
KubeWeekly #126

Published: March 1, 2018


Highlights From the Links

  1. How Kubernetes Became the Solution for Migrating Legacy Applications, Opensource.com (https://opensource.com/article/18/2/how-kubernetes-became-solution-migrating-legacy-applications)
    Kubernetes has become the go-to solution for container orchestration, helping organizations turn monolithic applications into manageable microservices. In this article, Swapnil Bhartiya (https://twitter.com/swapbhartiya) explains the history of Kubernetes, why more organizations are choosing open source technologies, and how Kubernetes is being used at companies like Ticketmaster to transition legacy applications to containers.
  2. Set up a Hyperledger Fabric development environment on Kubernetes, Medium (https://medium.com/kokster/set-up-a-hyperledger-fabric-development-environment-on-kubernetes-6428c63e018b)
    Hyperledger Fabric is platform for distributed ledgers. If you’re interested in developing chaincode and client applications, Kynan Rilee (https://twitter.com/ublubu) , creator of koki.io, walks you through how to do this with Hyperledger Fabric on Kubernetes. You’ll learn how to setup Fabric and deploy the right resource configurations to smoothly run your chaincode.
  3. Kubeless Tutorial – Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework, upnxtblog (https://www.upnxtblog.com/index.php/2018/02/26/kubeless-tutorial-kubernetes-native-serverless-framework/)
    Kubeless, a functions-as-a-service solution, leverages Kubernetes’ resources to give you all the benefits of auto-scaling, API routing, and more. This allows you to build applications without worrying about servers running the code. KarthiKeyan Shanmugam (https://twitter.com/karthi4india) will get you up and running with serverless by sharing how kubeless works and how to install it and get started.
  4. Dissecting Kubernetes Deployments, Heroku (https://blog.heroku.com/dissecting-kubernetes-deployments)
    Check out this great overview of Kubernetes deployments with Damien Mathieu (https://twitter.com/dmathieu) of Heroku. This article dives into some Kubernetes internals, focusing on deployments and gradual rollouts of new containers. From understanding the Kubernetes trigger-based environment to working with ReplicaSets, this post takes the complexity out of Kubernetes deployments.
  5. On Securing the Kubernetes Dashboard (https://blog.heptio.com/on-securing-the-kubernetes-dashboard-16b09b1b7aca)
    Recently Tesla (the car company) was alerted, by security firm RedLock, that their Kubernetes infrastructure was compromised. The attackers were using Tesla’s infrastructure resources to mine cryptocurrency. The vector of attack in this case was a Kubernetes Dashboard that was exposed to the general internet with no authentication and elevated privileges. Joe Beda (https://twitter.com/jbeda) of Heptio in his latest blog attempts to answer the question: How do you prevent this from happening to you?


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Recorded on February 22nd, 2018, all demonstrations were done live and in real-time.


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