
KubeWeekly #122

Published: February 1, 2018


Highlights From the Links

  1. Q&A on Machine Learning and Kubernetes with David Aronchick of Google (https://www.infoq.com/news/2018/01/Kubecon-ml-aronchick)
    Machine learning has been gaining a lot of attention, especially at KubeCon in Austin, TX this past December. Rags Srinivas (https://twitter.com/ragss) of InfoQ sat down with David Aronchick, product manager at Google and contributor to Kubeflow, to discuss Kubernetes and machine learning. Take a look at how machine learning is changing businesses today, and how Kubernetes offers a common platform for deploying and running ML platforms at scale.
  2. Scaling Kubernetes to 2,500 Nodes (https://blog.openai.com/scaling-kubernetes-to-2500-nodes/)
    OpenAI (https://openai.com/about/) , has been running Kubernetes for deep learning research for the past two years. Kubernetes allows for fast iteration cycle, reasonable scalability, and lack of boilerplate making experimentation at OpenAI quick and easy. Learn how OpenAI scaled its Kubernetes clusters to more than 2,500 nodes on both the cloud and physical hardware, while remaining incident free for 90 days.
  3. Kubernetes Service Mesh (https://akomljen.com/kubernetes-service-mesh/)
    Hearing a lot about service mesh recently and wondering what your options are? On his personal blog, Alen Komljen (https://twitter.com/alenkomljen) of Semantext Group explains why service mesh is a critical component of cloud-native. From load balancing and service discovery to service monitoring and tracing, this is a great introductory post to check out if you’re interested in service mesh. Alen also dives into Conduit and Istio to showcase how these tools work.
  4. Riding the Unicorn: A Newbie Contributor’s Guide to Kubernetes (https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/newbies-guide-to-kubernetes/)
    Arun Gupta (https://twitter.com/arungupta) wrote this great guide on the AWS Open Source Blog for anyone who is interested in contributing to Kubernetes. The Kubernetes community is growing fast, with increasing opportunities for new contributors. Check out this guide for some ideas of where to start, from joining the conversation on Slack and community meetings to getting involved in a Special Interest Group (SIG) and much more.


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