development-with-skaffold-and-kubernetes-42cb6d60f7dc)
Oleksii Dzhulai, EPAMSystems

Kubernetes: Horizontal Pod Scaling (https://medium.com/@jonbcampos/kubernetes-horizontal-pod-scaling-190e95c258f5)
Jonathan Campos, Bottle Rocket Studios

The Editorial

Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.

Amazon EKS is generally available, bringing fully-managed Kubernetes to AWS (https://www.zdnet.com/article/amazon-eks-is-generally-available-bringing-fully-managed-kubernetes-to-aws/)
Stephanie Condon, ZDNet

CNCF Brings the Helm Package Manager for Kubernetes into the Fold (https://thenewstack.io/cncf-brings-the-helm-package-manager-for-kubernetes-into-the-fold/)
Joab Jackson, The New Stack

The biggest difference between OpenStack and Kubernetes is timing (https://architecht.io/the-biggest-difference-between-openstack-and-kubernetes-is-timing-720d31ef5035)
Derrick Harris, ARCHITECHT

Kubernetes and OpenStack solving AI complexities at scale (https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/06/04/kubernetes-and-openstack-solving-ai-complexities-at-scale)
Stephan Fabel, Ubuntu

Skaffold: happy Kubernetes workflows (https://ahmet.im/blog/skaffold/)
Ahmet Alp Balkan, Google

Helm moves out of Kubernetes’ shadow to become stand-alone project (https://techcrunch.com/2018/06/01/helm-moves-out-of-kubernetes-shadow-to-become-stand-alone-project/)
Ron Miller, TechCrunch

Telepresence Brings the Kubernetes Cluster to Developers (https://thenewstack.io/telepresence-brings-the-kubernetes-cluster-to-developers/)
Alex Handy, The New Stack

Portworx Aligns with AWS on Kubernetes (https://containerjournal.com/2018/06/06/portworx-aligns-with-aws-on-kubernetes/)
Mike Vizard, Container Journal

Kubernetes best practices: upgrading your clusters with zero downtime (https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2018/06/Kubernetes-best-practices-upgrading-your-clusters-with-zero-downtime.html)
Sandeep Dinesh, Google


KubeWeekly is curated by ** Ryan Quackenbush (https://twitter.com/RSQuackenbush)
and ** Kaitlyn Barnard (https://twitter.com/kaitlyn_barnard)