
KubeWeekly #124

Published: February 15, 2018


Highlights From the Links

  1. Zero Downtime Deployment with Kubernetes, Rahmonov.me (http://rahmonov.me/posts/zero-downtime-deployment-with-kubernetes/)
    Finding a time to take your application offline to make an update is never easy. It can be nearly impossible to find a time that doesn’t affect at least some of your users, even when your developers work late nights and weekends to make it happen. In this article, Jahongir Rahmonov (https://twitter.com/rahmon0v) of Super Dispatch walks you through how to do a zero downtime deployment with Kubernetes to help avoid those late night and weekend releases.
  2. How Cloud Computing Is Changing Management, Harvard Business Review (https://hbr.org/2018/02/how-cloud-computing-is-changing-management)
    Cloud computing is arguably one of the most impactful technologies of our time with faster deployment times, decreased costs, and the introductions of cloud native software approaches. In this article, Quentin Hardy (https://twitter.com/qhardy) of Google Cloud explains how organizations are changing across the board from management to customer experience to adopt these new systems.
  3. 4 critical lessons DevOps admins can learn from Netflix’s container journey, TechRepublic (https://www.techrepublic.com/article/4-critical-lessons-devops-admins-can-learn-from-netflixs-container-journey/)
    With technology changing and evolving as quickly as it is, it can be difficult for organizations to re-write their applications as quickly as trends shift. In this article, Keith Townsend (https://twitter.com/CTOAdvisor) , The CTO Advisor, shares 4 important lessons that DevOps admins can learn from Netflix’s move to containers. From governance and choosing an orchestration platform, to container networking and infrastructure choices, these are interesting lessons for anyone embarking on their own container journey
  4. The Tale of Two Kubernetes, World Wide Technology (https://www2.wwt.com/all-blog/the-tale-of-two-kubernetes/?_lrsc=f78c856e-f16f-4a20-8045-3027280beb20≻_cid=701600000011zELAAY)
    Kubernetes is used for a wide variety of use cases from infrastructure to applications. While Kubernetes is a valuable tool to solve a variety of needs, the way you approach it will be very different based on your individual use case. In this article by William Caban (https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamcaban/) of World Wide Technology, you’ll learn about the “two Kubernetes” that many of these trends fit into and which category your environment falls into.


Blogs / Articles


  1. Deploying code changes to an app
  2. Deploying changes to Dockerfiles
  3. Deploying new microservices
  4. Changing subdomains
    all by using Github web UI


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