
KubeWeekly #129

Published: March 21, 2018


Highlights from the Links

  1. Running Apache Spark Jobs on AKS, Microsoft (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/spark-job)
    Apache Spark, a fast engine for large-scale data processing, now supports native integration with Kubernetes clusters as a scheduler for Spark jobs. In this article, Lena Hall (https://twitter.com/lenadroid) and Neil Peterson (https://github.com/neilpeterson) of Microsoft walk you through how to prepare and run Apache Spark jobs on an Azure Container Service (AKS) cluster. If you want to learn more about using Spark for large scale data processing on Kubernetes, check out this treehouse discussion video (https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/The-Open-Source-Show/Treehouse-discussion-submitting-Spark-jobs-using-Kubernetes-scheduler-on-AKS) .
  2. Introducing Agones: Open-source, Multiplayer, Dedicated Game-server Hosting Built on Kubernetes, Google (https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2018/03/introducing-Agones-open-source-multiplayer-dedicated-game-server-hosting-built-on-Kubernetes.html)
    In the world of distributed systems, hosting and scaling dedicated game servers for online, multiplayer games presents some unique challenges. Because Kubernetes is an open-source, common standard for building complex workloads and distributed systems, it makes sense to expand this to scale game servers. In this article, Mark Mandel (https://twitter.com/Neurotic) of Google introduces Agones, an open-source, dedicated game server hosting and scaling project built on top of Kubernetes, with the flexibility you need to tailor it to the needs of multiplayer games.
  3. 8 Ways to Bolster Kubernetes Security, TechBeacon (https://techbeacon.com/8-ways-bolster-kubernetes-security?es_p=6347322)
    Kubernetes can affect many runtime security functions, including authentication, authorization, logging, and resource isolation. Since it also affects the container runtime environment, it’s a crucial part of maintaining a secure container infrastructure. In this article, John P. Mello Jr. (https://twitter.com/jpmello) of TechBeacon explains 8 ways to help keep Kubernetes secure.
  4. Kubernetes from the Ground Up: Choosing a Configuration Method, OzNetNerd (http://upflow.co/l/VAGR/kubernetes-from-the-ground-up-choosing-a-configuration-method)
    Kubernetes’ configuration is simply a bunch of Kubernetes objects. In this article, Will Robinson (https://twitter.com/OzNetNerd) of Contino takes you through a quick look at what these objects are, and what they’re used for. You’ll walk through imperative commands, imperative objects, and declarative objects including what imperative vs. declarative means and what is right for your application.


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